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    This is but one single example of many where what Branham spoke using “THUS SAITH THE LORD” failed to come to pass. We can name several others to look at as well such as the Brown Bear vision, the Municipal Bridge vision, and the vision which he spoke of in 1963 concerning the prophet messenger of the Laodicean “church age” being on earth when Christ returns:
    This is but one single example of many where what Branham spoke using “THUS SAITH THE LORD” failed to come to pass. We can name several others to look at as well such as the Brown Bear vision, the Municipal Bridge vision, and the vision which he spoke of in 1963 concerning the prophet messenger of the Laodicean “church age” being on earth when Christ returns:

    “Now, you see, I'm just not making that up. That's what... It's THUS SAITH THE LORD. I'll read it to you out of the Book: the sounding of the seventh angel's message, the mystery of God should be finished that's been declared by His holy prophets. That's the prophets who has wrote the Word. At the sounding of the seventh church age, the last church age, all the loose ends that through these church ages have been probed at, will be wound up together. And when the Seals are broke and the mystery is revealed, down comes the Angel, the Messenger, Christ, setting His foot upon the land and upon the sea with a rainbow over His head. Now remember, this seventh angel is on earth at the time of this coming.”  THE.BREACH.BETWEEN.THE.SEVEN.CHURCH.AGES.AND.THE.SEVEN.SEALS_ JEFF.IN 63-0317E
    :''“Now, you see, I'm just not making that up. That's what... It's THUS SAITH THE LORD. I'll read it to you out of the Book: the sounding of the seventh angel's message, the mystery of God should be finished that's been declared by His holy prophets. That's the prophets who has wrote the Word. At the sounding of the seventh church age, the last church age, all the loose ends that through these church ages have been probed at, will be wound up together. And when the Seals are broke and the mystery is revealed, down comes the Angel, the Messenger, Christ, setting His foot upon the land and upon the sea with a rainbow over His head. Now remember, this seventh angel is on earth at the time of this coming.”  THE.BREACH.BETWEEN.THE.SEVEN.CHURCH.AGES.AND.THE.SEVEN.SEALS_ JEFF.IN 63-0317E

    Interestingly, since Branham proclaimed himself as this prophet messenger, this would require his resurrection for this vision to occur.  There is no Scriptural precedence for a prophet to be resurrected.  What are we to take from this example?
    Interestingly, since Branham proclaimed himself as this prophet messenger, this would require his resurrection for this vision to occur.  There is no Scriptural precedence for a prophet to be resurrected.  What are we to take from this example?
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    In the instance of the Municipal Bridge vision, the bridge which Branham pointed out to Pearry Green which is often used to confirm this vision did not collapse during its construction, and there is absolutely no indication that 16 men died during its construction let alone were drown in the same incident.  But what makes this even more interesting is the time line which Branham introduces in the telling of this vision.  Branham tells us in the 14 instances where he recounts this vision that he received the vision 22 years prior to the bridge being completed:
    In the instance of the Municipal Bridge vision, the bridge which Branham pointed out to Pearry Green which is often used to confirm this vision did not collapse during its construction, and there is absolutely no indication that 16 men died during its construction let alone were drown in the same incident.  But what makes this even more interesting is the time line which Branham introduces in the telling of this vision.  Branham tells us in the 14 instances where he recounts this vision that he received the vision 22 years prior to the bridge being completed:

