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"the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ for all who believe. For there is no distinction: for fall have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, whom God put forward as a propitiation by his blood, to be received by faith. This was to show God's righteousness, because in his divine forbearance he had passed over former sins."
"the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ for all who believe. For there is no distinction: for fall have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, whom God put forward as a propitiation by his blood, to be received by faith. This was to show God's righteousness, because in his divine forbearance he had passed over former sins."
- Romans 3:22-25
- Romans 3:22-25
=Quotes of William Branham=
50  That's right. That's good. People just coming up and coming down the aisles. In this little group this afternoon many are gathering around the altar here. Come on up if you're really thirsting. Have you been bit by the devil? You really want to serve God. You want that thirst in you. You want it satisfied. If you do, come on, it's the time. Or have you got to a place where you've been so seared and so hard and callous till nothing can touch you no more? Then you cross between this: between life and death. Now, remember, if I be a servant of God, God will speak that I tell the truth. There's people that actually believe that they are right, and they're wrong. "There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof is the ways of death." If you haven't been borned again of the Spirit of God, and your whole desire is to love every day, every hour, every minute of the day when you're awake, and you're on the bed, you're praising Him, and your love is for Him; and the things of the world, all this modern stuff is all dead to you, you better take your place at the altar.
  57-0630 - Thirsting For Life
  Rev. William Marrion Branham
79  Do you women that stood here just a few minutes ago with this little boy along, and you believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and you want to accept Him as your Saviour, you believe that He's called you to this altar tonight? Raise up your hands if you believe that it was Jesus Christ that called you. Raise up the… God bless you. That's right.
  60-0606 - To Whom Would We Go?
  Rev. William Marrion Branham
''Now, somebody, in here, feels the effect of that message. Now, just while you're waiting just a moment. While I… See, there's no… I know it's right, and '''I do believe in altar calls''', people come up and confessing and so forth like that. But In the Scripture it was as many as believed on Him. See? As many as believed. It might be somebody in here that's been halfway seeking the Holy Spirit, run around or some sinner that doesn't know God, and just maybe went and made three or four trials, and didn't—just kindly unconcerned. That message is sinking right down in their heart right now, ever who it is. This would be the hour for you.<ref>William Branham, 60-0309 - Why?, para. 61</ref>
''I don't say this (say those things) to be indifferent, but sometimes under anointing you know things that you wouldn't—you'd be daresn't to tell the people. Then sometimes under anointing something will slip out (You see?), and you won't notice it. And one of the things that I believe was said (that last Sunday) that might cause someone—when I mentioned that '''I never did believe in altar calls.''' See? I want to say that and clear that so you'll understand.
''There never was an altar call made in all the Bible. There's no such a thing in the Scripture. Nowhere down through the ages was it made till the Methodist age, about two hundred years ago. See? Altar calls are when people come up and try to persuade and pull people, "Come on, John. You know, they… Your mother died, praying for you. Come on, John." That's not conviction, friends. No. Them—them kind, I—very seldom you ever hear one that ever goes very far. And in that you get everything. That's the reason the church is all muddled up the way it is today is because of such things.<ref>William Branham, 61-1119 - Perfect Strength By Perfect Weakness, para. 3-5</ref>
69  Lord, help us, will You please? May each one of our lives be a tree, or something that will bring such conviction to the sinner and the unbeliever, that people, they might see the way of the Lord and enter into the joys of the Lord. Grant it, Father. Bless us in our feeble efforts together. We thank You for this wonderful time of fellowship, this grand breakfast. And, Father, we feel that we have just… Our souls and our bodies are fed by the goodness of God. Be with us, now, as we go further to go into more meeting, and be with us tonight, '''and may something be done that'll cause sinners to come quickly to the altar to be saved'''. May the sick be healed. And those without the Holy Spirit, may they be baptized into the body of Christ. Grant it, Lord. We commit ourselves to You.
  62-0621B - The Path Of Life
  Rev. William Marrion Branham

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Latest revision as of 04:49, 16 January 2016

Though many are aware of the unscriptural nature of William Branham's frequent usage of end-of-the-world predictions and pronouncing judgment on cities, states, nations, and continents of the world, there was a method to his doomsday madness. It takes a close examination of the altar calls that still remain unedited on the recorded sermons from 1947 to 1965.

