The Spirit, the Water, and the Blood: Difference between revisions

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    ==Three works of grace==
    ==Three works of grace==
    57 For instance, like this, when—when we’re born in the Body of Christ, there’s three elements it takes to bring our Birth. And that’s the three elements that came out of the life of Christ when He died. There come from His body, water, Blood, Spirit. Is that right? [Congregation says, “Right.”—Ed.] Three elements, that’s the elements we go through when we’re born again: justification, sanctification, baptism of the Holy Spirit. Now, that can all be in one act. But it takes…But you can be in a justified state without being sanctified. You can believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and still carry your filth with you. But you can absolutely live in a both justified and a clean holy life, and without the Holy Ghost. See, the Bible, First John 5:7, said, “There are three that bear record in Heaven, the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, and…Father, Word, and Holy Ghost,” which was the Son, “and these three are one. And there’s three that bear record in earth, the water, Blood, and Spirit, and they agree in one.” Not one, but agree in one. You can’t have the Father without having the Son; you can’t have the Son without having the Holy Ghost, for they are inseparable, one. The trinity is in a one.
      53-0608A - Demonology, Physical Realm
    18 Here, let me show you something in the Scriptures so you won’t be tied up. I don’t have time to teach, but look. For instance, when a baby’s born in this world… A baby born a natural birth, what is the three elements that comes from the body? The first is water. Is that right? Blood. Is that right? Then life, spirit. Is that true? Water, blood, and spirit, that makes a complete birth. When a man is born again of the Spirit of God, there was three elements came from the Body of Jesus Christ that we go through to be born again of the Spirit of God: water, blood, and spirit. Is that right? Pierced His side: water and Blood and Spirit. These three are one. That’s the elements we come through: the justification, sanctification, baptism of the Holy Spirit into the Body of Christ, the three.
      53-0904 - Healing (What Cancer Is)

    ''Now, Christian friend, '''a person cannot be born again until they have received the Holy Spirit.''' See? You can’t. You are not even converted until you receive the Holy Ghost. I’m not say, “you’re lost,” before you receive the Holy Ghost; ’cause you’re not. There is three… there is one work of grace, only one work of grace, that’s the Holy Spirit. And it’s made in three manifestations. Just like there’s one God made in three manifestations: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. One God, only one. Now, there is three works of grace but three manifestations. There’s a manifestation of justification by faith. A man believes God, says, “Yes, sir, I believe that. I believe there’s a true God and now for my personal Saviour, I accept Jesus Christ, His Son, as my personal Saviour.” Now, that’s what’s called justification by faith, which the disciples received first.<ref>William Branham, 54-0516 - Questions And Answers (Law Having A Shadow), para. 14</ref>
    ''Now, Christian friend, '''a person cannot be born again until they have received the Holy Spirit.''' See? You can’t. You are not even converted until you receive the Holy Ghost. I’m not say, “you’re lost,” before you receive the Holy Ghost; ’cause you’re not. There is three… there is one work of grace, only one work of grace, that’s the Holy Spirit. And it’s made in three manifestations. Just like there’s one God made in three manifestations: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. One God, only one. Now, there is three works of grace but three manifestations. There’s a manifestation of justification by faith. A man believes God, says, “Yes, sir, I believe that. I believe there’s a true God and now for my personal Saviour, I accept Jesus Christ, His Son, as my personal Saviour.” Now, that’s what’s called justification by faith, which the disciples received first.<ref>William Branham, 54-0516 - Questions And Answers (Law Having A Shadow), para. 14</ref>
    74 Now, that’s exactly what’s come today through justification and sanctification. See? “Has trod the Blood of Jesus Christ wherewith he was sanctified,” it is the sanctified people that come up to a place where they see the baptism of the Holy Ghost, and they turn away and say, “It’s fanaticism; we cannot take it. We’ll be turned out of our classes; we’ll be turned out of our places. We’ll be turned out of our churches. We cannot do that (see?), because it’s contrary to our church teaching.” See? Has counted the Blood of Jesus Christ that brought him all this distance, right to the sealing of the promise, and then walk away from it. He said it’s totally impossible for them to ever be saved. See, see? Not the one that has walked over in the promised land…
      61-1015M - Questions And Answers
    37 So if a man sets on the thought of “just justification is all you have to have,” he’s wrong, wrong. He’s got to be wrong. And then if the church who believes like the many of the Pentecostals, that the Holy Ghost is it, “that’s all, just repent and get the Holy Ghost,” that’s still wrong, because you’ve got to get sanctification in there to cleanse it before the Holy Ghost comes in. If you don’t, you leave out the Blood. See? And the new Birth, as people talks that the baptism of the Holy Ghost is the new Birth. Now, that’s wrong. The baptism of the Holy Ghost is different from the new Birth. The new Birth is when you’re born again. But the Holy Ghost is when power comes into that Birth for service. That’s exact. See? The Holy Ghost is…baptized into the Holy Ghost.
      62-0909M - Countdown
      Rev. William Marrion Branham
    166 God is perfected in three’s. Like Father, Son, Holy Spirit, makes one God. And justification, sanctification, baptism of the Holy Ghost, makes one birth. Water, Blood, and Spirit, makes one Birth. And so forth, see, it’s all, it’s perfect. We haven’t time to go through the—the numerals of God, in His, what He is perfected in; and what His Coming will be in, and so forth, and what number, but we’re in it.
      63-0627 - Jesus Christ The Same Yesterday, Today, And Forever
      Rev. William Marrion Branham

    ''See, He makes three Comings. He come in three son’s names. He come in a '''trinity: Father, Son, Holy Ghost.''' See, all of it the same Christ, the same God, all the time. Now, we know He come to bring '''three works of grace: justification, sanctification, baptism of the Holy Ghost.''' Everything, in God, is completed in three’s.<ref>William Branham, 64-0726E - Broken Cisterns, para. 14</ref>
    ''See, He makes three Comings. He come in three son’s names. He come in a '''trinity: Father, Son, Holy Ghost.''' See, all of it the same Christ, the same God, all the time. Now, we know He come to bring '''three works of grace: justification, sanctification, baptism of the Holy Ghost.''' Everything, in God, is completed in three’s.<ref>William Branham, 64-0726E - Broken Cisterns, para. 14</ref>