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    Walked down on the beach there and there laid them women professed to have the Holy Ghost, laying out there, stretched out before men in bathing suits. Hmm. Brother, this might make you vomit, but let me tell you something. I've got a girl coming on myself. I said, "What are you doing, lady." I said, "Isn't that—your father a minister?" Said, "Yes, sir." I said, "Well…" Said, "I'm getting a suntan." I said, "If my girl ever stretches herself out like that, she's going to get a sun tanning, but it is going to be Charlie Branham's son, give her a tan with a barrel slat and bring her home." That's right. I'd tan her. She'd… Well, she'd remember it a long time too. 51-1003 - Believest Thou This?

    But I want to tell you something. You take one of them old mammys up there, might not know how to… all the mathematics and so forth, might—she might not have her name in the Who's Who here on earth. But I just imagine she's got her name in Who's Who up there. That's right. Let her daughter stay out all night and come in the next morning with her make-up all over her face and her hair twisted sideways, out drunk somewhere. You know what she would do? She would teach her a lesson with a barrel slat. That's right.

    54-1204 - God Perfecting His Church

    107 And there's nobody ever deliberately walked into sin without God warning them first. Something will tell you. Tonight there's a many a young girl out listening, and the wolf slipping up on her. You know, they got it, what they call the wolf whistle, they… the wolf whistle. And they'll whistle at these young girls. And they'll go out on the street and put on clothes that isn't becoming to a young lady. And shame on you mothers that'll let them do it. 108 Talk about the illiteracy of Kentucky where I come from: some of those old mammies up there, you let her girl go out and do that, she'd blister her from one side to the other with a barrel slat. That's right. But, oh, you think she's popular. You learn her how to tap dance, and do all these little things, and put the clothes on her like that, and then she comes up in disgrace, you are to blame. That's exactly right. 59-0613 - Thirsting For Life

    61 On my home they had the ten commandments hanging up over the door on a hickory stick about that long. And, brother, I had all ten of them across my back, and up and down my legs, pretty near every day. It done me good though. I'll tell you, Pop took me out behind the house, and I danced a little jig. But I knowed not to do it the next time, when he got through with me. There'd be a whole lot better life, if we had some more daddies to do that today. He never struck me one lick but what I honor him tonight for it. When I looked in the casket, and seen his gray hair on the side of his head, I stood there and tears dropped upon his face. I said, "Daddy, I helped put them there. God help me." That's right. I respected my daddy. He was a daddy that would make me do right. Yes, sir. We need more like that today. 62-0721 - Behold, A Greater Than Solomon Is Here

    54 I went into a house here not long ago to visit a sick man, and a lady was laying—setting there. And a little old Oswald come in, hat setting on the side of his head, said, "Mammy, is dinner ready?" She said, "Honey, we haven't had time" said, "this morning to get any dinner." Said, "I'm fixing you a sandwich," said, "there's some oranges." He walked over and got a hold of an orange, looked at it, bit into it, throwed it up against the wall as hard as he could; the juice run down; said, "If that's all you got around this place, then I'll get out," like that. I thought, "O God, he ought to be mine for about five minutes." Boy, I'd jerk the hide off of him like he'd never knowed it was jerked off. But them lay there, pity and baby. What he needs is a good old fashion limb skinning. That's what we need, some old fashion homes again, and some preachers that'll stand behind the pulpit and preach the truth, and lay it down where it belongs to be led. Amen. That's true. Oh, my. 58 Little Mary stomp her little feet, and stick that little nose up, and turn them little bitty rose-colored lips (by Max Factor's stuff) up in the air, and stick her little head up, and walk out of the house, what a disgrace. How disobedient children are being. The Bible said they would be. The Scripture said they would be. How they would act, how they would do, and the things that's going on in the world today, is because they have grieved away the Holy Spirit. 56-0805 - The Church And Its Condition Rev. William Marrion Branham

    17 Now, if your little boy or little girl was playing on the street where cars are running, and you knew sooner or later they're going to get hurt… Now, if he says, "Why, papa, I want to be out here." Would you say, "Bless your little heart, Junior, you just go right ahead and play in the street"? That's not a real daddy. If you have to jerk that little fellow up and give him a spanking, scold him, tie him up, anything else, keep him off that street, he'll get killed. Is that right? Well, that's the way you have to do with the Gospel. You have to shake and push, and—and—and try to do everything you can to keep the people lined up. And I hope everybody understands that that way. I—I'm just trusting that someday after it's all over and then when the veils are taken from before our face, we will understand then. 61-1231M - You Must Be Born Again

