William Branham's Travels

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    William Branham talked a lot about going overseas but most of the trips he planned were canceled. He stated that he had been around the world seven times but we have been unable to confirm this. The only time he actually could have gone around the world was when he visited India in 1954. However, he went to India via Europe and Egypt and stated he returned home the same route.

    The Facts

    Here are the facts that we have been able to confirm:

    1. In 1951, William Branham stated he had been overseas once and was getting ready for his second trip.
    2. He appears to have gone overseas a total of 5 times.
      1. 1950 (April) - Trip to Europe (England & Finland)
      2. 1951 (September) - Trip to South Africa
      3. 1954 (September) - Travelled to India via Lisbon, Rome, and Egypt
      4. 1955 (June) - Travelled to Switzerland and Germany
      5. 1965 (May) - Trip to South Africa (no meetings held)
    3. He never actually went around the world even once.
    4. He was never in Australia or New Zealand and the trip to India was his only trip to Asia.
    5. He was in Africa twice.
    6. He was in Europe three times, one of which was on his trip to India.

    it appears that William Branham considered a trip across the Atlantic Ocean to be a trip "around the world".

    Conclusion: William Branham never did travel around the world. However, he did make five overseas trips.

    Quotes of William Branham about his travels


    And many times, a few years ago, going up and down the street here, as a little lad, I—I never thought that I would have the opportunity to travel for our Lord. But He has so blessed the services till, well, we went internationally now around the world. And this is my second trip across, and I—I trust it’ll—this time will mean more than the other.[1]


    I've sailed the seven seas three times around the world...[2]
    I've visit the grave of most all the founders of a religions; the Mohammedan, and also to—to the grave of Buddha, and Confucius, and many of the philosophers.[3]


    I've sailed the seven seas traveled around the world three times...[4]


    Well, my contention is, here in Georgia, as it has been three times around the world now...[5]


    Ten years, now, of worldwide evangelism; five times around the world, and have seen tens of thousands of people come and be healed. [6]


    In the Mohammedan religion (which I have had the privilege of visiting the country near the grave of Mohammed) and at his grave has been a white horse, has been standing there for two thousand years. Every four hours (I think it is.) they change the guard, and a white horse saddled and waiting for the resurrection of Mohammed… And they say that he will raise from the dead, get on the horse, and conquer the world.[7]
    You ought heard what Morris Reidhead said about that when that Mohammedan had his education and going back. Said, "Why don't you take a resurrected Jesus with you and instead of a dead prophet, Mohammed." And I've been to Mohammed's grave. They have a white horse change every four hours. And they've been there for two thousand years, expecting Mohammed to raise from the dead.[8]
    Here sometime ago, noticing at the grave of Mohammed, at Mohammed's grave there's a white horse that stands there. It's been there for two thousand years. They change the guards about every four hours. What are they doing? They are expecting Mohammed to raise someday and get on this white horse and ride the world and conquer it.[9]


    Oh, I feel like a holy-roller. Amen. I feel like shouting. If it takes that to serve God, then let me do it. I've sailed the seven seas, traveled the world six times around...[10]


    How would He send me out on the field, seven times around the world? [11]


    Now, I've been to Egypt, and in those pyramids…[12]


    I've been seven times around the world...[13]


    I've been to the grave where the white horse is changed every four hours. Where, Mohammed, a great priest and—and leader right after Christ, was supposingly to be a prophet, and, I don't doubt but what he was, right after the Maccabee brothers. [14]


    1. William Branham, 51-0923 - The Principles Of Divine Healing, para. 5
    2. William Branham, 53-1129A - The Faith That Was Once Delivered To The Saints, para. 113
    3. William Branham, 53-0405S - Go, Tell My Disciples, para. 8
    4. William Branham, 54-1206 - Expectation, para. 40
    5. William Branham, 55-0608 - Abrahamn, para. 74
    6. William Branham, 56-0902 - The Handwriting On The Wall, para. 227
    7. William Branham, 58-0128 - The Oneness Of Unity, para. 18
    8. William Branham, 58-0612 - We Would See Jesus, para. 20
    9. William Branham, 58-0326 - United Under One Head, para. 28
    10. William Branham, 59-0708E - Be Certain Of God, para. 75
    11. William Branham, 60-0804 - As The Eagle Stirreth Up Her Nest, para. 81
    12. William Branham, 60-0804 - As The Eagle Stirreth Up Her Nest, para. 52
    13. William Branham, 64-0410 - Scriptural Signs Of The Time, para. 37
    14. William Branham, 65-0220 - God's Chosen Place Of Worship, para. 18
