Question 13 (ABM) - What is the message?

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    Question 13 - What is the message?

    William Branham taught that he was the prophet to the last age and that he was to bring a message to the church:

    Now mark that with what the last prophet said, “Behold, I send to you Elijah the prophet, and he will restore the—the hearts of the children back to the fathers.” See? A Message to bring them back to the Bible, and the Son of man will be revealing Himself in that day. And at that day of the sounding of the last church age, the seventh angel, the mysteries of God should be made known in that day. The Seven Seals would be broken. The mysteries of all these churches and things, how they happened, and what tak-…how, what taken place. (65-0718E - Spiritual Food In Due Season, para. 161)
    Now, we’ve come through the church ages. But we’re promised in the last days, according to Malachi 4, that there would be a return again, a prophet in the land. That’s right. Notice his nature, what he would be like. He’s alway… God uses that spirit five times: once in Elijah; in Elisha; in John the Baptist; call out the Church; and the remnant of the Jews. Five times, “grace,” J-e-s-u-s, f-a-i-t-h, and it’s the number of grace. See? All right.
    Now, remember, the Message is promised. And when all these mysteries has been all so bundled up by a bunch of ecclesiasties, it will take a—a direct prophet from God to reveal It. And that’s exactly what He promised to do. See? (65-1204 - The Rapture, para. 132-133)

    What is the message that William Branham brought?


