William Branham's View of Himself

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    What do you think?

    The statements by William Branham included in these articles are so strong, they force you to make a conclusion.

    (a) Will you accept William Branham's statements and conclude that he was God himself - greater than Jesus, equal to the Holy Spirit, infallible, and above reproach?

    (b) Or will you conclude that William Branahm was delusional.

    There is no middle ground, because to compromise these statements requires you to deny William Branham's own words. It's time to choose: is William Branham's word Infallible, or was his message fallible?

    This article is one in a series of studies on the doctrines of William Branham that pointed to himself - you are currently on the article that is in bold:

    Who did William Branham think that he was? What did he think of his own ministry?

    God could only help you through William Branham

    And I want all you dear people, setting out in the audience there, I want you to believe me with all your heart. Now remember, that’s the only way I can help you. How many believes God? Let’s see your hands. How many believes the Son of God? Believes the Holy Spirit? That’s fine. That’s good. But now, friends, you can believe that, which you have to, to be a Christian. You have to believe in God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost in order to be a Christian. But believing that still won’t help you in this gift. You’ve got to believe that I’ve told you the truth, not believe me as Them, but believe that They have sent me for this purpose.

    Now, you could be a renowned Christian, and fail to believe what I’ve told you to be the truth, and you’d never be able to reap a bit of benefit from it. Now, I’m sorry to have to say that, but it’s the truth.

    When Jesus was on earth, the people that killed him, believed in God the Father, and were great worshippers of God. Is that right? But He could not help them, because they did not believe in Him. Is that right? And He said with His Own mouth, “As you have believed in God, believe also in Me.” Is that right? Now, if you have believed in God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, I want you to believe that He sent me here to pray for you, and He will testify whether He has or not. And if He testifies, then you believe it.[1]

    He did not rebuke people who bowed before his photograph

    Little Sister Burns, that rests with God tonight, was standing in her home, took that little picture with the Angel of the Lord on the top of it, and knelt down before It and said, "O God, help me to find Brother Branham for my dear husband." (April 7, 1957, William Branham, Sermon: Then Jesus Came)

    He said he was the Holy Ghost

    We have had Message Believers tell us that William Branham was the Holy Ghost. We assume that they base this on quotes such as:

    The only thing, that, we're so dull in faith, till we fail to see Him. That's the reason God sends prophets to the earth. See, people won't read their Bible. And they--they don't. They just go, so God always sends them a sign. And usually a prophet is a sign. See? And today the Holy Ghost is our Sign, 'cause He is God's Prophet moving through us. He is God's Prophet, a Sign of the last days.[2]

    He claimed to do things that Jesus could not do

    Only God himself could be greater than Jesus. Because of this, people like Fred Sothmann believed that William Branham was God the Father because William Branham could create squirrels, and knew the mystery of the Seventh Seal.

    “Jesus never mentioned it…John couldn’t write of it …I’m going to tell you my revelation of it…Jesus said…He didn’t know it, Himself. Said, ‘Only God’ would know it.” (William Branham, the Seventh Seal)

    If you disagreed with him you were blaspheming the Holy Spirit

    ...She said, "Reverend Branham, if I want somebody, talk to me about like that, I'll get somebody that's got some sense; not you." I said, "Very well. I have done all I can do. Remember, sister, you--if you blaspheme the Holy Ghost, you'll never be saved."[3]

    Remember, let me tell you, THUS SAITH THE SPIRIT OF GOD that's on me, this is the last sign to the Gentile church before the rapture. THUS SAITH THE WORD OF GOD, THUS SAITH THE HOLY SPIRIT that speaks, that, knows the secret of the heart, THUS SAITH THE LORD, you are receiving your last call.

    Call Me fanatic if you wish to and blaspheme the Holy Ghost.[4]

    He said he was born a prophet

    I do not believe this... Since you're small audience tonight, I'm going to make a confession. I do not believe that God ever intended a gift of this type to be used for these type of meetings. Because it's--it's--it's done a great work. And it is a Divine gift. God, Who is my solemn Judge, Who I stand here, knows that I'm truthful to you. I believe God's proved that to you, just that it's truthful.

    Now, I--I believe that it was borned as--as a prophetic utterance. Oh, many people call it one thing, and another thing, and so forth. I don't know what it is, just so the Lord loves me, and I love Him, and settles it with me. Don't have to be anything, call it anything, just so it gets the results for the Lord Jesus and for His people. That's the main thing. It has caused many others, Brother Roberts for one, Brother Jaggers, most all of them, they come set right where you're setting. They seen the Lord working; it inspired their faith, and said, "Here we go." And they went out and done something for the Lord. I hope there's fifty comes out of this meeting the same way. That's right. Go out and do something. It's all for the Kingdom of God, all for His Glory. [5]

    He said he was an Old Testament Prophet in the New Testament

    They'd always go down and find out where this prophet was. A seer means--a seer means to either "foretell or tell forth," he is a seer that sees things that's going to happen. And he predicts it to the people. And the Bible said, "If it doesn't come to pass, then don't you hear him." It has to be every time. God cannot fail, see. "And if it doesn't come to pass," then He said, "He wasn't with that person." So upon that, the people knew that the Word of the Lord was with this seer that He had, the Old Testament seers. [6]

    Now the Holy Spirit doesn't change that trend.

    Now, see, I never said I was a prophet; he said it. And the prophet, the word prophet, "seer," Old Test-... Now, the English version of prophet means "a preacher." But the Old Testament seer was a man who had "the Divine interpretation of the Word," and was proven by the Word coming to him and foreseeing it. That was what...[7]

    But, Lord, You promised that You would be the Word, and You are the Word. "And I will come to you, and make Myself known unto you." We find that Your systems, Your system, never changes. When You come in the Old Testament, You said, "The Word came to the prophets." And when It did, they prophesied and It come to pass, because It was God. [8]

    He did it at the beginning; He does it same today. Each one of the prophets was separated from unbelief. They, reason they did that, is because the Word of the Lord came to them. Now, I believe in a night, somewhere, perhaps was here Sunday or last night, that I was speaking what the word "seer," in the Old Testament, meant. It meant a man, "a diviner, a man that would tell the future events that were coming to pass." And then when they come to pass exactly, without failure, come to pass exactly what he said, then God said, "Listen to this man, or hear him, fear him, for I am with him." Then he had the Divine interpretation of the written Word, for that was his credentials of identification, that he was God's prophet and the Word come to him. That's right. [9]

    When God makes a promise and God says... In--in the beginning, in Genesis, He lotted His Word to each age as It come down from the beginning to the end. And, down through these ages, the church world has got all these things all mixed up by traditions, and so forth, and God always sends on the scene, down through the Old Testament and New, prophets! And the Word of the Lord comes to the prophet. [10]

    But when you see the man speaking what's going to happen, in the Name of the Lord, and it happens day in and out, week in and out, month in and out, year in and out, then you know that come from God. See? That's God's credentials to the man, that he is the interpreter of the written Word for that day, because God sent the man to do it. If the churches only had some good, sound teaching on these things, see, they would understand It.

