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    A significant portion of William Branham's followers believe that every word he said is inspired and accurate. Here are some things he said that are easily identifiable as being wrong. Some of these are currently being propagated to kids as truth by the Young Foundations Ministry, in a series of online articles called “Did you know”. (Young Foundations is the youth ministry of Voice of God Recordings, Inc. and publishes these documents at http://youngfoundations.org/blog?tags=Did%20You%20Know%3f)

    Wrong Science

    • “When you think you've seen a shooting star, you've really seen a weather light.” (Did you know #11)
    • “the world is square, and the papers packed the article.” (Did you know #18)
    • “one-fourth of the people of the world never dream.” (Did you know #20)
    • “The acid of a fishes body will eat up a hook in the fishes mouth” (Did you know #15)
    • “there's thirty and nine major diseases in the world today.” (Did you know #23)
    • “Before they had paper, all the old ancient writings was either on rock or on skin.” (Did you know #20)
    • “They're going to find out, someday, that they're not seeing a hundred and fifty million years of light space either. They're going right around in a circle.” (Did you know #18)
    • “Right down in the center of the heart, there's a little compartment where there's not even a blood cell in it. It's not in the animal heart, only in the human heart. They say it's the occupant of the soul.” (Did you know #17)
    • “Mustard cannot by hybrid.” (January 18, 1965)
    • “Opium comes from lilies.” (January 18, 1965)
    • “If an angel started from Mars to come here to earth, flying at the speed of light, it would take him billions of years to get here?” (Did you know #3)

    Wrong History

    • “In the times of the pyramid, they had atomic power that shook the world out of its orbit.” (Did you know #11)
    • “the Catholic church come in existence in the Book of Genesis. Nimrod established the first Catholic church” (Did you know #11)
    • “Each side of the city of Babylon was thirty miles, from one wall to the end of the other wall, making it a hundred and twenty miles around. It had streets in it that were two-hundred feet wide, and the walls were eighty feet tall, with about forty feet across the top.” (Did you know #11)
    • “When Brother Branham was here, eighty-seven percent of all alcoholic beverages that was drank in the United States came from Louisville, Kentucky, and about ninety percent of all the tobacco also came out of Louisville.” (Did you know #12)
    • “The Roman goddess Diana was the great goddess of the world in the days of Paul.” (Did you know #9)
    • “In the Bible, there was a mother called Herodia. She taught her daughter to tap dance and…[there is] record of seventy of her offsprings, Herodias' daughter that danced before Herod, that either died prostitutes or on gallows.” (Did you know #21)
    • “Joseph's bones were in a little old lead casket when the children of Israel left Egypt…[then it went to] be in a museum in England.” (Did you know #19)

    Wrong Pop Culture

    • “[Elvis] Presley had three or four heart attacks…in his teens.” (Did you know #23)
    • “Marilyn Monroe died of a heart attack” (April 17, 1964)
    • “The word Elvis means a "cat," and the word Ricky means a "rat." (Did you know #18)
    • “Saturday night is a night that Satan takes hold.” (Did you know #16)
    • “a parking meter on the street [is] unconstitutional.” (Did you know #10)
    • “It takes two-thousand to make a multitude.” (Did you know #12)
    • “A barber put carbolic acid on Brother Branham’s hair, thinking it was shampoo, and this was the starting cause of his hair loss.” (Did you know #5)

    Not In The Bible Stories

    • “Adam had long, shaggy, black hair, and Eve had blond hair and blue eyes.” (Did you know #6)
    • “Lazarus walked down to the River Jordan with Jesus when He went to be baptized by John.” (Did you know #7)
    • “Jesus had great sparkling blue eyes.” (Did you know #9) (except in Hoffman’s painting)
    • “The first time the earthquake ever shook the whole earth, was on Good Friday.” (Did you know #18)
    • “Laodicea means 'woman' in Greek.” (Did you know #17)
    • The midwives in Egypt were evil. (read The Midwives of Egypt)
    • “On the Day of Pentecost when men came out of the upper room speaking in different tongues, every language under Heaven that was spoke in that day was represented there, even English.” (Did you know #9)
    • “Jesus died speaking in tongues, but not in Hebrew. He spoke in a heavenly language.” (Did you know #18)
    • “The great battle of Armageddon will be fought right there near the gates of Jerusalem.” (Did you know #22)


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