Is it wrong to wear makeup?
Legalism includes the erecting of specific requirements of conduct beyond the teaching of Scripture and making adherence to them the means by which a person is qualified for full participation in the local family of God, the church. This is where unbiblical exclusivism arises and this is rampant within the Message.
In fact, William Branham admits that he has no Biblical support for his prohibition on makeup.
Quotes of William Branham
Makeup is ungodly
You've took these precious sheep of God, these ladies, that caused them to bob off their hair, and wear makeup, and look like things that the Bible condemns.[1]
Don't bob off your hair; don't wear makeup; don't do this; get it rugged. You'll appreciate me when I come to--to the end of the road. See?[2]
But I have to admit I am just making up the rules as I go along
...Well, there's nothing in the Bible to say for you not to wear makeup. We just know it's wrong, 'cause it's of the world.[3]
But when you pull out your real good teeth, because they're just not as bright as they should be, then you done wrong. If you've got red hair, and you want black, and you go down here and color it black, just because; you done wrong. Yeah, I think so. But the main thing… There's no Scripture for that.[4]