    ...I hope that my class under-... Do you understand what I mean? Raise you hand so... See? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] And, understand, you must understand. Friend, This is your Life. See? This is your Life. Yes.

    His credentials is that God has a vindicated this person to be a seer. Now the English word, a prophet, just means a "preacher." See? Anybody, every preacher is a prophet, 'cause he is foretelling something. Preaching the Word, under inspiration, is called a "prophet."

    But in the Old Testament, they were more than that, they were seers. See? They were man who told things that was coming to pass, and it happened. That give him the rights to be the--the interpreter of the Word for that day, because God took the Word of that day and interpreted It, Himself, through that man. And that's what he come on the earth for, he is always a sign, when a prophet comes to the earth. Just watch as we go through it, and see if it isn't so. He always sends His prophet. When you see a prophet rise on the scene, [Brother Branham snaps his finger--Ed.] look out. We're looking for one to come now, you know. And then when you see it, you just remember it's something is fixing to happen. This is his credentials, then God interprets His Word by him and through him. Numbers 12:6 tells that.

    And, remember, the entire Bible was wrote by the prophets. Why? The Word of the Lord came to them after they was vindicated. [11]

    In the beginning He spoke to the prophets, and the Word of the Lord came to the prophet. And the prophet, being able to foretell, divine things, and it happened just like that, was his identification. A prophet, seer, means, "one who forthtells or tells forth," and also is "a Divine interpreter of the written Word." Anybody knows that, that knows what a prophet means.

    Now the English word, prophet, p-r-o-p-h-e-t, means, "a preacher," just anybody a preaching. But a seer of the Old Testament, which was referred to as a prophet, he was the one that foresaw things. He said, "If there be one among you who is spiritual, or a prophet, I the Lord will make Myself known unto him. And what he says comes to pass, then hear him; but if it doesn't come to pass, don't hear that prophet, see, 'cause he's prophesying falsely. But if I have sent him, that'll be My identification, what he says will come to pass. He is born in the world, ordained, foreordained of God to do that." Cause, "All gifts and callings are without repentance." They are foreordained of God. [12]

    "The Word of God is sharper than a two-edged Sword, and a discerner of the thoughts that's in the heart." That's what them prophets were. They, that's where they foresaw things, you see, and it was exactly right, because it was the Word for that age. If you understand that, just raise your hand, silently. So, see, it was the Word for that age. That's what identified them the prophet.

    Now, a prophet, our--our English word prophet, means "a preacher." But in the Old Testament, it wasn't exactly a prophet, it was a seer. And the seer foretold things that would come to pass. And, also, that was his credentials as a divine interpreter of the written Word, because his own ministry was manifesting that Word. See? So that made him the prophet. Now, it wasn't by healing. [13]

    ...Hebrews, 1st chapter, "God, in sundry times and divers manners spake to the fathers by the prophets." And those prophets! The church got all so twisted up that when... Those prophets, those daring messengers of God, come without church, without denomination, without organization, without anything; defied kings, kingdoms, churches, and everything. When the priests was brought before... They was brought before the priests, they wasn't ashamed, because they had directly THUS SAITH THE LORD.

    If you notice, the prophet, in one sense of the word, in the Old Testament, when he said THUS SAITH THE LORD, now watch him, he goes right into the phrase of taking the place of God. You notice, when he placed out before him, THUS SAITH THE LORD, he fell right into God, and he acted as God. Then he gave his Message, which was God speaking through him, "THUS SAITH THE LORD!" [14]

    He thought he was the Elijah prophet in fulfillment of Malachi 4

    Now, anyone knows that Amos 3:7 says that God promised that He would never do nothing until first He revealed it to His prophet. Through the church ages we've had reformers; but promised by Malachi 4 that there would be a prophet in the land in the last days (because it has to fit that pattern, see) before the end time come. [15]

    He was the last sign

    William Branham stated that no one greater than him would ever come on the scene before the second coming of Jesus Christ.

    The trouble of it is, you Pentecostal people, you Baptists, you Methodists, you've failed to recognize your God-given privilege. Hear me. THUS SAITH THE LORD, you believe it with all your heart. He promised it in the last day. Hasn't been for two thousand years, because the Bible said it wouldn't be. But Jesus said... As it was in the days of Sodom, when that Angel come, turned His back to the tent, and asked for Sarah, and told what she said in the building... How many knows that? Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of man." When? Just before Sodom burned. That's just before this world's going to burn. The whole unbelieving world will be--go into chaos and burn with fervent heat. We know that. And just before that time...
    Remember, THUS SAITH THE HOLY SPIRIT, this is your last sign. Write it in your Bible. And if something rises besides this, and greater than this, call me a false prophet.
    That's quite a statement. I watch what I say. I'm in contact with better than ten million people around the world (See?), so I have to say that; and I know I didn't say that myself. [16]

    He said that all of his visions and prophecies were fulfilled

    Comes, many, many, times and tells things. And I don't live far from here, a hundred and nineteen miles. You can go to my home town and find it one time, in all the times that It's ever told anything, that didn't come to pass just exactly the way It said. Now, you pin a sign on my back as a false prophet, and I'll walk through your streets. 'Cause it's not myself, I'm a man, but He's God. And He's the One Who does the saying. If I would say it, it could be a lie, 'cause I'm subject to any--any mistakes, lies, anything else, like anybody else. [17]

    Now in the days that we're living, any historian here knows that any revival only lasts about three years, and then out of that revival comes an organization. Brother, sister, in this great fifteen-year revival that I have lived in, been privileged to live it with you, there hasn't been an organization come out of it. There is no more organizations. There won't be. There is the last. Now, Pentecost had to be there to protect this. Where would we have went with a Message like this if there hadn't been a Pentecostal to believe it? Now go back to the Ohio River, in 1933. See?

