Condensed List of Issues with the Message

A number of years ago, we received a sincere question in an email regarding the message of William Branham. We diligently tried to answer the question, but the results of our research raised a lot more questions. We spent several years researching these issues which in turn only raised more questions.

Our biggest problem was that no one in our church was prepared to sincerely consider our questions and try to answer them. We talked to many well known ministers that also followed William Branham, but they didn't have any answers either. A few of the more honest ministers actually admitted that we had stumbled onto some questions that they couldn't answer (at least in a way that reflected positively on William Branham). So we kept searching for answers.

What was important to us was the Bible and it has always been our sincere desire to follow Christ regardless of the cost. That is more important to us than family, friends or work. Our questions were driven by our desire to know Jesus Christ in his death, burial and resurrection.

What does the Bible say about sincere questions?

The Book of Acts contains numerous examples of Paul reasoning with the Jews in their synagogues about the Messiah. Paul was dealing with tough questions being put to him by Jews that did not believe the message of Christ.

When someone comes to us with a tough question, how are we supposed to respond?

But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear...[1]

...but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence...[2]

Instead, you must worship Christ as Lord of your life. And if someone asks about your Christian hope, always be ready to explain it. But do this in a gentle and respectful way.[3]

I am not sure why those in our church did not seem to believe or practice this verse, but we have found this attitude through out the message - message believers refuse to answer, or even discuss, our questions in an open and honest manner.

Our list of questions

The following is a master list of all of the issues and problems that have been raised by us and others in respect to William Branham and his message.

The purpose of this list is to provide a short concise summary of all known issues that can be used as a quick reference guide when discussing these concerns. Our aim is to provide a detailed explanation for each problem, and the research we have uncovered, when you click on them. To the extent that the specific problem does not link to anything, it simply means we have not had the time to research the issue as yet.

OUR PROMISE - If you are aware of any errors/problems/concerns that are not on this list, please let us know by email or by a message to us on our Facebook page. We will correct any factual errors as quickly as possible.

Step One - Take a deep breath

If you are a message believer, the list below is frightening. You may get angry. Some have become physically ill. They are going to raise a lot of questions. But please just take your time. Think about the questions that we are asking and the facts that we are presenting (click on the highlighted text to go to the specific research on an issue).

We are not expecting you to believe anything just because we are saying it. But what we have done is to provide all of the facts, quotes and references necessary to back up all of our research and observations. Study these things out for yourself. If you can find any errors in our research, we will change the information on our website - please, just let us know about it.

To the extent anyone in the message has sought to provide us with an explanation for, or specific solution to, a problem or concern that we have raised, we have listed these in the discussion of the issue. There have not been a lot of explanations to date that have been sent to us, and most of them are easily identified as being the product of Cognitive Dissonance (if you don't know what that is, please click on the link).

Finally, don't be afraid. The opposite of love is not hate, but fear. If you have doubts, they need to be resolved, and the only way to do that is to find out the truth. We wished that we had known these things years ago. And we are presenting them here so that you don't have to spend the years researching these issues that we did.

Problems with Prophecies and Visions

General Credibility Issues

Doctrinal/Biblical Issues

The following provide proof that William Branham departed significantly from the plain meaning of scripture:

Other Issues Relating to William Branham's Message

Doctrinal/Biblical Issues Taught by Message Churches

These doctrines may not have been taught directly by William Branham (or at least we have not found quotes yet) but are widely held by Message ministers/believers and are taught in a variety of message churches (please note that they may not be found in all message churches).

  • ALL message churches place the words of William Branham above or at least equal to the Bible.
  • Christians that believe the doctrine of the Trinity are lost
  • The use of red herring arguments when Failed Prophecies are pointed out (see video)
  • The message is Jesus Christ.
  • The doctrine of progressive revelation
  • Luke 20:4-8
  • Acts 3:21
  • Anti-Intellectualism
  • "Blind Faith"
  • Logic and the Message
  • Thinking is discouraged
  • If you don't believe the message, you are not going in the rapture.
  • Only ministers can handle the Word.
  • Your Pastor will take you through.
  • The Message is our Absolute. In other words - William Branham said it, I believe it, that settles it.
  • The Pastor is our Absolute or Your Pastor in his Office is always right.
  • Diminishing the Life and Ministry of Jesus Christ of two thousand years ago, as a result of Promoting the Jesus Christ of Today.
  • The focus on the message, removes the focus from the bible.
  • Rapturing Faith in on the Tapes.
  • Don't question. Don't argue. Don't Debate. Don't Discuss. Just give them a message book.
  • If they're Seed...
  • The church is the wife, the husband is the pastor
  • The KJV is the only inspired translation of the Bible.
  • "programs" are of the devil, so no-one does anything to help others through the church.
  • Missions are for people overseas, not the homeless down the street.
  • It's OK to preach against other churches who don't have the mighty revelation.
  • Deacons are glorified ushers and no longer redistribute wealth to the poor.
  • There's no higher order to reveal the Word than a prophet. The following is a quote of Luke Gibson - that is an elementary teaching in this message and a close look at the scriptures will declare God always reveals His Word by prophets (Amos 3:7).
  • Education is of the devil... but I know more than other Christians.
  • Everyone outside the message is foolish virgin
  • Legalistic teachings related to The Celebration of Christmas
  • People have made Jesus into a super man. Message believers are the sons of God and ultimately, don't need Jesus to be the sacrifice.

Message believers don't believe these WMB teachings

There are a few things that William Braham taught that followers of William Branham simply do not believe in any practical sense.


  1. 1 Peter 3:15-16 (KJV)
  2. 1 Peter 3:15-16 (NASB)
  3. 1 Peter 3:15-16 (NLT)
