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    This article is a formal apology for publishing and distributing false doctrine.

    But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God. ~ John 3:21

    From the start, the purpose of has been to provide evidence to support truth. At the outset, the truth being supported was that William Branham was Elijah the Prophet in fulfillment of Malachi 4:5 and Revelation 10:7. In the fall of 2011, we changed the main scripture reference of the website to “Jesus Christ the same yesterday and today and forever” (Hebrews 13:8) in order shift the focus of the site clearly onto Jesus Christ.

    The driving force being this change is that we have found a number of significant issues with the evidence supporting William Branham’s prophetic ministry as he proclaimed it. At the same time, we have not found any significant issues with the evidence supporting the healings and word of knowledge that brought attention to William Branham’s ministry.

    Humble Pie "If you find that the evidence on this site has misled you in the past, we apologize."

    In 1963, William Branham said:

    If I say anything that you don't believe, why, do it just like I do when I'm eating cherry pie. I love cherry pie. But when I hit a seed, I never throw the pie away; just throw the seed away. So you do the same thing. Eating chicken, when you hit the bone, you don't throw the chicken away, you just throw the bone away. If I say something you don't believe, just throw the bone away. (Conferences, June 8, 1963, Tucson, Arizona).

    What you now read on should be an accurate historic account of William Branham’s life. By bringing to light supportable evidence, we hope that you find yourself in a better position to separate any pits from the pie.

    However, there is another analogy that concerns us even more.

    In 1965 William Branham said:

    We're in the last days. We're standing near the judgment. Why? They're trying to eat old manna that fell back yonder fifty years ago, the Pentecostal church. …They're trying to eat old manna. Oh, brother, that stuff is stagnated. It's contaminated. It's got…wiggle-tails in it, maggots. It'll kill you, to eat it. (Trying to do God a service, Jeffersonville, Indiana, July 18, 1965)

    While our responsibility is simply to present the truth in love, our concern is that fifty years later, the beauty of William Branham’s ministry has been consumed by impurities that were always present in his ministry. Some of these items are described in the following pages. Why it took so long for these things to surface is not clear.

    If you find that the evidence on this site has misled you in the past, we apologize.

    Thankfully, humble pie is always fresh.

    Pray for us: for we trust we have a good conscience, in all things willing to live honestly. ~ Hebrews 13:18

    Good Articles
    …approve things that are excellent; that ye may be sincere and without offence till the day of Christ. ~ Philippians 1:10

    From our perspective, the information in the following links continues to provide good evidence that the healing and word of knowledge ministries of William Branham were genuine:

    The following books are also good information on the healings and miracles that followed William Branham’s ministry:

    The various prayers linked to the healing lines article are also accurate historic accounts. These provide evidence to the accuracy of the word of knowledge. Based on the confirmation of the testimonies above, we do not have any reason to doubt that God honored these prayers with real healing. As you can read for yourself if you look at these articles, you will find that these people were healed by believing on the name and sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

    Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; ~ Hebrews 12:1-2

    Problems With Prophecies
    Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail ~ I Corinthians 13:8a

    The following list contains the articles on Believethesign of prophecies made by William Branham. Beside the prophecy is a short summary of an issue that calls into question the validity of the prophecy. Some of these prophecies may still come to pass, while others cannot because they are in the past. The sad situation is it appears that William Branham was “hit some, miss some” with his prophecies.

    Municipal Bridge

    Based on all public information available, there is no record of anyone dying during the construction of the Louisville Municipal Bridge (now called the George Rogers Clark Memorial Bridge).
    Photo: The USS Arizona sinks in Pearl Harbour on December 7, 1941. In 1960 William Branham said, I speak this in the Name of the Lord. The president which now is, President Franklin D. Roosevelt... will cause the whole world to go to war... took America to England's tea party. That's right. Germany never picked on us; we picked on them, throwed the whole world into a war, to cause a world war.

    Franklin D. Roosevelt

    Part of William Branham’s 1933 prophecy was that FDR would pick on the Germans, lead the world to war, and run for four terms. While Roosevelt was inaugurated four times, he did not pick on the Germans and followed the world to war after provocation by the Japanese. William Branham called Franklin D. Roosevelt a “rascal” in 1960, which indicates that he just did not like him.

