Betty Daugherty
Betty Daugherty recovered spontaneously in 1946 of a mental/nervous disease thought to be St. Vitus Dance.
In 1960 Betty Daugherty walked across the platform in Jeffersonville, Indiana, so that William Branham could pray for cataracts that had seriously affected her vision, even though she was only 22 years old. When William Branham prayed "Let the power that healed Betty Daugherty the first time, and this also the second time, let it heal our sister, in Jesus' Name. Amen." it established a few different things:
Testimony Written By Rev. Robert Daugherty
The following letter appears on pages 86-87 of the book "William Branham, A Man Sent From God" written by Gordon Lindsay:
Testimony by William Branham
And then we went over, and I went to St. Louis, and I met Brother Daugherty there. His little girl, all the doctors around there, specialists and hospitals had give her up; she was like a raging maniac. Ministers throughout the city had been everywhere, in there praying for her. And I went in and prayed for her, and the poor people just looked so gray. And the little girl in there, screaming and crying, fighting...and she couldn't make a noise like a human any more, sounded like an animal; she was so hoarse from, oh, around three or four months... It was spinal meningitis, or, no, Saint Vitus' dance in the--in the spine. And her little lips was all eaten, bleeding, and her little fingers just bleeding all over where she had biting her fingers, and things like that, and just screaming and going on. And I prayed, went down to the church, waited hours after hours, set out in the old car and waited. I wasn't going to leave that case till I heard from heaven. Just setting there in the car, a vision broke before me, said, "Go tell the father and his father..." Said, "Look... Tell the woman that the other day, downtown, she bought a little white kettle. It's never had water in it before." And said, "Tell her to look in the third drawer and she'll find a handkerchief that's in a piece of paper that's never been used before. Tell her to fill it with water. Stand the father on your right hand and the grandfather on your left hand, and repeat, 'Our Father, Who art in heaven...' And as you start that, let her wipe the rag across its face. Then in the middle of the prayer have her touch its hands, then its feet. Then stand and say, 'THUS SAITH THE LORD.'" You know what happened, don't you? She was healed right there. And we put our hands together and walked down the street and drank a soda pop together. That's right. That's right. It stirred St. Louis. In my meeting there, fourteen thousand the first night..