Searching for Vindication

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Searching for Vindication is a website that has uncovered a significant amount of historical information with regards to William Branham's life. This site also shares much of this historical information in a usable format, so you verify your own research with downloadable historical documents.

If you are interested in researching William Branham's life, you will save yourself a lot of time and effort be reading their website.

The Searching for Vindication blog was created by people who were intent on disproving our conclusions about William Branham's Municipal Bridge vision. They resolved this issue (and left the Message because of what they found) and ended up discovering a host of other significant issues with respect William Branham's vindications as stated on the tapes.

Some particular areas of interest on their website include:

One published historian made the following statement about this site: "This is certainly material that would need to be taken into consideration in any future treatment of William Branham."