    Heavenly Vision

    William Branham published a tract entitled “I Was Not Disobedient To The Heavenly Vision”, in which he outlines the vision that started his commission. The problem is that this vision is not the angelic commission that he tells about in his recorded sermon titled “I Was Not Disobedient To The Heavenly Vision”. Piles of bread, a tent, and a tabernacle of people that would not eat the bread are later forgotten, and replaced with an Angel. No reconciliation is ever provided.

    Mussolini invades Ethiopia

    Part of William Branham’s 1933 prophecy was that Mussolini would rise to power, become a dictator, invade Ethiopia, and come to a disgraceful end. According to the vision, the invasion of Ethiopia would be his last. By 1933, Mussolini had already been a dictator for at least 8 years (he had already risen to power). His invasion of Ethiopia ended in May 1936 and was immediately followed by involvement in the Spanish Civil War starting in July 1936. During WWII, Italian troops helped Germany conquer France, and invaded Sudan, Kenya, British Somaliland, Egypt, Belgium, Greece, and the Soviet Union.

    Hitler and WWII William Branham mentions that this vision was “Thus Saith the Lord”, and that he wrote it down in 1933. This creates a problem as he identifies the Maginot Line, and says the vision occurred 11 years before it was fulfilled.

    Russia and the three ...isms

    Part of William Branham’s 1933 prophecy was that the three major “isms” of the world (Fascism, Nazism or Communism) would roll into communism, and then Russia would wind up in Catholicism. He prophesied that Communism would then burn the Vatican, and bring a persecution that would send Jesus Christ to the earth again.
    • Unless Communism returns to Russia, an “ism” will not burn the Vatican.
    • It makes no sense for Communism to wind up in Catholicism, and then burn the Vatican.
    • In 1955 and 1961, William Branham said that these three isms were the three unclean spirits of Revelation 16:13. In 1965, William Branham said the three unclean spirits of Revelation 16:13 was the doctrine of the Trinity. It is unlikely that both explanations are correct.

    Driverless Cars

    While Google has recently received a license for autonomous driving in Nevada, the Nissan Cube, Toyota Scion, and Kia Soul indicate that cars and concept cars are no less round today than in the 1950s. However, when William Branham told this prophecy, he said it had “already happened”. Looking at articles in popular magazines of the 1950s, it is possible to find written and artistic concepts of driverless, egg-shaped, electronic vehicles by the time William Branham publicly disclosed this prophecy in 1956 (egg shape) 1957 (driverless) and 1960 (electronic).


    While it sounds like a modern prophecy, women have been wearing fig-leaves since, well, Eve. Fertility goddesses have existed in almost every historic pagan religion, the nations around Israel often worshipped with temple prostitutes, and the Vatican has celebrated its holiness with statues of naked people for hundreds of years. A prophecy on the decline of morals in women is sensational, but misleading. Solomon said, “there is no new thing under the sun”, and the morality of the human race has never been great. Also, this part of the vision was never mentioned until 1964.

    Rise of a Woman in America

    There are a number of ways this prophecy could come to pass. Be it a physical woman, the Catholic church, or the women’s vote, this vision is sufficiently vague that it is likely to come to pass. In fact, William Branham indicated that this may have been fulfilled with JFK (a Catholic) in the White House.

    America in Ashes

    Every major empire in history has fallen, and it is likely that one day America will fall as well. The timing of this would be more helpful. However, 1977 didn’t happen as predicted.

    New Albany Prophecy

    The only source of this prophecy is William Branham. We have not found any third-party verification that this prophecy took place.

    Ohio river flood

    The only source of this prophecy is William Branham. We have not found any third-party verification that this prophecy took place.

    Star of light

    The Houston photograph appears to vindicate William Branham's statements in the 1940's that a "pillar of light" followed his ministry. However, the photographer's statement that it was a 'supernatural' light is based on William Branham's own recorded statement.

    Kari Holma

    While this prophecy was not recorded on the tapes, a boy was raised from a critical/dead state based on the testimonies of people who accompanied William Branham in Finland.

    Rattlesnake Mesa

    William Branham said that a group of angels met him during a hunting trip to “Sunset Mountain”, and pointed to a picture of a cloud published in the May 1963 issue of Life magazine as a testimony of this event. From the testimonies of his hunting companions Gene Norman and Fred Sothman, William Branham was on Rattlesnake Mesa a week after the photo of the cloud was taken when they heard a boom like a sonic blast. Regardless of how spiritual it sounds, William Branham was not on Sunset Peak when the cloud appeared. The “profile” of William Branham on the side of Rattlesnake Mesa resembles a face, but it is not necessarily an accurate profile of William Branham. William Branham’s retelling of the events related to this hunting trip and the appearance of the cloud are so inconsistent with each other, that it appears he stretched the story. This removes confidence in his testimony and, ultimately, in the sermons on the Seals that followed.