    “I was playing marbles out with my little brothers, out in the front yard. And all at once I had a strange feeling come on me. And I stopped and set down aside of a tree. And we were right up on the bank from the Ohio River. And I looked down towards Jeffersonville, and I seen a bridge rise up and go across that, the river, span the river. And I seen sixteen men (I counted them) that dropped off of there and lost their lives on that bridge. I run in real quick and told my mother, and she thought I went to sleep. But they kept it in mind, and twenty-two years from then the Municipal Bridge now (that many of you cross when you cross there) crossed the river at the same place, and sixteen men lost their life building that bridge across the river. It's never failed to be perfectly true.” My Life Story, Los Angeles, April 19, 1959
    :''“I was playing marbles out with my little brothers, out in the front yard. And all at once I had a strange feeling come on me. And I stopped and set down aside of a tree. And we were right up on the bank from the Ohio River. And I looked down towards Jeffersonville, and I seen a bridge rise up and go across that, the river, span the river. And I seen sixteen men (I counted them) that dropped off of there and lost their lives on that bridge. I run in real quick and told my mother, and she thought I went to sleep. But they kept it in mind, and twenty-two years from then the Municipal Bridge now (that many of you cross when you cross there) crossed the river at the same place, and sixteen men lost their life building that bridge across the river. It's never failed to be perfectly true.” My Life Story, Los Angeles, April 19, 1959

    “Here at the municipal bridge. Sister, no doubt you know where the municipal bridge is, don't you, cross from Jeffersonville to Louisville?
    :''“Here at the municipal bridge. Sister, no doubt you know where the municipal bridge is, don't you, cross from Jeffersonville to Louisville?
    Twenty-two years, when I was a little boy, just a little bitty lad about five years old, or six years old, when the Angel of the Lord appeared in the bush... You've heard me tell that haven't you, when I was packing water?
    :''Twenty-two years, when I was a little boy, just a little bitty lad about five years old, or six years old, when the Angel of the Lord appeared in the bush... You've heard me tell that haven't you, when I was packing water?
    Well, about two weeks after that, I was playing marbles with my little brother. And I thought I'd got sick, some real funny feeling came on me. And I went and set down by the side of a tree. And I looked down at the river, and there went a bridge, a big, great big bridge going across the river. And I counted sixteen men that fell off of that bridge and drowned. And I went and told mother. And I told her I seen it. And they thought I was crazy or something. They thought I was just at a little nervous hysterical child.
    Well, about two weeks after that, I was playing marbles with my little brother. And I thought I'd got sick, some real funny feeling came on me. And I went and set down by the side of a tree. And I looked down at the river, and there went a bridge, a big, great big bridge going across the river. And I counted sixteen men that fell off of that bridge and drowned. And I went and told mother. And I told her I seen it. And they thought I was crazy or something. They thought I was just at a little nervous hysterical child.
    And twenty-two years from that time, on the same ground went the municipal bridge across, and sixteen men lost their lives on it. See? Wasn't nothing that... It's--it's God sent it. Your prayers brought it. See?”  EXPERIENCES PHOENIX.AZ 48-0302
    :''And twenty-two years from that time, on the same ground went the municipal bridge across, and sixteen men lost their lives on it. See? Wasn't nothing that... It's--it's God sent it. Your prayers brought it. See?”  EXPERIENCES PHOENIX.AZ 48-0302

    The bridge was completed on October 31, 1929.  Branham tells us in his vision several times that he was five or six years old, that he was playing marbles with his younger brother in the yard, and that he ran into the house to tell his mother.  Now, depending on the birthdate which you hold as credible for Branham’s birth that he gave on several different legal records and documents or that he states in his sermons, Branham was born in 1909 (or 1907, or 1908, but let’s stick with Branham’s recording of a sermon from the pulpit):
    The bridge was completed on October 31, 1929.  Branham tells us in his vision several times that he was five or six years old, that he was playing marbles with his younger brother in the yard, and that he ran into the house to tell his mother.  Now, depending on the birthdate which you hold as credible for Branham’s birth that he gave on several different legal records and documents or that he states in his sermons, Branham was born in 1909 (or 1907, or 1908, but let’s stick with Branham’s recording of a sermon from the pulpit):

    “She said, "I'm an astrologist." ...Said, "Perhaps, I will tell you just exactly when you was born, would you believe me?" And I said, "You can't do it in the first place." See? She said, "Oh, yes, I can." I said, "Let's hear you." Said, "You was born on April the 6th at five o'clock in the morning in 1909.””  William Branham, 52-0713A - Early Spiritual Experiences, para. 21-22
    :''“She said, "I'm an astrologist." ...Said, "Perhaps, I will tell you just exactly when you was born, would you believe me?" And I said, "You can't do it in the first place." See? She said, "Oh, yes, I can." I said, "Let's hear you." Said, "You was born on April the 6th at five o'clock in the morning in 1909.””  William Branham, 52-0713A - Early Spiritual Experiences, para. 21-22