    Excuse this, but I want you to know the Truth. And I haven't got much time left, you know that, I'm fifty-five. But these tapes will live when I'm gone, and you'll see whether it's right, or not, if I be a true servant or a false prophet. I've never told you nothing yet but what happened, so will this happen. [18]

    He said his words were God's words

    Remember, I'm not a false prophet. I tell the truth. God wouldn't lie. And see if it isn't going to be greater that it has ever has been at any time. [19]

    His interpretation of the Bible was correct

    Now, let us all pray. Lord, with our heads bowed, just now, it's got to be known that Your Scripture's the truth, and I've told the truth of It, or either, I am wrong and a false prophet, or Your Scripture has misled us. Now, Lord, we know that that's not so. We know that Your Scriptures are Truth. [20]

    Deuteronomy 18:22 Applied to William Branham

    The Bible said, "If there be one spiritual or a prophet, and what he says comes to pass, then believe him." Is that right? Well, I'm with that. "But if it doesn't come to pass, don't believe it." Those things are born; you're born to do that. [21]

    Then somebody--spiritual judgment, raise up and say, "Was of that of the Lord?" Each one. If three good men will stand and say, spiritual judges say, "That was of the Lord," then the church receives it; and everybody in that end of town moves out, gets away from it for that time. Then if it doesn't come to pass you'd better check that person. You've got another spirit among you. But if it comes to pass, then bless God and thank God for letting you escape the wrath that was to come. See? Watch those things. That's the church in order. [22]

    "If I am the truth..." The Bible says, "There be one spiritual prophet among you, and if he declares something, and it doesn't come to pass, don't you listen to him, because he's false. But if does come to pass, know that I spoke through him." Is that right? [23]

    I want you to take It to record. The Bible said, "If there arise one among you, and he says such-and-such, and it doesn't come to pass, don't hear it, for I haven't spoken. But if he speaks in My Name, and what he says comes to pass, then hear It." Amen. "For I am with that prophet, or preacher, whatever it may be. If what he says comes to pass, then hear him." [24]

    God's anger is kindled against the nation. And you're going to receive punishment and judgment. Write it in the fly leaf of your Bible and say that, "Brother Branham said so." If it doesn't come to pass, I'm a false prophet, for I have THUS SAITH THE LORD. [25]

    Because he was called "god," because he packed within him the Word of God, THUS SAITH THE LORD. Therefore, the word "prophet" means a... His--his interpretation isn't to be mingled with. See? If the God... He says, "If there be one among you who's spiritual, a prophet, I the Lord will speak to him. What he says comes to pass, then hear him because I'm with him. But if it doesn't come to pass, then don't hear him; I haven't sent him. That's the way you know it. [26]


    But the Bible said, "Try a man. If there be any among you who's spiritual or a prophet, or says he is, I the Lord will make Myself known to him. I'll speak to him in visions and in dreams. And if what he says comes to pass, then hear him; don't be afraid of him (See?), because that I am with him. But if it doesn't come to pass, then don't hear him; he hasn't got My Word." See, if it's His Word, it happens.


    How a person can call one, somebody a prophet, and then say they have the wrong revelation? Just as much sense as eternal sonship again. You see? See? See, it's--it's the... A "prophet" means "the correct Diviner, the one that the Word of the Lord came to, the revelation came to him." The word "prophet" means "a Diviner of the Divine Word." Jesus said, "If there be one among you who's spiritual or a prophet, I the Lord will speak to him. And if what he says comes to pass, then hear him; I'm with him. If it doesn't come to pass, then don't hear him." That's all. It was the--it was the Divine Word of God, and the Word of the Lord came to the prophets.


    Now, to be sure that it's of God (See?), 'cause if it's just foolishness it ain't of God. If it doesn't come to pass, it's not of God. See? It's got to come to pass. And--and therefore in our churches (You see?), brother, we got a solid church then (See?), where nobody can say that anything is ever said or done...


    Now, remember, this Angel has to be a Scriptural Angel. Besides that, we are warned of God about false prophets. The Bible said, "If there be a man among you who thinks himself to be a prophet (or so forth), and what he says doesn't come to pass, then don't fear him. I'm not with him. But what he says comes to pass, then I'm with that prophet. Hear him." That's true.


    ...when our prophets speak and what he says comes to pass, then God told us to hear that prophet. 'I'm with him.'"
    "'But if he speaks, and it doesn't come to pass, then don't fear that prophet.' But if it does come to pass...


    Some man speaks in tongues, then let him... It's a message to the church; everybody keep still; that's God speaking. And listen and see if it's not to the church, then it's in the flesh. See? If it's something to the church, and it doesn't come to pass, then that's a foul evil spirit 'cause God won't lie. Then you'll have your church setting in order. See?


    And Moses (and if you'd like to refer to it, Deuteronomy 18:15-22), his words in quotation to Israel, he said, "The Lord your God, shall raise up a Prophet liken unto me; it shall come to pass that whosoever will not hear this Prophet will be cut off from amongst the people."
    Now, all Israel--that was taught in the Word (now don't forget this, class); they knew that the Messiah was to be a prophet. Now, Israel was to hear their prophets. The Bible said, God speaking to Israel, "If there be one among you who is spiritual or a prophet, I, the Lord God, will make Myself known to him in visions, speak to him through dreams; and if what this prophet says comes to pass, then hear that prophet. But if it doesn't come to pass, don't fear that prophet; because I'm not with him. But if what he says comes to pass, then you be careful. I've sent that prophet."


    There's something that's fixing to happen around here. And I want to know what it is, and I want to know directly from God, so that I can say it's THUS SAITH THE LORD. See? And then--then you can--you--the people then will know that it--it isn't me.
    So I want to try to make it so that--or hear from Him first; 'cause if He puts His words in a--in a person, well, then it's not the person any more, it's Him. Then if the man's saying it in himself, then it won't amount to anything anyhow. But if he's--the Word of the Lord is in the man, it'll come forth, and then it'll be--it'll be just exactly right. That was what we were commissioned in the Bible over about the 20th chapter of Deuteronomy. I believe it said, "Watch, and if one speaks in the Name of the Lord, and it doesn't come to pass, then don't pay any attention to that person. (See?) But if they speak it, and it comes to pass, then you better hear it (See?), because it's coming from God."
    ...First, let's take--let's take Deuteronomy the 18th chapter and we'll find out just in a minute, just so--before we close here, so that I can read this Scripture to you. In Deuteronomy the 18th chapter (All right.), and let's see now, the 20th verse of the 18th chapter: Deuteronomy 20.
    But the prophet, which shall presume to speak a word in my name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the name of other gods... (Plural)... even that prophet shall die. (That's right. Spiritually gone. "The soul that sinneth, it shall die." We got one God, not gods.)
    And if thou sayest in thy heart, How shall we know the word which the LORD has--hath not spoken? ("How will we know? There'll be so many of them, how will we know? This one says that and another says this, like... One says this and the other one said that, and so forth." Now, watch. We'll know.)
    When a prophet speaketh in the name of the LORD, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the LORD has not spoken, but the prophet has spoken it presumptuously: thou shall not be afraid of him.
    If God hasn't said it, then don't be afraid of it; it--it's all right; just go ahead and forget about it. See?


