
    From BelieveTheSign

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    A comprehensive and objective examination of the life and message of William Branham.
    740 articles
    William Branham


    For Message Believers

    Help if you have left the message

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    Why do sincere Christians leave the message?

    His Prophecies and Visions

    Was William Branham honest?

    William Branham's Teachings

    The "Message of the Hour"

    We pray that the contents of this website would speak to your soul, and lead you closer to Jesus Christ.

    Click here if you have questions, need help, or just want someone to talk to.
    Have you heard the OFF THE SHELF podcast??
    When a follower of William Branham's message has a difficult question, particularly where William Branham and the Bible appear to be in disagreement, it is common to hear message ministers advise them to put it "on the shelf".

    Why are people continuing to leave the message in unprecedented number? Come listen to interviews with former message ministers such as Jeff Jenkins and James Rozak, as well as the authors of websites such as, as they tell their stories of why they could not continue to follow the message of William Branham. The Off The Shelf podcast is about taking important scriptural issues "off the shelf" and examining what it means to be a true follower of Jesus in the context of scripture and the message of William Branham.
    Click here

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    Grace, mercy, and peace, which come from God the Father and from Jesus Christ—the Son of the Father—will continue to be with us who live in truth and love. (2 John 1:3 NLT)