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    Latest revision as of 04:08, 31 May 2019

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    This is an essay analyzing William Branham's Seven Visions of 1933. It was written by a former message follower.

    Click on the links below to go to a specific section within the essay. You are currently on the topic below that is in bold:

    An Introduction to the Analysis of the Seven Visions of 1933
    What were the Seven Visions?
    How many Visions?
    Why were the Visions given?
    Why did the Visions fail to change men’s religious ideas?
    A Comparison of the 1960 Sermon and the Church Age Book
    A Critique of each Vision

    1. Mussolini
    2. Hitler
    3. Three ISMs
    4. Scientific progress
    5. Women and morals
    6. Powerful Woman in America
    7. America destroyed

    The Prediction
    The sequence of the visions
    Two views of the Seven Visions
    Summary of the discussion

    The sequence of the visions

    It is natural to assume that the visions would be fulfilled progressively - first Mussolini and last the destruction of America. But it is useful to establish this point beyond doubt because some important conclusions can be drawn and it removes a view of the visions that sees them as being independent and therefore that they can be fulfilled in any old order.

    For example, during the 2016 US elections it was happily accepted by Message believers, that Hilary Clinton could be the woman rising to power and that she could fulfill the 6th vision even though the 5th vision (driverless, egg-shaped cars) was still outstanding.

    So, as far as the visions are concerned:

    • Mussolini preceded Hitler (1935 v 1939).
    • The Three ISMs necessarily followed Hitler because it spoke of the situation following the defeat of the Nazi and Fascist forces.
    • the Driverless car necessarily followed Hitler because it was post war.
    • the destruction of America had to be last otherwise the cruel woman could not rise and morals (in America) couldn’t get worse.

    Five of the seven have to be fulfilled in the order of the visions. There is no reason therefore to believe that the visions did not represent a sequence of events starting with Mussolini and ending with the destruction of America. Why is this important?

    It is important because it creates roadblocks to the final fulfillment and the Rapture. Since the visions have to be fulfilled in sequence, the failure of the ‘Three ISMs’ vision means that logically none of the following visions can be fulfilled. As pointed out in the section ‘Scientific progress’ the ‘Driverless car’ vision cannot be fulfilled because its time has run out, another roadblock.

    It also means that the Rapture cannot happen until after a ‘Cruel woman’ has arisen and until after America is destroyed. And this is very odd. The destruction of America, as described, would have to be as the result of a massive nuclear attack and this would kill most Americans since the vision implies total annihilation and this seems to indicate that the believers who are awaiting the Rapture would be killed too!

    Order is important: this, then this, then something else, and if the Rapture cannot happen until all of the visions have been fulfilled then we have a very peculiar situation. William Branham is effectively saying that if his visions fail or are delayed then the Rapture may fail or be inordinately delayed!

    If the Rapture really is dependent on these visions then, according to William Branham's timeline, it may never happen!