    Now in Deuteronomy 18:22 you can find (18:15 to 22), you will find out the Bible said that, "The Lord your God will raise up a prophet liken unto me," Moses speaking. "And he the people... Ever who will not hear this prophet, will be cut off from amongst the people." Then He goes ahead and said, "If there be a prophet among you, or one who professes to be, and what he says doesn't come to pass, then don't you fear him. It's not right. But if the Lord has spoke to him, He will bring it to pass." See? That's the way you will know it. God give us instructions whether to know. Where we don't have to presume anything, nothing. You don't have to just imagine; you can have an experience to know it. Yes, sir.
    ...God had said, "If there be a prophet, one that raises up among you, and what he says doesn't come to pass, then don't hear him. But if it does come to pass, I have sent him."


    And we know that we've been taught if there's one among us who is spiritual or a prophet, what he says comes to pass, then hear him. If it doesn't come to pass, then don't hear him.


    Now, God in all ages gave the people signs, bear record of it (Deuteronomy 18:22, also 13:1, if you want to put these Scriptures down). God gave Israel an assured sign. He said... Now, God sends His Word by His prophets. Is that right? It's exactly what the Bible said. The Word of the Lord come to the prophets.
    He said here was the test of a prophet: if a prophet prophesied, and that what he said come to pass, then hear him. But if it don't come to pass, then God hasn't spoke. That's all. So don't--don't fear him. That's right. "If there be one among you who's spiritual or a prophet, I, the Lord God, will make myself known unto him in visions, speak to him in dreams. And if it comes to pass, then I--that's Me speaking." Sure, God ain't going to lie. You know He can't lie there's nothing in Him to lie. He's the Fountain of all purity, all truth, is God. So it can't be a lie come from God. He's perfect, pure.


    Lord, I've just got through preaching, when a prophet, or preacher goes forth and preaches the Word, and if it doesn't come to pass then don't hear that prophet. That's what Your Word says. But if it does come to pass, then hear that prophet for I'm with him.


    Now, our Bible tells us if a man claims to be a prophet, and what he says comes to pass, then listen to him, because you can fear him because he's from God. But if what he says doesn't come to pass, don't pay attention to it. Just go on (See?), 'cause it's not right.


    We don't know where--which is right then, which is right? Give them the Word test. That's the One tells whether it's right or not. You see?
    Deuteronomy 22:18, you know, said, "If there be one among you who's spiritual or a prophet, I, the Lord, will speak to him. Then if he's with the Scripture, it'll come to pass just what he says. It'll be all right." See?


    So many prophets today, telling so many different things, gets the people confused. Don't presume. Just watch His vindicated promise. Let's see. Deuteronomy 18:22, God said, "If there be one among you spiritual or a prophet, and what he says comes to pass, then you hear him. If it doesn't come to pass, then don't hear him."
    ...Nathanael didn't have to presume, not at all, when He told him. He knowed--he knowed what Deuteronomy 18:22 said.


    And how you'll know He will be a prophet, because Moses has told us, and the Scriptures tell us, that if there be one among you who's spiritual, or a prophet, and what he says comes to pass, then hear him. But if it doesn't come to pass, then don't fear him, because the Word of the Lord is not with him, because God cannot lie. God has to be truth. And if a man tells it, and it comes to pass, then it--it wasn't the man; it was God.


    The Bible says, "If there be one among you who's spiritual or a prophet, I, the Lord will make Myself known unto him, and speak to him in visions, and so forth. And if what he says comes to pass then you hear him. But if it doesn't come to pass then don't fear that prophet, because I haven't spoke to him." Well, that's just only sense (See?), that it would be.


    Now, we know that all Israel, all the Old Testaments, always depended on their prophets. Hebrews 1 said, "God, in sundry times and divers manners, spake to the fathers by the prophets, but in this last day through His Son, Christ Jesus." See?
    Now, the Hebrews, the way that they could tell--we're taught over in Deuteronomy, about the 18th chapter, "If there be one among you who's spiritual or a prophet, I, the Lord God, will make Myself known unto him in visions and speak to him in dreams. And if what this prophet says comes to pass, then you hear him. But if it doesn't come to pass, don't you listen to him." See? because... "Don't fear that man, because I never sent him."


    Now, the Bible had taught those Jews, "If there be one among you who's spiritual, or a prophet, I the Lord will make Myself known to him. And--and in prophecies and visions, dreams, and so forth, and what he says comes to pass, then hear him." Now, that's only sense. "But if it doesn't come to pass like he said, then don't hear him." 'Cause God can't lie; He's God. But if a man says a thing, and it comes to pass, and then you watch it in him, coming to pass, coming to pass, coming to pass, then you know that can't be that man. That's got to be God.


    And Israel was taught to believe their prophets. Now, what did He say? "If there come one among you who is spiritual, or a prophet, I, the Lord, will make Myself known to him in visions, speak to him through dreams. And if what this prophet says comes to pass, then you hear him. But if it doesn't come to pass, then don't hear him." That's only sense. Sure.
    If he said it and it don't come to pass, it's wrong. If a prophet comes by prophesying, it don't come to pass, then watch and see if it comes to pass. If it doesn't, then it's wrong. If it does, it's the truth.


    God said, "If there be a prophet among you, and if he says--what he says comes to pass, then you hear it," 'cause the Word of the Lord came to the prophets. And if there... And if it doesn't come to pass, then don't believe it.


    The Bible said, "If there be one among you who's spiritual, or a prophet, and what he says comes to pass, then you hear him. If it doesn't come to pass, then don't you fear him, 'cause I'm not with him." That's no more than sense (See?), because if God's there He will make it true. Now, you just pray.


    And our Bible tells us over here also that if there be one that's spiritual or a prophet among you, I, the Lord, will speak to this prophet. And what he says comes to pass, then hear him. And if it doesn't come to pass, then don't hear him.


    And just anything will raise up they call it a message, when a message should be taken down. And if it doesn't come to pass, you got a evil spirit there. God said, "If there be one among you who's spiritual or a prophet, I, the Lord, will speak to him. And if it doesn't come to pass then it's not Me. But if it does, then fear him, because I'm with him," 'cause God is truth. We just raise up. And you see, it's just become just... like slop. That's right.


