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    The book "William Branham, A Man Sent From God", written by Gordon Lindsay, contains many first-hand testimonies and newspaper reports on William Branham's meetings in the 1940s and 1950s. The full book can be read on the internet at www.biblebelievers.org/mansent1. A sample of these testimonies are included below:

    Testimony of a Man who was Violently Insane

    The following testimony first appeared n the July 1948 issue of the Voice of Healing, and was reprinted on pages 136-137 of "A man send from God"

    When I was two years old I had polio. My parents carried me to many different doctors. I spent some time in crippled children's hospitals. All of them did no good. I got worse all the time. Finally my condition was so bad that I became insane. I had been in the state institution nearly seven months when my people heard about Brother Branham's healing service in Pensacola. I was carried over there and that night I was put in jail because the Lord wasn't through with me. He used me as an example to show the people that He has more power than the devil. When my sister came to see me the next morning, I was perfectly contented because God had shown Brother Branham that he had healed my body. I am now 25 years old and have a good job. Thank God for his healing power.

    T.C., Sopchoppy, Florida.

    Resurrection of Dead Woman

    The following condensed testimony is found on pages 92-94 of "A Man Sent From God":

    On the last night of the service an ambulance driver yelled and said "Brother Branham, my patient has died; can't you come to her?" The evangelist was taken to the ambulance row, and inside one of the ambulances he saw kneeling on the floor an old man. In his hands he clutched an old torn hat sewed with twine cord, and he said, "Brother Branham, mother is gone."

    The man of God walked close to the still form and took her by the hand. Her eyes were set, and she lay still and breathless. Brother Branham said, "She has cancer."

    The man replied, "That is true," and started crying "Oh God, give me back mother." Then all was silent in the ambulance for a few moments.

    Next the voice of Brother Branham was heard praying, "Almighty God, I beseech thee in the Name of Thy dearly beloved Son, Jesus Christ, give this woman her life again." Suddenly the limp hand tightened on the hand of Brother Branham. Then with a little assistance she sat up. The astonished husband saw what had taken place and threw his arms around her and cried, "Mother, thank God, your with me again."

    Testimony of Rev. Arthur Hyland

    The following testimony written by Rev. Arthur Hyland first appeared in the July 1948 issue of the Voice of Healing, and was reprinted on pages 145-146 of "A Man Sent From God":

    "Many were healed of all kinds of afflictions and diseases. Two large goiters disappeared right before my eyes, as well as a cancer on a lady's face. A girl's leg which had been shorter than the other, was lengthened. One Catholic lady who had been an invalid for 10 years was healed of cancer, raised up from her bed, walked out of the building, and has been doing all her work since. Many other healings took place for which we give God all the praise."

    Report from the Chicago Community News of March 24, 1949

    The following article was written by Fannie Wilson, a reporter, and reprinted on page 160-161 of "A Man Sent From God":

    The main difference between Rev. William Branham and most everyone else is: to them the Bible is ancient history; to him it is just as vital and positive a force now as in the days of Jesus of Nazareth. What makes the story different is that Rev. William Branham proceeds to prove his contention.

    Not that he contends. Far from it. Rev. Branham is more humble than all the humble men you have ever seen put together. (Can you imagine a white man, born in Kentucky, lifting a little cross-eyed negro child from Market Street, Waukegan, in his arms and saying, "Daughter, be healed in the name of Jesus Christ?") And her eyes had become straight, even as many others had, during this service of healing and revival meetings held in the Grace Missionary Church. Among those prayed for Monday night was a prominant Waukegan physician.

    During the Monday Night Service alone, nine people were healed after being born deaf and dumb. Most of these were born in this community or were known here previous to their healing. One of these deaf-mutes was healed of blindness also. All became able to speak, although the sounds were similar in tonal quality to those of a child. They also seemed surprised to hear their own voices.

    One man who had come from Iowa had a cancer on his leg from the knee to the ankle, which disappeared immediately after prayer. In last night's meeting children with paralysis, spastics and those suffering from mental deficiency recovered after prayer.

    Many important and respected people of Lake County heard and saw Brother Branham "diagnose" numerous diseases. Most of all, the individual for whom he was to pray saw the effect of their disease created on the minister's left hand, until the illness was stopped after his prayer.

    The audience was reminded many times by the speaker that he himself did not have the power to perform these healings, but that they were "acts of God" through faith of the individuals prayed for.