    When we do the math, we see that Branham would not yet have been born 22 years prior to the bridge being completed.
    When we do the math, we see that Branham would not yet have been born 22 years prior to the bridge being completed.
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    Secondarily, we have examples where what Branham said was not true, but he spoke using “THUS SAITH THE LORD”.  Here is one example:
    Secondarily, we have examples where what Branham said was not true, but he spoke using “THUS SAITH THE LORD”.  Here is one example:

    “Now, look friends, think of King George of England, when he was healed with multiple sclerosis, when we had prayer for him. Think of Florence Nightingale, her grandmother, the founder of the Red Cross, was about sixty pounds of weight, laid dying yonder with a cancer on the duodenal of the stomach, laying there dying. A little dove flew into the bush there and the Spirit of God come and said, "THUS SAITH THE LORD, she shall live." And she weighs a hundred and fifty-five pounds in perfect health.”  September 2, 1953, Sermon: Testimony
    :''“Now, look friends, think of King George of England, when he was healed with multiple sclerosis, when we had prayer for him. Think of Florence Nightingale, her grandmother, the founder of the Red Cross, was about sixty pounds of weight, laid dying yonder with a cancer on the duodenal of the stomach, laying there dying. A little dove flew into the bush there and the Spirit of God come and said, "THUS SAITH THE LORD, she shall live." And she weighs a hundred and fifty-five pounds in perfect health.”  September 2, 1953, Sermon: Testimony

    Branham spoke of this instance where he healed Florence Nightingale five times over the course of his ministry.  There are some issues however.
    Branham spoke of this instance where he healed Florence Nightingale five times over the course of his ministry.  There are some issues however.
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    It should be noted here that I view Branham’s teaching as the teaching of not a minister of God, but of a prophet of God.  If Branham had proclaimed himself as a minister of God, we would not be having this discussion.  But Branham told us that his ministry was ordained to forerun the second coming of Christ as a prophet of God… so we must evaluate his teaching as such:
    It should be noted here that I view Branham’s teaching as the teaching of not a minister of God, but of a prophet of God.  If Branham had proclaimed himself as a minister of God, we would not be having this discussion.  But Branham told us that his ministry was ordained to forerun the second coming of Christ as a prophet of God… so we must evaluate his teaching as such:

    “The trouble of it is, you Pentecostal people, you Baptists, you Methodists, you've failed to recognize your God-given privilege. Hear me. THUS SAITH THE LORD, you believe it with all your heart. He promised it in the last day. Hasn't been for two thousand years, because the Bible said it wouldn't be. But Jesus said... As it was in the days of Sodom, when that Angel come, turned His back to the tent, and asked for Sarah, and told what she said in the building... How many knows that? Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of man." When? Just before Sodom burned. That's just before this world's going to burn. The whole unbelieving world will be--go into chaos and burn with fervent heat. We know that. And just before that time... Remember, THUS SAITH THE HOLY SPIRIT, this is your last sign. Write it in your Bible. And if something rises besides this, and greater than this, call me a false prophet.”  61-0414 - Be Not Afraid, it is I
    :''“The trouble of it is, you Pentecostal people, you Baptists, you Methodists, you've failed to recognize your God-given privilege. Hear me. THUS SAITH THE LORD, you believe it with all your heart. He promised it in the last day. Hasn't been for two thousand years, because the Bible said it wouldn't be. But Jesus said... As it was in the days of Sodom, when that Angel come, turned His back to the tent, and asked for Sarah, and told what she said in the building... How many knows that? Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of man." When? Just before Sodom burned. That's just before this world's going to burn. The whole unbelieving world will be--go into chaos and burn with fervent heat. We know that. And just before that time... Remember, THUS SAITH THE HOLY SPIRIT, this is your last sign. Write it in your Bible. And if something rises besides this, and greater than this, call me a false prophet.”  61-0414 - Be Not Afraid, it is I