    Now, we're at the time of the Rapture. It's going to happen. Because it's been perfect, every other time, it's got to be perfect this time. God is calling out a people, see, and it's the time. We got to be sincere. [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]... the Lord. Now, you've got something, but be careful with it. You'll ruin your influence if that thing doesn't come to pass. You know what I mean? [Congregation says, "Amen."] "Oh," you say, "I belong..." I don't care where you belong, brother, sister. It's got to happen exactly the way you said it. If it isn't, you've only made yourself a laughing stock. You've only brought disgrace upon yourself, ruined your influence, and ruined the testimony of Jesus Christ that you're bearing.


    And all down through the Scriptures, they had a commandment, the Jews did, that, "If there be one among you who is spiritual or a prophet, I, the Lord, will make Myself known unto him in vision. And what he says comes to pass, then hear that prophet, for I'm with him. But if it doesn't come to pass, then don't hear him." Now, that's just logical. That's just sensible.


    And the Bible said, 'If there be one among you who is spiritual or a prophet, I the Lord will make Myself known unto him, speak to him through visions, and so forth. And if what he says comes to pass, then hear him. But if it doesn't come to pass, then don't hear him.'"
    That's just as honest and just as... That's sense. If what he says is right, it has to be right every time. You just can't guess at it. It's got to be right. If it is right, it's got to be God. And if it isn't right, then it isn't God.


    And then, again, if they say it, and it doesn't come to pass, then get that evil spirit away from you. You don't want that. In my tabernacle, when one speaks like that, he better have it. It's wrote down. If it doesn't come to pass, they get that evil spirit out of them. It's got to be exact, not some repeating.


    Now, Israel was always taught to only believe the prophets. You Bible teachers know that. And a prophet could only be identified, a prophet, that when he prophesied and the thing he said come to pass. The Bible said, "If there be one among you, who is spiritual or a prophet, I the Lord will speak to him, make Myself known to him, in visions and dreams. And what he says comes to pass, then hear him. But if it doesn't come to pass, don't fear him."
    Now anyone knows that the Word of the Lord comes to the prophet; not to the priest, but to the prophet. The Bible said so. The Word of the Lord came unto the prophet. And we know, if it's the Word of the Lord, and the prophet is true, then his words are true, then his words comes to pass. And that's his credentials, that, first, it's the Word. And, first, God is the Word. And then if he speaks a word, and it happens, then that shows that God has Divinely set that man.


    God said, "If there be one among you, is a prophet, or spiritual, I'll speak to him. And what he says comes to pass, then hear it. That's it. But if his prophecy is wrong, then..." God can't be wrong. He's infinite, infallible, omnipotent, and He cannot be wrong. So, if the man is speaking, then it shows the man. If he spoke his own words, it'll fail. But if he speaks God's Words, it can't fail, because it's God speaking. Then, his inspiration comes from God, and it--it has to be right. That's the way God said to tell it.

    WHY.CRY.SPEAK_ JEFF.IN V-2 N-26 SUNDAY_ 63-0714M

    And remember now, (we're closing), it was that same He. It was He that said, in John 14:12, the... "He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he do also." Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] It was He that said so.
    It was Jesus, in Mark 11:24, that said, "If you say to this mountain," not if you pray to this mountain. "If you say to this mountain, 'be moved,' and don't doubt in your heart, but believe that what you've said will come to pass, you can have what you've said." Now you, if you say it just presumptuously, it won't happen.


    He sent us the prophets because the Word of the Lord comes only to the prophet. That's right. And He said, 'If there be one among you, is spiritual or a prophet, I the Lord will speak to him. And what he says, if it comes to pass, then hear him. But, if it doesn't come to pass, don't hear him, don't fear that man. But fear him if you... if it comes to pass, what he says.


    Now, the way they told whether that prophet was right or not, was because they watched the prophet. And if he said anything, prophesied, and it come to pass, God said, "You hear that prophet, for I'm with him. But if it doesn't come to pass, then ignore what he says." That's no more than right, see. "If there be one, a prophet among you, spiritual or a prophet, I the Lord will make Myself known to him in visions, speak to him through dreams. And if what this prophet says comes to pass, then hear him, for I'm with him. But if it doesn't, then don't."


    They'd always go down and find out where this prophet was. A seer means--a seer means to either "foretell or tell forth," he is a seer that sees things that's going to happen. And he predicts it to the people. And the Bible said, "If it doesn't come to pass, then don't you hear him." It has to be every time. God cannot fail, see. "And if it doesn't come to pass," then He said, "He wasn't with that person." So upon that, the people knew that the Word of the Lord was with this seer that He had, the Old Testament seers. Now the Holy Spirit doesn't change that trend.


    " When the Word of the Lord came to the prophets, and them only, because they was anointed with the Word, they had the right to interpret the Word. And God worked through them, proving that the Word was right. "If I the... there be one among you who is spiritual, or a prophet, I the Lord will make Myself known to him. And if what he says comes to pass, then hear him. If it doesn't come to pass, don't hear him." That's no more than good reasoning, to any man.


    Now, then if someone writes a message that's been given in tongues or given in prophecy, and lay it up on the platform, it must be read by the pastor before the service starts, of "THUS SAITH THE LORD" from these people who spoke and interpreted. And if that comes to pass exactly the way the interpretation said, we'd raise our hands and give thanks to God for His Spirit among us. If it doesn't come to pass, then don't do it any more till that evil spirit's out of you. God don't lie, He's always truth.


    God's way of doing it! Ever true to His sent sign, He followed by His voice; every, since, that God sends a sign in the earth. "Now God never does nothing," the Bible said, "until first He shows it to His servants the prophets." Now that, you... If that's wrong, then the rest of it's wrong, see. He never does anything until He shows it.
    And that seer, prophet, is to be identified, that what he prophesies, we find out in Numbers 12:6, that what he says comes to pass. Then, believe it. But if it doesn't come to pass, then don't believe it. And it must be for that, His... No matter how much he says, and it comes to pass, and whatever; if it isn't according to the Word, then it's still wrong. It must be with the Word. It must be set in order with the Word for the sign of that time, the time that they're living in.


