Leaving The Message

    From BelieveTheSign
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    Click here to find out about our new book on William Branham - Under The Halo

    Humble Pie is a formal apology for publishing and distributing false doctrine, by the creators of this website. Until August 1, 2012 we published pro-Branham material. After this date, we had over 80 Message Churches drop their links to our site.
    We left to follow Christ, and you can too. Watch the vide testimonies of eight message believers who left the Message to follow the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
    If you need help. If you are in the agonizing process of questioning or even leaving the Message of the Hour, we want to help you. The purpose of this website is not to ridicule the message and it is not to throw rocks at William Branham. Our true purpose is to show those that are questioning the message that there is a deeper understanding of the Gospel and a closer relationship with Jesus Christ that is available for them.
    Here we stand, corrected: Here are the names of over 50 people who are making the following declaration:
    In the past we believed that William Branham was Elijah the Prophet in fulfillment of Malachi 4:5. We apologize to anyone we may have affected as we lived and shared this false doctrine. We realize now that we minimized the power of Jesus' death on the cross to completely save the lost, and replaced it with faith in a man. We also realize that we minimized the power of the Holy Spirit in our churches, our lives, and in the lives of others. Today, we acknowledge faith in Christ alone, and we ask for your forgiveness.
    Read some of our Guest Articles:
    Research Sources for William Branham and His Message. If you are interested in finding out more information about William Branham and his message, this page should help you.
    Research Sources After The Message. If you want to grow in your Christian faith, we have been benefited by the ministries in the link provided. One difference from the Message is that we are not looking to a man to lead us. We are not trying to replace William Branham. Rather, these resources have helped us in coming to grips with the problems we developed while in the Message, and finding overcoming power (by God's Grace) through prayer and the wisdom of others.
    The Status of Message Believers. In a Message children's song, the Devil is told to "burn with fire and I DON'T CARE!" We have been treated like the devil since leaving the message. Some worse than others. But being called Judas, Beelzebub, Dathan and Cora by different people in one week is pretty common. But what do we think of Message Believers? Here's your chance to find out what we think of you!

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