    “You'll never receive another sign. This is It. THUS SAITH THE LORD. Would a prophet of God make a statement like that if it wasn't true? You're receiving your greatest sign, and your last sign, before the appearing of Christ. Come! The reason I'm saying these things, I've never said this in any other meeting, I feel that right here is opportunity here for something to happen. That's why I'm saying the way I am. I believe you understand. You wouldn't go around, make some kind of a cult, say, "Brother Branham is a god," or something like that. You understand what I'm talking about.”  62-0707 - Jehovah-Jireh #3
    :''“You'll never receive another sign. This is It. THUS SAITH THE LORD. Would a prophet of God make a statement like that if it wasn't true? You're receiving your greatest sign, and your last sign, before the appearing of Christ. Come! The reason I'm saying these things, I've never said this in any other meeting, I feel that right here is opportunity here for something to happen. That's why I'm saying the way I am. I believe you understand. You wouldn't go around, make some kind of a cult, say, "Brother Branham is a god," or something like that. You understand what I'm talking about.”  62-0707 - Jehovah-Jireh #3

    William Branham also told us that his interpretation of the Bible was correct:
    William Branham also told us that his interpretation of the Bible was correct:

    “Now, let us all pray. Lord, with our heads bowed, just now, it's got to be known that Your Scripture's the truth, and I've told the truth of It, or either, I am wrong and a false prophet, or Your Scripture has misled us. Now, Lord, we know that that's not so. We know that Your Scriptures are Truth.” LED.BY.THE.SPIRIT_ LA.CA TUESDAY_ 59-0407
    :''“Now, let us all pray. Lord, with our heads bowed, just now, it's got to be known that Your Scripture's the truth, and I've told the truth of It, or either, I am wrong and a false prophet, or Your Scripture has misled us. Now, Lord, we know that that's not so. We know that Your Scriptures are Truth.” LED.BY.THE.SPIRIT_ LA.CA TUESDAY_ 59-0407

    We also can recall that William Branham told us that he was infallible as the prophet messenger:
    We also can recall that William Branham told us that he was infallible as the prophet messenger:

    “BUT I DENY UPON THE INFALLIBLE EVIDENCE OF THE WORD THAT THERE IS MORE THAN ONE MAJOR PROPHET-MESSENGER WHO WILL REVEAL THE MYSTERIES AS CONTAINED IN THE WORD, AND WHO HAS THE MINISTRY TO TURN THE HEARTS OF THE CHILDREN TO THE FATHERS. "Thus saith the Lord" by His unfailing Word stands, and shall stand and be vindicated. There is one prophet-messenger to this age. On the basis of human behavior alone, anyone knows that where there are many people there is even divided opinion on lesser points of a major doctrine which they all hold together. Who then will have the power of infallibility which is to be restored in this last age, for this last age is going to go back to manifesting the Pure Word Bride? That means we will have the Word once again as it was perfectly given, and perfectly understood in the days of Paul. I will tell you who will have it. It will be a prophet as thoroughly vindicated, or even more thoroughly vindicated than was any prophet in all the ages from Enoch to this day, because this man will of necessity have the capstone prophetic ministry, and God will shew him forth. He won't need to speak for himself, God will speak for him by the voice of the sign. Amen.”  An Exposition Of The Seven Church Ages - Chapter Nine - The Laodicean Church Age
    :''“BUT I DENY UPON THE INFALLIBLE EVIDENCE OF THE WORD THAT THERE IS MORE THAN ONE MAJOR PROPHET-MESSENGER WHO WILL REVEAL THE MYSTERIES AS CONTAINED IN THE WORD, AND WHO HAS THE MINISTRY TO TURN THE HEARTS OF THE CHILDREN TO THE FATHERS. "Thus saith the Lord" by His unfailing Word stands, and shall stand and be vindicated. There is one prophet-messenger to this age. On the basis of human behavior alone, anyone knows that where there are many people there is even divided opinion on lesser points of a major doctrine which they all hold together. Who then will have the power of infallibility which is to be restored in this last age, for this last age is going to go back to manifesting the Pure Word Bride? That means we will have the Word once again as it was perfectly given, and perfectly understood in the days of Paul. I will tell you who will have it. It will be a prophet as thoroughly vindicated, or even more thoroughly vindicated than was any prophet in all the ages from Enoch to this day, because this man will of necessity have the capstone prophetic ministry, and God will shew him forth. He won't need to speak for himself, God will speak for him by the voice of the sign. Amen.”  An Exposition Of The Seven Church Ages - Chapter Nine - The Laodicean Church Age

