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    William Branham mentioned the "old covenant" 16 times in over 1100 sermons. He mentioned the term "new covenant" only 11 times. As a result, it is clear that he did not understand the importance of the new covenant or what it meant.

    Quotes of William Branham

    The old and new covenant

    109 The New Testament means “New Covenant.” The Blood Life, the Blood Life Itself, is the Token. The Life out of the Blood is the Token. Remember, in the Old Testament, the actual blood of the lamb had to be applied. Here, it’s the Token of the Blood; it is the Life from the Blood, that’s in the person, for the Token.

      64-0208 - The Token
      Rev. William Marrion Branham

    24 Now, the Old Testament, the Aaron’s plate was done away, with the Old Covenant.

      64-0306 - A Greater Than Solomon Is Here Now
      Rev. William Marrion Branham

    329 New Testament is “new covenant,” new Life, shows Jesus has met every requirement for us that God required, to make us back, truly, sons and daughters of God, under the Blood, where there is no more condemnation.

      63-0901M - Token
      Rev. William Marrion Branham

    149 The bloody Lamb is our Token tonight. In Hebrews 13:10 and 20, it is called the “everlasting covenant,” if you’d like to read it. God’s Blood-bound promises made us free from sin and flesh. It is an everlasting covenant, to worship Him and show forth His promised signs. The New Testament is the new covenant in His Blood. The Bible said so. The New Testament means the “new covenant,” Blood Life, new Life Token in us. Where the old blood stood for a simple sign of the chemistry that a lamb had died, the Holy Ghost is the Life that was in the Person of Jesus Christ that’s displayed in you and I, tonight. Outside of that, there is no mercy. “Only when I see the blood, I’ll pass over you.”

      63-1128E - The Token
      Rev. William Marrion Branham

    119 The New Testament means “new covenant.” The Blood means “Life.” The New Testament is the Holy Ghost testament, the Holy Ghost giving testimony of what Jesus Christ has raised from the dead, showed Jesus has met every requirement for us, and is alive today. The Token proves He is alive to identify Hisself with us, according to His promise. Now how can a man read the Bible and see that He promised it, and see Christ return in these last days in the form of the Holy Ghost and identify Himself alive? That’s the Token. That’s the sign. That’s the price paid.

      64-0308 - The Token
      Rev. William Marrion Branham

    What is sin?

    Well, what is sin? See? Drinking whiskey is not, and smoking cigarettes, and committing adultery is not sin. That’s just the attributes of sin. You do that because you’re sinners. That’s what you life bears. Smoke… Just like I said tonight outside, “How much this is nice, the whole thing’s nice.” And you’re a sinner, because you believe not. “He that believeth not is condemned already.” You’re a sinner, because you don’t believe.[1]

    273 What is sin? Sin is “unbelief.” Unbelief in (what?) the Word; unbelief in God, which is the Word.

      65-1125 - The Invisible Union Of The Bride Of Christ
      Rev. William Marrion Branham

    79 Look in the Bible, you see where, what age we’re living in then, when you see these great things being made manifest. When God promised to do it, He always does it at the end of each age when the church is come to the turning place, and is turned from the Word back to sin and worldliness. Worldliness is sin. The Bible said, “If you love the world or the things of the world, the love of God’s not even in you.”

      65-1206 - Modern Events Are Made Clear By Prophecy
      Rev. William Marrion Branham


    1. Willaim Branham, 54-0216 - Jairus And Divine Healing, para.13
