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2 Corinthians 6:17: Difference between revisions

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25 Notice, when Abraham and Lot separated, and God had to destroy Sodom, get rid of Lot, as long as Lot hung around, they had trouble. God told him, “Get thee out from amongst thy kindred, and from amongst thy people, and I’ll bless you.” And I’m telling you, you can’t… God calls for a separation. The world wants mixers, but God wants separators. He wants the people to separate themselves from sin and from the world. “Come out from among them, be ye separated, saith God, touch not their unclean things.” God calls for separation.
25 Notice, when Abraham and Lot separated, and God had to destroy Sodom, get rid of Lot, as long as Lot hung around, they had trouble. God told him, “Get thee out from amongst thy kindred, and from amongst thy people, and I’ll bless you.” And I’m telling you, you can’t… God calls for a separation. The world wants mixers, but God wants separators. He wants the people to separate themselves from sin and from the world. “Come out from among them, be ye separated, saith God, touch not their unclean things.” God calls for separation.
   54-0814 - The Unconditional Covenant That God Made With The People
   54-0814 - The Unconditional Covenant That God Made With The People
  Rev. William Marrion Branham

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   56-0613 - Jehovah-Jireh
   56-0613 - Jehovah-Jireh

37 “Come out from among them.” That’s right. “Separate yourself. Touch not their unclean things, and I will receive you,” saith the Lord. “Be not yoked up with unbelievers, unequally yoked together.” Don’t you do it. Separate yourself.
  57-0915E - Hebrews, Chapter Seven #1
  Rev. William Marrion Branham

129 “Defile the body; I’ll destroy it.” God said He would do it. And today, over cancer, is causing ninety-something percent of the deaths, of throat and lung cancer, is caused by smoking cigarettes. “Defile the body; I’ll destroy it.” But they’re so hell-bound, rolling on like that, they don’t know. And some preacher standing in the pulpit with four degrees, out of college, smoking, hisself. Let me tell you something, brother. The Holy Ghost was sent to call men and women out of that thing. Separate yourself! The word church means to be “separated.” “Come out from among them,” said the Bible. “Touch not their unclean, and I’ll receive you; and you’ll be sons and daughters to Me, and I’ll be God to you.” Oh, my! I don’t mean to be mean, but I mean to be honest and to be truthful. Yes, sir. Oh, what a horrible thing!
  59-1217 - What Was The Holy Ghost Given For?
149 “Come out of her, My people,” said the Lord. “Come out of Babylon, confusion. Come out of your creeds and your self-styled things. I will receive you,” saith the Lord. “Touch not their unclean things,” their beatnik parties in church, and bunco, and all other kind of stuff, and dances.
  60-1225 - God's Wrapped Gift
82 You remember the first time God ever spoke to you? Oh, glory. Going to call me holy-roller anyhow, so you just might as well get started now. Oh, my. When I first heard His voice, it spake like many waters. Oh, my. By the brook and stream, where a rippling stream, so he can lay down, bathe, look up. My. He looked up, and said, “What was that?” She come back over. She said, “Honey, you’re mine. You don’t belong in that place anyhow.” “Come out from among them. Be ye separated,” saith the Lord. “Touch not their unclean things, and I’ll be God to you. I’ll be God to you. You’ll be son and daughter to Me.” See?
  61-0122 - As The Eagle Stirs Her Nest
64 Now, God wants separators. Now, the people wants mixers. Oh, my. Today they got to have a little Hollywood guy, you know, and—and, you know, and all this, and there has got a lot of flowers, and just color up. They don’t want the old fashion preacher that lays it right on the hewing line. They won’t have it. He’s a fanatic. He’s a holy-roller. That’s what they want. They want mixers, somebody that’ll go swimming with them, and somebody will play bunco with them, and somebody will go to dances, and not fanatics. See, they don’t want that. But God wants separators. Separate yourself. The very word “church” means, “separated, called out.” “Come out from among them,” saith God, “and I’ll receive you and touch not their unclean thing.” Separators… Oh, Christians. Separate yourself from everything of the world, brother, sister. Get away from the things of the world: separate.
  61-0312 - Jehovah-Jireh
89 “Come out from among them. Be ye separate,” saith the Lord. “I will receive you. Touch not their unclean things. You abide in Me, and My Word in you, ask what you will, and it’ll be done to you.” See?
  61-0416 - Abraham And His Seed After Him
23 It must have been along about ten o’clock in the morning. Our little brother Jairus, he was a—he was a believer. He—he actually was a believer, but he was kind of a secret believer. And you now, we got a whole lot of those out here in these Methodist, Baptist, and Presbyterian churches. They really believe this message of Pentecost. They do. But they just can’t do it on account of their church. So Jairus said… He was a secret believer; outwardly he had joined himself up with a bunch of unbelievers. And so, that’s the way a many a good man is tonight: joined up with unbelievers. And the Bible said, “Do not be unequally yoked together. Don’t yoke yourself up amongst unbelievers. Come out from amongst the unbelievers, and separate yourself,” saith God, “and I will receive you. Touch not their unclean thing. And I’ll be God to you, and you’ll be sons and daughters unto Me.”
  61-0427 - Only Believe
8 Any, anybody else in here ever knowed Rabbi Lawson? Just a few of you. I want to say this, then. A strange thing happened to him. He was a real, little preacher, fine brother. And he—he didn’t have no big charges; that wasn’t his mission. But, I believe he lived true to what he was put in charge over, that’s the main thing. 9 And his wife thought he wasn’t making enough money, preaching, so they, wanted him to get a job. He studied the Bible all the time. So one day she got so angry with him, she just grabbed the Bible right out of his lap, took It over, and raised up the stove, and stuck it in the stove and burned It. A few months after that, she was putting up some Christmas lights, fire of the Christmas tree caught her and burnt her up, right in the same place. See, you reap what you sow. “Touch not My anointed, do My prophets no harm.” See?
  61-1231E - If God Be With Us, Then Where Is All The Miracles?
183 We’ve got great evangelists that’s—that’s going to the church denominational today. One of the greatest men in the land, that we know of, is Billy Graham. And he’s certainly blasting the Gospel to those people out there, calling them out, “Get out of Sodom.” 184 We don’t have to holler “Get out of Sodom,” to this Church. It ought to be out, already. If it’s called by the Holy Ghost, it’s done left Sodom, a long time ago. That’s right. It’s forsook Sodom. She is living out here, by Herself, exactly, separated. The very word church means “called-out, separated.” And if you’ve separated, your… 185 “Come out from among them. Touch not their unclean things.” If you haven’t done that, you’re down in Sodom; you’re a church member, lukewarm. Then you ought to separate yourself, and get away from the things of the world, and come out, and live clean and holy, walk in the commandments of God.
  62-0123 - Forsaking All
  Rev. William Marrion Branham