    World Council of Churches

    This prophecy appears to be an interpretation of the wording in the book of Revelation, as opposed to a formal prophecy.

    Destruction of Los Angeles

    There were numerous prophecies of LA sinking in Pentecostal circles in the 1950s, including the prophecy of Joseph Brandt originally published in 1937. William Branham would have known of these prophecies, and his own prophecy only occurred as late as 1965. Even in popular culture, the risk of LA sinking was known and discussed, as evidenced by the April 1, 1957 issue of Time Magazine that reports on this topic in detail. In this regard, the sinking of Los Angeles may still happen.
    William Branham also compared the sinking of Los Angeles to the sinking of Capernaum. However, Capernaum did not sink but was simply abandoned, and its ruins are still on the shore of the sea of Galilee to this day.

    Florida under water

    This prophecy has not been fulfilled to date. Also, a lot of Message believers live in Florida, and are apparently undaunted by this prophecy.

    Destruction of the Vatican

    This prophecy appears to be an interpretation of the wording in the book of Revelation, as opposed to a formal prophecy.

    If William Branham was not accurate with even one of his prophecies, then this calls into question his authority as an infallible prophet. Some of these prophecies may still come to pass, but they are appear to be “hit some, miss some” and not something you can trust.

    And if thou say in thine heart, How shall we know the word which the LORD hath not spoken? When a prophet speaketh in the name of the LORD, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the LORD hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him. ~ Deuteronomy 18:21-22

    Doctrines that can be supported by the Bible
    These are not the words of him that hath a devil. Can a devil open the eyes of the blind? ~ John 10:21

    Here are a number of William Branham’s doctrines on that can be supported from the Bible. However, opposing views can be supported from the Bible as well. These teachings should not necessarily be dismissed simply because they are not Orthodox or traditional. Additionally, Orthodox or traditional teachings should not be defended if they cannot be supported from the Bible.

    Healing lines

    Jesus died for your salvation, and suffered for your healing. Accepting his sacrifice results in spiritual and physical blessings that are confirmed by scriptures.

    Water baptism

    The early church baptized (immersed) new converts in the Name of Jesus Christ. The book of Acts confirms this. In practice, however, William Branham would quote Jesus’ commandment to baptize in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit prior to baptizing in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ (unless the individual was already baptized in Titles).

    The Godhead

    The problem with William Branham’s teaching on the Godhead is that you can find quotes of William Branham clearly teaching both the Trinity or Oneness doctrines, and then denouncing both doctrines as false. The article on the Godhead that you will find on this site outlines a doctrine based on William Branham’s “body/spirit/soul” teachings, and is a bridge between traditional Trinitiarian and Onesness beliefs – which is where William Braham described his doctrine. Historically, this teaching is close (but not identical) to Swedenborg’s explanation of the Godhead that John Wesley ridiculed.

    The Serpent's Seed

    William Branham taught that Cain and Abel were twins, yet Adam was the father of Abel and the Serpent was the father of Cain. While this doctrine can be supported by the scriptures (and others can refute it from the scriptures), it does not have any “salvation” component. The good thing is that even if you could trace your lineage back to Cain, Jesus still died for your salvation.


    William Branham preached against alcohol his whole life, and then was killed by a drunk driver.


    This site also includes a study based on William Branham’s teachings on Angels.

    Seven Church Ages, Seven Seals, Mystery Babylon

    These articles each present an interpretation of scripture as preached by William Branham in the 1960's. I can no longer say with confidence that these doctrines were taught to him by an angel, although I can say with confidence that much of it comes directly from Clarence Larkin’s published dispensational teachings.
    Studying the church ages is a great way to learn Church history. Some items you may learn while studying the Church Ages as taught by William Branham are:
    • The fourth church age messenger (Columba) died before the start of the fourth church age, and had a ministry as supernatural as William Branham’s ministry.
    • How the white horse rider has moved throughout Church history, which will help you identify how it is moving in message churches today.
    • The dates of the church ages are copied from Clarence Larkin's books.
    • Charles Taze Russell (the founder of the Jeohvah Witnesses) was the first person to assign names to the Church Age Messengers (including himself as the Laodicean Messenger).

