Stories from the Message: Difference between revisions

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    The following are true stories that were experienced by ex-message believers while in the Message.


    A Message Pastor stood up and asked his Church for approval to give the guitar player some money because he had pawned his guitar and couldn't afford to get it out again. No one raised a hand. Taking the silence as affirmation, the Pastor handed the guitarist $300 cash from the offering plate. Later, In hushed whispers, many express to one another their disapproval. Still, no one confronted the pastor about the folly of giving cash without asking for reasons behind a person’s financial distress. A short time later the guitarist stoped attending services because of alcoholism and drug use.

    In another Message Church, a single mother of four approached the Pastor about her financial distress. She had been in an abusive situation, and had attended the church for years. She needed diapers and food, and was humiliated that she had to ask for help. The Pastor went to discuss the situation with a deacon, who gave the woman $20 with the instructions “Here is some money for diapers, but we don’t help charity cases here.”

    What these stories teach us

    The Message often claims that it has the ability to “write another book of Acts”, but the Book of Acts says that “All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need.” (2:44-45 NIV). What is clear is that the Message is not a continuation of the book of Acts as it claims to be.