Branham felt that these altar calls were a fundamental element of the sinner's conversion to the Gospel of Divine Healing, and it served a two-fold purpose: Branham taught that these altar calls were the "showdown," the sinner's choice between death and life. But it also was a measurable statistic for the success or failure of the conversions to this new gospel he proclaimed. The problem is that the crowds were not as receptive as he wanted. With his ministry fading and replaced with other Gospel giants such as Billy Graham and Oral Roberts, William Branham needed successful recognition in the media to draw larger crowds. He could not be that shepherd seeking one lost sheep -- Branham needed to be the shepherd that rejuvenated all of the sheep. And he needed them to gain their excitement at the platform for advertisement photography. But what happened when those crowds were not obedient to his command?

In Canada, those who did not obey were harshly scolded and threatened. According to Branham, any who did not obey the altar call were making a decision to burn forever in hell:

What's the matter with you, Canadians? What's the matter? It's a good thing to be conservative, but don't be too starchy. You're going to grieve the Spirit away from you, and you won't have no revival. Listen at me. I speak in the Name of the Lord. Break up that stubbornness among you, that starchy… Get to your knees. You know you need repenting. I speak in Jesus Christ's Name. Yes, sir, if you want to have a revival, warm your heart to God. There's a dozen or two of you more needs to be around this altar tonight. And if I'm the servant of God, if I'm the prophet of God, I speak in His Name, and you know who I'm talking to. Plan your place here at the altar. You're too starchy. You better get right with God, 'cause the hour is coming when you're going to scream to find this, and you won't find it. That's THUS SAITH THE LORD. That's God speaking. All right. Find your way around this altar. You who are indifferent, shame on you. When the Holy Spirit come and do the things that He's doing right in the midst of you, and you set like a—like you was froze to death. Get out of the seat and get to the altar; repent or perish. That's true. Don't know why I'm saying this. Something is saying to me to say it. I'm giving you a warning. This may be your last one too. You repent. I don't care what church you belong to. If you're not repented and the love of God's not in your heart, you're a sinner and on your road to hell. That's THUS SAITH THE LORD. The same God Who discerns the spirits here and tells them their condition, is speaking right now. I speak in Jesus Christ's Name. Fly to the altar and get to your repentance, quickly, before God turns the page over on you, and you're doomed forever. That's THUS SAITH THE HOLY SPIRIT that's in the midst of us now. 59 That's blunt, but that's Him. I can only speak. God knows that I wouldn't say that within myself for nothing. Something grabbed me and said, "Say that." I only obey God"[1]

But are forced altar calls leading of the Holy Spirit? Does the Holy Spirit threaten and scold? According to William Branham, this was not his voice threatening the Canadians. As the name of the publishing company insinuates, Branham claimed that this was the Voice of God speaking, not the voice of William Branham.

Worse, Branham claimed that by rejecting his command to stand around the altar, these Canadians would "grieve away" the Holy Spirit. In other words, the man on the platform was so important to God, that if they rejected Branham's voice, they would anger the One that God sent to lead and guide us into truth.

But is this idea scriptural?

"Altar calls" are a practice that started the 1700s by the first generation of Methodists in America. Influenced by the Church of England, these Methodists remembered the public confession in the Church of England, and honored that memory by calling the end of the church building an "altar," and continuing the practice. But it was not until the 1820's that it hit mainstream Christianity. A lawyer by the name of Charles Finney changed the course of Evangelical Christianity in America with what is hailed as "America's Greatest Revival." In Finney's theology, all that a sinner needed to be saved was a decision of the will, rather than a regeneration of his nature. In other words, Finney did not believe in the necessity of the new birth of the inward man as described in John 1:13 and John 3:1-8. Primarily because he did not believe in the reality of the sinner's depraved nature (Jer.17:9; Eph.2:1-3). Though this practice cannot be found in scripture, Finney's influence is widespread. Many ministers today are abandoning the practice, because attributing salvation to a physical act is an outright denial of several passages of scripture. Even an atheist can "walk up to the altar," and return to his or her seat as an atheist. It takes a change of the heart for a conversion of the soul. It also denies the assurance of salvation. Christians who have accepted their salvation by faith in Jesus Christ actually question their assurance during an altar call. Should they go forward? What if they have sinned? Do they need to hold a confession?

