The case against William Branham

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Was William Branham a prophet? Or was he simply a Pentecostal Baptist minister who thought more of himself than he should have?

If you are a follower of William Branham, these are the things that you are asking people to ignore when you proclaim him as a prophet.

Failed prophecies

The following prophecies clearly failed:

  1. Why did William Branham say that the municipal bridge vision was fulfilled when it clearly wasn't? (Failed Prophecy)
  2. Why did William Branham say "Thus Saith The Lord" that he would shoot a large brown bear, when he didn't? (Failed Prophecy)
  3. Why did the vision that William Branham had of the meetings in south Africa fail to be fulfilled? (Failed Prophecy)
  4. The Tent Vision (Failed Prophecy)
  5. The Seven Ten Prophecies of 1933
    1. Why did William Branham prophecy that America would start World War 2? (Prophecy Changed/Failed Prophecy)
    2. Was Mussloni's invasion of Ethiopia really his last invasion? (Prophecy Changed/Failed Prophecy)
    3. Why did William Branham's prophecy of Hitler change over time? (Prophecy Changed)
    4. Did Facism, Nazisim and Communism really unite into Communism? (Failed Prophecy)
    5. Did the prophecy of egg-shaped come from William Branham's visit to the 1933 World's Fair? ("After the Fact" Prophecy)
    6. Was William Branham's prophecy of a driverless car based on a Disney TV program? ("After the Fact" Prophecy)
    7. Did women elect the wrong person or was it the men's vote? ("After the Fact" Prophecy/Failed Prophecy)
  6. Was William Branham's death before the Rapture a failed prophecy? (Failed Prophecy)
  7. [The Marilyn Monroe Vision|Was William Branham's vision of Marilyn Monroe's death accurate?]] (Failed Prophecy)
  8. Why did William Branham change the vision of the angels appearing? (Prophecy Changed)
  9. Was the meeting of Nikita Khrushchev and Dwight Eisenhower the fulfillment of Daniel chapter 2? (Failed Prophecy)

  1. If the vision of the Plum and Apple Trees was from God, why did William Branham change his mind about it in 1965? (Prophecy Changed)
  1. What if William Branham was a Prophet?

  1. Did William Branham make any REAL prophecies? (We can't find any before the fact prophecies on any tape!)

The following false claims were made

  1. Were Dead Raised in William Branham's Ministry?