    See, he goes by impression, see, the way he feels, "Why, the Lord will do that, THUS SAITH THE LORD." That's a lie, see. You, when... You can't say THUS SAITH THE LORD until God, in His Own language, has spoke to you and told you that, then it's not you saying it, not your impression. The Bible said if a prophet did that, was going on presumptuously, that is presuming, and presume is "to adventure without authority," he is going upon his own.
    But when you see the man speaking what's going to happen, in the Name of the Lord, and it happens day in and out, week in and out, month in and out, year in and out, then you know that come from God. See? That's God's credentials to the man, that he is the interpreter of the written Word for that day, because God sent the man to do it.


    God Jehovah had said that, "If there raise up one among you, who is spiritual, or a prophet, I the Lord will make Myself known to him in visions. And if what he says comes to pass, then hear that prophet, for I'm with him. But if it doesn't come to pass, then do not hear it." That's plain language. It's only sound thinking. If he said it, and it doesn't happen, then it's a lie; God did not say it. But if he says, and it--it does happen, that's truth; and nothing is more, more truer than truth.


    Again, the coming of a prophet is a sign. Did you know that? The coming of a prophet, to the age, is a sign.
    ...But a prophet is a sign. The Bible says so here. And what's the sign of? It's a sign that His Word is fixing to fulfil, be fulfilled by the voice of this prophet's sign.
    Remember, he has certainly, first, got to be vindicated by God and the Word for that day, and then he does the sign. And then watch that sign, what he predicts. He said, "If it comes to pass, then hear him." Numbers 12:6. "If it doesn't come to pass, forget it." It's got to be a Scriptural sign that He gives.


    Now we find, then, that the unchanging God always does the same. ...In the beginning He spoke to the prophets, and the Word of the Lord came to the prophet. And the prophet, being able to foretell, divine things, and it happened just like that, was his identification. A prophet, seer, means, "one who forthtells or tells forth," and also is "a Divine interpreter of the written Word." Anybody knows that, that knows what a prophet means.
    Now the English word, prophet, p-r-o-p-h-e-t, means, "a preacher," just anybody a preaching.
    But a seer of the Old Testament, which was referred to as a prophet, he was the one that foresaw things. He said, "If there be one among you who is spiritual, or a prophet, I the Lord will make Myself known unto him. And what he says comes to pass, then hear him; but if it doesn't come to pass, don't hear that prophet, see, 'cause he's prophesying falsely. But if I have sent him, that'll be My identification, what he says will come to pass. He is born in the world, ordained, foreordained of God to do that." Cause, "All gifts and callings are without repentance." They are foreordained of God.


    First of all, that messenger is going to be a prophet. He will have the office of a prophet. He will have the prophetic ministry. It will be based solidly on the Word because when he prophesies or has a vision, it will always be "Word oriented" and it will ALWAYS come to pass. He will be vindicated as a prophet because of his accuracy.
    ...As a prophet, every revelation will be vindicated, for every revelation will come to pass. Wonderful acts of power will be performed at his commands in faith.

    He was not subject to the judgment of the church


    Gifts and callings are without repentance. There is spirits that's in the Church. That's true, such as gifts of prophecy, healing, and so forth. But they're in the entire body. They may fall upon one person tonight, a prophecy, and It might not never fall on that person again; It might be somewhere else in the body. And those spirits are supposed to be judged. "Let one speak and two or three judge," said Paul.
    Now, those are the spirits of the gifts that's in the Church. But the only person that has a right to say, THUS SAITH THE LORD, is an a vindicated prophet. You never seen anybody judging Isaiah, or Jeremiah, or those people. They were prophets, foreordained and borned in the world to be prophets. And they foresaw the thing by a vision, and then said, "THUS SAITH THE LORD," for the Lord had already said it.


    Now, those are the nine spiritual gifts that's in the body now. They work through the body. But then there is gifts and callings without repentance. That's an a vindicated prophet sent from God, from... You don't receive that. That's a gift sent from God, that's born in your birth, come down through, and been set you down through. And that... A prophet, not a gift of prophecy...
    Who ever stood to judge Isaiah, to see whether his prophecy was right or not? They knowed from his time through that he was a prophet. Who stood to say to Jeremiah, when God told him He made him a prophet before he was born from his mother's womb. And all those who lived right, they knowed he was a prophet.


    He said, "Now, you... I have appeared (in other words) from God to tell you that your peculiar birth (Which I had, there sets my mother can tell you.) and peculiar life (That's right. No one never understood me.) has been to indicate that you're to take a gift of Divine healing to the peoples of the world." Seventh grade education, poor, how could I ever feed the world, local little Baptist preacher there in the city? He said, "If you'll be sincere when you pray..."
    Now, remember. The gift was borned here. I had nothing to do with it coming. No one--no one, friends. Don't never let anyone deceive you. Gifts are sent from God alone. God alone, it's the foreknowledge...
    Now, there's nine spiritual gifts in the church. They might be on--like on this man tonight, and on that one over there, so forth like that. But prophecy of that type, and so forth, has to have two or three witnesses to a--look over it, and judge it, and see if it's right or not.
    But you never see them stand before Isaiah or Jeremiah, or any of them to judge them. They had THUS SAITH THE LORD from their birth. And everybody knowed that what they said come to pass. They had the Word of the Lord. And in div--in old times, divers places God... At sundry times, God spoke to us by the prophets, but in this last days has spoke to us through Jesus Christ.
    ...There's where we get trouble. One might prophesy and tell the truth. That doesn't make you a prophet. It might never come to you again. A prophet is a vindicated person from birth, coming down with the Word of the Lord. A prophet...
    There's a difference in a prophet and a gift of prophecy. And if you'll notice in the Bible, healing is in plural, gifts, g-i-f-t-s, gifts of healings. But a p-r-o-p-h-e-t is a prophet. And there's a gift of prophecy, which is in the church. It's to be judged by two or three judges when It's been given. Is that true?


    For a when a gift of prophecy come to a man, they declared him to be a prophet. Now, that's wrong. There's quite a difference between a gift of prophecy and prophet. A gift of prophecy is in the church. But a prophet is borned a prophet. See? That's the difference. So as any man at... This man might prophesy tonight; he might never prophesy no more. It might be on that woman over there the next night, and this man back here the next night, and that one over there. See?
    But when the gift of prophecy is operating, it cannot be received unless two or three judge it, to see whether it's right or not. But a prophet, singular, p-r-o-p-h-e-t is borned a prophet, comes up a prophet. Everything he says in the Name of the Lord is absolutely truth, if he's prophesying.
    Now, you say, "That was for the Old Testament." Oh, no. They had prophets in the New Testament. Agabus and many of them were prophets in the New Testament.