    These teachings remain on our site as we believe they present a reasonable interpretation of the Bible (though there are other reasonable interpretations as well).

    If you are curious as to a sample of William Branham’s doctrines that we feel cannot be supported by scripture (and that you won’t find on this site, hopefully), they include but are not limited to:

    • God only deals with one prophet at a time,
    • Noah started building the ark after he saw Enoch go in a Rapture,
    • Enoch was a type of the wise virgin, and Noah was a type of the foolish virgin,
    • A seven letter word ending in “ham” is evidence of a spiritual man.
    But solid food is for the mature, for those who have their powers of discernment trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil. ~ Hebrews 5:14

    Prophecy of his passing
    And this word, Yet once more, signifieth the removing of those things that are shaken, as of things that are made, that those things which cannot be shaken may remain. ~ Hebrews 12:27

    In early 1964, a prophecy was communicated to William Branham that he would pass off the scene before the end of 1965 because of an error he would make. We have researched this prophecy as detailed by Kenneth Hagin and Gordon Lindsay’s wife Freda, and found it to be accurate enough to cause concern.

    If you have evidence that you are willing to share that can answer any of the following questions, we would love to move any of these items from “serious problems” to “good evidence”, or update our summary of specific prophecies.

    And if the prophet be deceived when he hath spoken a thing, I the LORD have deceived that prophet, and I will stretch out my hand upon him, and will destroy him from the midst of my people Israel. ~ Ezekiel 14:9

    Where do we stand now?

    Here are some simple questions and answers that will outline the perspective of the editors of

    • Was William Branham a Christian?
    • Are Message Believers Christians?
    • Did William Branham have the gift of healing?
    • Did William Branham have the gift of knowledge?
    • Did William Branham have the gift of prophecy?
    • Are William Branham's prophecies reliable?
    • Was William Branham the fulfillment of Malachi 4:5?

    • Yes.
    • Yes.
    • Yes.
    • Yes.
    • Not to the extent he claimed he did.
    • No.
    • No.

    William Branham seemed to really, really wbant to be an Old Testament-style prophet. Sadly, the Old Testament prophets were not able to live up to the law that they were under. Solomon had the gift of wisdom, but ended up worshipping false gods. Samson had the gift of strength, but ended up powerless to temptation. Even Moses and David had faults that got them in trouble with God. ]

    To become an Old Testament prophet, William Branham had to start teaching the law. He began focusing on outward conformation to the “rules” in the Bible (tithing, hair, divorce), and eventually left the weightier matters.
    Let's be simple Christans who believe in Jesus - his death, his resurection, and his power. A "mighty revelation" won't do us any good if we don't have the love of Jesus Christ, and love for others.
    Some followers of William Branham even preach a "Third Testament" doctrine, which replaces grace with revelation. A month before his passing, William Branham was teaching that Elijah was Jesus Christ. He had defined God into the box of his own life, and appears to have started exalting himself over the church of God.

    Today, if you go into a message church, you will often hear a fair Christian sermon. However, the sermon will likely end with a focus on outward conformity (proper clothes, hair, doctrine, pray more, be more sincere), the “vindications” (stories about his healing and discernment ministry) or comparisons (such as, "I’m glad we’re not like secular Christians who aren’t saved by knowing Message doctrine, like we are"). You will also find people who just can’t seem to conform to the preaching, others who can willingly meet all the rules but don’t understand why, and people who need (but are unable to access) the healing of the 2nd pull.

    The sad part is that these people are all Christians who have simply forgotten the power of faith in Jesus’ atonement, and replaced it with faith in a gifted man.

    William Branham said that every man will get caught by money, power or women. For him, what originated as a gift of healing became a display of power over diseases, which seems to have ultimately led to a desire for dominion over the church through his “my way or the highway” preaching.

    So, William Branham’s life may more closely parallel Solomon’s life, or Samson’s life, than Elijah’s life.

    The main question is where do we go from here? The answer is back to the grace of the New Testament covenant. Sound strange? If so, it’s because we as message believers haven’t realized (or forgot) that it was Jesus’ blood, and not William Branham’s doctrine, that has kept us clean before God. Even though we really know that in our hearts, we haven’t let it permeate our being like the scriptures teach.

    So, this letter is an encouragement to get back to our first love, Jesus Christ, and the Good News of his grace.
