Testimonies of Former Message Ministers

    From BelieveTheSign
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    Click here to find out about the new book on William Branham - Under The Halo

    This page contains videos or written of former message ministers. Why would a minister, who had not only followed the message of William Branham but had also encourage others to follow it, leave? These ministers have given up a great deal to stand for what they believe is the truth.

    Lance Leroux

    Lance Leroux came to faith in Christ in a message church in his late teens. He became an associate minister at Cloverdale Bibleway and later, the pastor of Living Word Assembly, a message church in Langley, BC, Canada. Here is his reasons for leaving the message of William Branham.

    James Manuel

    James Manuel joined the Message in 1972, and spent 40 years believing and promoting the Message. He was honest with the failures once they came to his attention, and is still a passionate Christian.

    Hear James Manuel's story on the OFF THE SHELF podcast

    Click here

    James Rozak

    James Rozak was a Minister in the Message in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Read his story on why he stepped down from this position once he discovered the truth of William Branham's ministry. James Rozak is also the author of the Morning Mercy website.

    Jeff Jenkins

    Jeff Jenkins was the Pastor of Believer's Christian Fellowship in Lima, Ohio for many years. He stepped down in 2014.

    Hear Jeff Jenkin's interviews on the OFF THE SHELF podcast

    Click here to listen to jeff Jenkin's discussing the 1963 Arizona cloud
    Click here to listen to Jeff Jenkin's testimony of why he left the message

    The following video is part 1 of 4 of his reasons for leaving.