    Now, there's a difference between prophecy, a gift of prophecy, and a prophet. Did you know that? There's where you brethren in the latter rain went off at. Everybody... Somebody make a prophecy, you called them a prophet. That's wrong. The next time, you've seen an error. A gift of prophecy and a prophet's different.
    God in sundry times spoke to the fathers through to the prophets, these last days through His Son, Jesus Christ. A gift of prophecy is in the Body and two or three has to set before it to see if it's--to be judged when it's spoke. But you've never seen nobody stand before Moses, Isaiah, Jeremiah. Korah tried to stand before Moses one day, and the world swallowed him or the earth swallowed him up. See? But a prophet is born, election. All through life it's the Word of the Lord just as it comes to them. Now, He reveals.


    Oh, there's gifts in the church, like you say, "Gifts of prophecy. What about?" Yes, brother, but there's a vast difference. That's what they do; latter rain people get off the grounds. You've tried to make a gift of prophecy, a prophet. It's altogether different. A gift of prophecy is to be judged before two or three judges, but never a prophet's to be judged. His word's true from cradle up.
    I believe Moses was borned a prophet when he come from his mother's womb. Do you believe that? He had nothing to do because he was Moses. God made him Moses. Is that right?
    John the Baptist, seven hundred and twelve years before he was born, Isaiah saw him, and said he was the voice of one crying in the wilderness. He was borned that birth. Had to be named John, because they wouldn't let him name nothing else. His father was stricken dumb because he doubted the Angel. Is that right? How could he help that? Predestination, fore-ordination. Read the Book of Ephesians, it sets--it sets the things in order.


    Now, I do know that gifts, such as the nine spiritual gifts; they are gifts that work in the entire church. For instance, tonight this one may prophesy and never prophesy again. Maybe the spirit of prophecy will be on someone else the next night. Paul said, "You all may prophesy, one by one." That's the gift of prophecy, not a prophet. See?
    There's quite a difference between gift of prophecy and a prophet. The gift of prophecy has to be judged by three good spiritual judges, before the church can receive it, according to Paul's writing in Corinthians. The judges has to judge this, has to judge the interpretations of tongues, 'fore the church receives it, because they wouldn't know wh... But now, you take a person that would a prophet like Isaiah, Jeremiah, Moses. No one stood before them to judge whether it was right or not. They were borned in this world prophets. The Word of God was with them.


    Now, there's a difference between a gift of prophecy, and a prophet. One is a gift of prophecy, and the other one is a prophet. A gift of prophecy must be judged by two or three spiritual men. It can come upon one person tonight, be on another person tomorrow night, and on another one the next night. What it is, is a gift in every local body, a church.
    But a prophet is different. They are borned a prophet. And they come up prophets. All that they say must be true, every time, or it cannot be recognized as a prophet in the office.


    Now, all these spiritual gifts... Now, a gift of prophecy... A prophet is borned a prophet. A gift of prophecy is on one and then the other, one and then the other. It's all... It's just in the church. And all nine spiritual gifts should be operating in every local body. Yeah, and there ought to be judges there and so forth and the church in order and working right.


    But now a prophet... now look. Jeremiah... well, we just... so many. We take Moses, he was borned a prophet. Elijah, John the Baptist went right into the wilderness. See? A prophet... There's...?... Zechariah.
    God told Zechariah, said, "Before you was even formed in your mother's womb, I knew you, and sanctified you, and ordained you a prophet to the nation. Is that right? All the way up they had, THUS SAITH THE LORD, not... No judges standing before them. They had the Word of God. That's right.

    God in sundry times and divers manners spoke to the Fathers through the prophets. But to this last day through His Son, Jesus Christ, the resurrected One.

    Now, if He's standing here with these prophetic gift and all kinds of gifts operating in the church, you ought to believe Him. Will you do it?


    And there's a vast difference between a gift of prophecy and a prophet. A gift of prophecy will act on one and then another and it's to be judged. But a prophet has the Word of the Lord. And a prophet is a borned a prophet. See?
    For Jesus Christ was the Son of God, He was a--He was a woman's Seed from the garden of Eden, that was promised. You believe that? Moses was borned a prophet. They recognized it when he was born, a prophet child, the emancipator of--of Israel.
    And John the Baptist seven hundred and twelve years before he came to the earth, he was the voice of one crying in the wilderness through the prophet Isaiah. Jeremiah, God told Jeremiah, "Before you was even formed in your mother's wombs or came forth, I knew you, and sanctified you, and ordained you a prophet to the nation." See? Gifts and callings are without repentance.


    Now, the gift of prophecy has to be judged by judges before it could be announced to the church. It might be on this one tonight, that one tomorrow night, that one the next night, that one... It's a gift in the church. But a prophet is born from the mother's wombs a prophet. The Bible said that John the Baptist, being a prophet, seven hundred and twelve years before he was born Isaiah saw him and said, "He's the voice of one crying in the wilderness." Is that right? Moses was borned a prophet, had no choice of it.
    I believe it was Zechariah, the Bible said Je--God told him, "Before you was even formed in your mother's womb I knew you and sanctified you, and ordained you a prophet to the nations." See? "God in sundry times in divers manners spoke to the fathers through the prophets, but through the--in this last day through His Son, Christ Jesus." So, it's a gift that comes to the church that we prophesy, speak with tongue, interpret tongues, lay hands on the sick.
    Wished I had time to tell you the miracles that I've seen done: People, little lay members go lay hands on the sick, and they be healed, where the Spirit strikes them and warns them to go do it. They obey.


    Now, there's a difference between a prophet and a gift of prophecy. Gift of prophecy can be on one, then the other; then it still has to be judged before three judges before the Church can receive it. But not the prophet of the Old Testament, he was born a prophet. He always was a prophet. He had the Word of God. And after he's dead, he's still a prophet. Did that bother you?


    But what the Lord has given me is a different type of a ministry. It's a ministry of seeing visions. How many knows that God promised to set that in the church? How many knows that gifts and callings are without repentance? How many knows the difference that a gift of prophecy is not a prophet? Certainly. A gift of prophecy is to be judged by two or three before it can be given. But a prophet is born, THUS SAITH THE LORD, from childhood. See?


    There's quite a difference between a spirit of prophecy and a prophet. A spirit of prophecy is to be judged by two or three that has discernment before it can ever be given to the church. Don't... When the old prophet stood, Isaiah and Jeremiah, they had THUS SAITH THE LORD. They were born from cradle up.