Mainstream Christianity realizes that it is nothing more than sheer arrogance to believe that the man on the platform or his commands can gain one's eternal salvation. And William Branham took this arrogance to a whole new level by proclaiming that his forced altar call was done so through the mouth of the Almighty God.

"the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ for all who believe. For there is no distinction: for fall have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, whom God put forward as a propitiation by his blood, to be received by faith. This was to show God's righteousness, because in his divine forbearance he had passed over former sins." - Romans 3:22-25

Quotes of William Branham

50 That's right. That's good. People just coming up and coming down the aisles. In this little group this afternoon many are gathering around the altar here. Come on up if you're really thirsting. Have you been bit by the devil? You really want to serve God. You want that thirst in you. You want it satisfied. If you do, come on, it's the time. Or have you got to a place where you've been so seared and so hard and callous till nothing can touch you no more? Then you cross between this: between life and death. Now, remember, if I be a servant of God, God will speak that I tell the truth. There's people that actually believe that they are right, and they're wrong. "There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof is the ways of death." If you haven't been borned again of the Spirit of God, and your whole desire is to love every day, every hour, every minute of the day when you're awake, and you're on the bed, you're praising Him, and your love is for Him; and the things of the world, all this modern stuff is all dead to you, you better take your place at the altar.

  57-0630 - Thirsting For Life
  Rev. William Marrion Branham

79 Do you women that stood here just a few minutes ago with this little boy along, and you believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and you want to accept Him as your Saviour, you believe that He's called you to this altar tonight? Raise up your hands if you believe that it was Jesus Christ that called you. Raise up the… God bless you. That's right.

  60-0606 - To Whom Would We Go?
  Rev. William Marrion Branham

Now, somebody, in here, feels the effect of that message. Now, just while you're waiting just a moment. While I… See, there's no… I know it's right, and I do believe in altar calls, people come up and confessing and so forth like that. But In the Scripture it was as many as believed on Him. See? As many as believed. It might be somebody in here that's been halfway seeking the Holy Spirit, run around or some sinner that doesn't know God, and just maybe went and made three or four trials, and didn't—just kindly unconcerned. That message is sinking right down in their heart right now, ever who it is. This would be the hour for you.[2]

I don't say this (say those things) to be indifferent, but sometimes under anointing you know things that you wouldn't—you'd be daresn't to tell the people. Then sometimes under anointing something will slip out (You see?), and you won't notice it. And one of the things that I believe was said (that last Sunday) that might cause someone—when I mentioned that I never did believe in altar calls. See? I want to say that and clear that so you'll understand.

There never was an altar call made in all the Bible. There's no such a thing in the Scripture. Nowhere down through the ages was it made till the Methodist age, about two hundred years ago. See? Altar calls are when people come up and try to persuade and pull people, "Come on, John. You know, they… Your mother died, praying for you. Come on, John." That's not conviction, friends. No. Them—them kind, I—very seldom you ever hear one that ever goes very far. And in that you get everything. That's the reason the church is all muddled up the way it is today is because of such things.[3]

69 Lord, help us, will You please? May each one of our lives be a tree, or something that will bring such conviction to the sinner and the unbeliever, that people, they might see the way of the Lord and enter into the joys of the Lord. Grant it, Father. Bless us in our feeble efforts together. We thank You for this wonderful time of fellowship, this grand breakfast. And, Father, we feel that we have just… Our souls and our bodies are fed by the goodness of God. Be with us, now, as we go further to go into more meeting, and be with us tonight, and may something be done that'll cause sinners to come quickly to the altar to be saved. May the sick be healed. And those without the Holy Spirit, may they be baptized into the body of Christ. Grant it, Lord. We commit ourselves to You.

  62-0621B - The Path Of Life
  Rev. William Marrion Branham


  1. 57-0806, God Projecting His Love
  2. William Branham, 60-0309 - Why?, para. 61
  3. William Branham, 61-1119 - Perfect Strength By Perfect Weakness, para. 3-5