    Now, there's a lot of difference between a gift of prophesy and a prophet. A gift of prophecy may be on one tonight, never again, on another the next night. It's them nine spiritual gifts that works in the body, but a prophet is borned a prophet. All down through their life it's, THUS SAITH THE LORD. A gift of prophecy has got to be judged. But you never seen anybody stand before Isaiah or Jeremiah to judge them. No. But the Bible said, "If one prophesies, let two or three judge whether it's right or not." See, Satan can slip in there.


    Now, there's a difference between prophecy and a prophet, Prophecy goes from one to another, but a prophet is born from the cradle a prophet. They have THUS SAITH THE LORD. No judging of them. You don't see them stand before Isaiah, or Jeremiah, any of them prophets, because they had THUS SAITH THE LORD. But a spirit of prophecy amongst the people; you have to watch that, 'cause Satan will slip in there. See? Now. But it must be judged.


    And Paul said, "You all may prophesy." Now, them's not all prophets; that's the gift of prophecy. A gift of prophecy, it has to be judged by two or three judges before it can even be given to the church, or past upon. But if God sends a prophet, it's borned a prophet, always, with THUS SAITH THE LORD. See?


    There's a gift and then an office. It's an office, that's a prophet. There's a lot difference between a prophet and a gift of prophecy. Before a gift of prophecy really should be given in the church, it has to come before two or three judges that's got the--the gift of discernment, to say whether it can even be said. But never did you see anybody stand before Isaiah to judge it. See? He was borned a prophet. Them prophets, they were... They had THUS SAITH THE LORD right up through life. See? See, it's a lot of difference.


    You believe we have prophets? There is a gift of prophecy and then there is a prophet. How many knows there's difference in that? That's where you precious Latter Rain people got mixed up. See? A prophet's borned a prophet, always has THUS SAITH THE LORD; never wrong. A gift of prophecy would be on one then another. It has to be judged by three judges and then told to the church and see if it comes to pass.


    Now, there's gifts of prophecy in the church, but there's a lot of difference between gifts of prophecy and a prophet. See? A gift of prophecy has to stand before three judges and be judged before it could even be give to the church, whether it's right. It could be on this woman tonight, and never come again the rest of her life. Might be on this woman the next night, and that man the next night. See, it's--it's local gifts in the body. But prophecy is an office: a prophet that's from birth (See?), comes from birth.


    Now, he was a called prophet. Prophets are foreknown. They are placed in the church, like the offices, the five offices in the church. First there's apostles, prophets, teachers, pastors, evangelists. See? Those offices God puts in the church. Then there's nine spiritual gifts in that church, which is speaking in tongues, prophecies, and so forth like that. Lot of difference between prophets (a man giving a prophecy) and a prophet. A prophecy has to be judged by two or three judges; a prophet is borned a prophet and raised a prophet. See? It's foreordained of God for that age.


    A prophet is a seer who sees the people's hearts and foretells the things that's coming to pass. And--and now, there's a gift of prophecy. That's in the church with the local members. It falls upon any of them. They give a prophecy. Then it cannot be received to the church until it's been judged by two or three witnesses. And then, they have to put their seal on that, to say it's of God. Then they have to watch to see if it happens. Then it may never fall on that brother or sister again. It may be on another one the next... That's a gift of prophecy.
    But a prophet, p-r-o-p-h-e-t, is borned a prophet, always from bef--was ordained that before the world ever even begin. See?


    Now, your brethren, your pastors, they may not be able to prophesy and foretell things, 'cause prophets are born prophets. There's a gift of prophecy in the church, but prophets are born prophets, always. See? The--the voice of prophecy in the meetings, the gift of prophecy has to be judged.


    God said, "If there be one among you, who is spiritual or a prophet, and what he says comes to pass, then hear him, for I am with him. But if it don't come to pass, well, don't hear him." And it must not just be once, it must continually all the time; from prophets.
    There is a gift of prophecy, that's in the church, which is to be examined by the--by the examiners, before it can be told to the church, of course. "Let it be before two or three judges, and then it's told to her."
    But a prophet is borned a prophet, predestinated, foreordained.


    Prophets are born. They just not laying their hands on them, and making them prophets. They are born, foreordained of God. "Gifts and callings are without repentance." There is a--a gift of prophesy in the church, and it must be judged by three people before the voice should ever be heard amongst the congregation, but that's just a gift of prophesy. But a prophet is absolutely ordained with THUS SAITH THE LORD, from childhood up.


    That's the way He identified Himself, was in His prophets. They were just ordinary man. Course, they were born for that purpose.
    As we know, there is local gifts, of nine gifts in the church. But there is offices of the Church, and that, God, that's predestinated, or foreordained, "God has set in the Church: apostles, then prophets, and teachers, pastors, evangelists," and so forth, that's God's gifts set into the Church. Then there is nine spiritual gifts that operate in the local body, and of believers, and they must be checked by two or three judges before they're to be given to the church, 'cause sometimes they could be wrong.
    But notice these prophets, as they were born, like in... I believe, in Jeremiah here, God said, "Before you was even conceived in your mother's womb, I ordained you a prophet over the nations." You see? Moses was born a prophet. And John the Baptist, seven hundred and twelve years before he was born, "he was the voice of one crying in the wilderness," Isaiah the prophet speaking of him. See, it's not... These gifts are born gifts, God placing them in the Church.


    Now, prophets now, in these days, we got gifts of prophets... gifts of prophesy, rather. You lay hands on, and pray, and you... Gifts comes in, in nine spiritual gifts, in the church. That's, before the prophecy can be received by the church, it has to be judged by five spiritual judge... or three spiritual judges.
    But, not a prophet. A prophet is born a prophet. "Gifts and callings are without repentance." It's something that's in you. It's something was born in you. God ordained it in you. Why, Moses was born a prophet.

    He believed that God would not allow him to make an error


    Look what it puts me before, when I'm up there before the public. Look at that. What about one error on that? See? Because I trust Him. See? I trust Him. Someone say, "You afraid of a mistake, Brother Branham." No, no, huh-uh, ain't afraid of a mistake. I believe Him. He is my Protection. I'm ordained to do this, so I'll stay right there.
    If God's ordained you to do something, then He's your Protection. See, He will protect you. If He's sent you, He'll back up your word. You're an ambassador then. You're ambassador with the gift of tongues; you're ambassador with the gift of interpretation; you're ambassador with the gift of discernment, the three of you. See what I mean? Then what have you got? You got a solid church. You wouldn't fear standing yet no more than yesterday.


    1. 50-0713 - "Obey The Voice Of The Angel"
    11. THE.VOICE.OF.THE.SIGN_ TULARE.CA V-22 N-12 FRIDAY_ 64-0214
    14. ASHAMED_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711