    Since Branham proclaimed himself as a prophet, and as THE PROPHET MESSENGER prior to the return of Jesus Christ, it is important to evaluate him as what he himself claimed.  And to drive this point home, Branham spoke about diminishing his ministry so Christ’s return could be exalted:
    Since Branham proclaimed himself as a prophet, and as THE PROPHET MESSENGER prior to the return of Jesus Christ, it is important to evaluate him as what he himself claimed.  And to drive this point home, Branham spoke about diminishing his ministry so Christ’s return could be exalted:

    “That’s when Peter made those notable words, and said, “Lord, where would we go?” Certainly. Then He begin from that very hour… Long as He was healing the sick, it was fine. But when He went to interfering with their individual life, then that said something different. From right there His ministry begin to diminish, right on to the cross. And every true servant of God will follow the same example. Certainly, the people wants patted and played with. But when it comes to truth, they don’t want it. Now, remember, these are tapes going around the world. All right.” 62-0714 - The Uncertain Sound
    :''“That’s when Peter made those notable words, and said, “Lord, where would we go?” Certainly. Then He begin from that very hour… Long as He was healing the sick, it was fine. But when He went to interfering with their individual life, then that said something different. From right there His ministry begin to diminish, right on to the cross. And every true servant of God will follow the same example. Certainly, the people wants patted and played with. But when it comes to truth, they don’t want it. Now, remember, these are tapes going around the world. All right.” 62-0714 - The Uncertain Sound

    Let’s start with specific Scriptures which William Branham preached in opposition to Scripture.  As our first example, let’s look at what Branham said concerning Enoch and Noah.  William Branham tells us this concerning how Saul was chosen:
    Let’s start with specific Scriptures which William Branham preached in opposition to Scripture.  As our first example, let’s look at what Branham said concerning Enoch and Noah.  William Branham tells us this concerning how Saul was chosen:

    "So they searched out through the country. And down in the tribe of Benjamin they found a man by the name of Kish, who had a son named Saul. And they chose him."  60-0610 THE.REJECTED.KING_ CHAUTAUQUA.OH FRIDAY_
    :''"So they searched out through the country. And down in the tribe of Benjamin they found a man by the name of Kish, who had a son named Saul. And they chose him."  60-0610 THE.REJECTED.KING_ CHAUTAUQUA.OH FRIDAY_

    In this sermon, and others where he claimed the same thing, Branham tells us that the people of the Nation of Israel “searched”, “found”, and “chose” Saul.  But what does the Bible tell us?
    In this sermon, and others where he claimed the same thing, Branham tells us that the people of the Nation of Israel “searched”, “found”, and “chose” Saul.  But what does the Bible tell us?
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    Let’s look at another example where what Branham taught directly contradicts Scripture:
    Let’s look at another example where what Branham taught directly contradicts Scripture:

    "And when the... John wept. Now, someone, as I said last week, they said, "John wept because that he could find nobody worthy." It wasn't that. A man under the influence of the Holy Ghost wouldn't weep for that. Thought that, "'Cause he wasn't worthy," maybe John himself wasn't worthy. There's nobody worthy. But he didn't weep because of that. I believe he was weeping for joy because that he had seen the whole plan of redemption was wrote in this Book here. It wasn't because there wasn't nobody worthy, because there stood a Lamb right there was worthy. So he was weeping there, he said, "Oh, Glory to God." Listen at him directly when he goes to shouting. Now, but we find him here weeping because that he was so happy because that the Lamb had taken the Book for the--out of the hand of Him that set upon the throne."  REV.CHAP.5.PART.2 JEFF.IN ROJC 747-793 61-0618
    :''"And when the... John wept. Now, someone, as I said last week, they said, "John wept because that he could find nobody worthy." It wasn't that. A man under the influence of the Holy Ghost wouldn't weep for that. Thought that, "'Cause he wasn't worthy," maybe John himself wasn't worthy. There's nobody worthy. But he didn't weep because of that. I believe he was weeping for joy because that he had seen the whole plan of redemption was wrote in this Book here. It wasn't because there wasn't nobody worthy, because there stood a Lamb right there was worthy. So he was weeping there, he said, "Oh, Glory to God." Listen at him directly when he goes to shouting. Now, but we find him here weeping because that he was so happy because that the Lamb had taken the Book for the--out of the hand of Him that set upon the throne."  REV.CHAP.5.PART.2 JEFF.IN ROJC 747-793 61-0618

    What does Scripture tell us?
    What does Scripture tell us?
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    What did Branham tell us about Enoch?
    What did Branham tell us about Enoch?

    “And notice, back there in that evil day just before the destruction, when God had a man out preaching the Gospel, a poor man, humble man, not very much of the world, but a man who had a heart to listen to God: Noah. There was Noah and Enoch preaching at the same time.”  JUNCTION.OF.TIME JEFF.IN 56-0115
    :''“And notice, back there in that evil day just before the destruction, when God had a man out preaching the Gospel, a poor man, humble man, not very much of the world, but a man who had a heart to listen to God: Noah. There was Noah and Enoch preaching at the same time.”  JUNCTION.OF.TIME JEFF.IN 56-0115

    “And when they... When Noah saw Enoch was missing, he thought, "What become of Enoch? What become of Enoch? Where is he at?" Which, was grandson, Noah was grandson to Enoch. And he said, "Where is it at? What become of him? We can't find him no more." Noah started building on that ark. He knowed that the time was at hand, right there.”  UNCERTAIN.SOUND JEFF.IN 60-1218
    :''“And when they... When Noah saw Enoch was missing, he thought, "What become of Enoch? What become of Enoch? Where is he at?" Which, was grandson, Noah was grandson to Enoch. And he said, "Where is it at? What become of him? We can't find him no more." Noah started building on that ark. He knowed that the time was at hand, right there.”  UNCERTAIN.SOUND JEFF.IN 60-1218

    “Just like Noah kept watching Enoch. When Enoch went, Noah said, "Better get close to the ark. The time is at hand." Noah kept watching Enoch (See?)”  THIRD.SEAL.THE JEFF.IN 63-0320
    :''“Just like Noah kept watching Enoch. When Enoch went, Noah said, "Better get close to the ark. The time is at hand." Noah kept watching Enoch (See?)”  THIRD.SEAL.THE JEFF.IN 63-0320

    Was Noah alive when Enoch was translated?  According to Scripture, Enoch was Translated 987 years after the appearance of Adam (Genesis 5:15, 23).  Noah was born 1,056 years after the appearance of Adam (Gen 5:9, 9:29).  The flood started when Noah was 600 years old, or 1,656 years after the appearance of Adam.  Noah was born 69 years after Enoch was Translated.  God told Noah to build the ark 569 years after Enoch was Translated.  How was it that Noah could watch Enoch to determine his sign to build the ark for the flood which happened 669 years after Enoch’s Translation?  Branham clearly tells us Noah and Enoch were preaching at the same time.  Which is correct?  Was Scripture correct, or was Branham correct?
    Was Noah alive when Enoch was translated?  According to Scripture, Enoch was Translated 987 years after the appearance of Adam (Genesis 5:15, 23).  Noah was born 1,056 years after the appearance of Adam (Gen 5:9, 9:29).  The flood started when Noah was 600 years old, or 1,656 years after the appearance of Adam.  Noah was born 69 years after Enoch was Translated.  God told Noah to build the ark 569 years after Enoch was Translated.  How was it that Noah could watch Enoch to determine his sign to build the ark for the flood which happened 669 years after Enoch’s Translation?  Branham clearly tells us Noah and Enoch were preaching at the same time.  Which is correct?  Was Scripture correct, or was Branham correct?
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    But, how about this example… Branham tells us about something which is rather objectionable:
    But, how about this example… Branham tells us about something which is rather objectionable:

    "God's wrote three Bibles: one, the Zodiac, one in the pyramids, one on paper. Now, He's writing His first, the Zodiac. It starts off with a virgin, ends up with Leo the lion: Jesus' first coming and His second coming. If we had time to run down through it, you'd see it."  53-0509, The Pillar Of Fire  
    :''"God's wrote three Bibles: one, the Zodiac, one in the pyramids, one on paper. Now, He's writing His first, the Zodiac. It starts off with a virgin, ends up with Leo the lion: Jesus' first coming and His second coming. If we had time to run down through it, you'd see it."  53-0509, The Pillar Of Fire  

    We make the distinction here between the ASTROLOGY/ZODIAC, the divination of future events using star signs, from ASTRONOMY, the study of the movement of the stars.  We recognize that God orders the stars and commands their movement in the sky:
    We make the distinction here between the ASTROLOGY/ZODIAC, the divination of future events using star signs, from ASTRONOMY, the study of the movement of the stars.  We recognize that God orders the stars and commands their movement in the sky:
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    Concluding that what Branham taught never opposed the Word of God is clearly incorrect.  And if as many message ministers have publicly stated Branham is to be believed even if the Bible is in opposition to Branham’s teaching, then the entire Bible is of no effect.  Even Branham’s son Joseph told us this just over a year ago:
    Concluding that what Branham taught never opposed the Word of God is clearly incorrect.  And if as many message ministers have publicly stated Branham is to be believed even if the Bible is in opposition to Branham’s teaching, then the entire Bible is of no effect.  Even Branham’s son Joseph told us this just over a year ago:

    “We can just sit back and relax, and just enjoy what we’re hearing. It doesn’t matter, we don’t have to have our guard up, you don’t have to do nothing, except for saying ‘Amen! – Amen!’. He says ‘the bride says “Amen’ to every word”’. What did that angel of the Lord say?—‘Get the people to believe YOU!’ So when they’re trying to make you doubt, ‘…well, the prophet didn’t say this, he didn’t say this—he made a mistake here, he made a mistake here…’ I don’t care if it’s a bare-faced lie, if the world can prove it--I believe it! The angel said, ‘get the people to believe what YOU SAID.” Amen! We believe it!” (Joseph Branham introducing a message in the Branham Tabernacle on March 24, 2019 at the 14:59 mark in the recording)
    :''“We can just sit back and relax, and just enjoy what we’re hearing. It doesn’t matter, we don’t have to have our guard up, you don’t have to do nothing, except for saying ‘Amen! – Amen!’. He says ‘the bride says “Amen’ to every word”’. What did that angel of the Lord say?—‘Get the people to believe YOU!’ So when they’re trying to make you doubt, ‘…well, the prophet didn’t say this, he didn’t say this—he made a mistake here, he made a mistake here…’ I don’t care if it’s a bare-faced lie, if the world can prove it--I believe it! The angel said, ‘get the people to believe what YOU SAID.” Amen! We believe it!” (Joseph Branham introducing a message in the Branham Tabernacle on March 24, 2019 at the 14:59 mark in the recording)

    As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord… we will harken to His Word… and we will not put God’s Word aside in favor of the sermons and teaching of a self-proclaimed prophet of God.
    As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord… we will harken to His Word… and we will not put God’s Word aside in favor of the sermons and teaching of a self-proclaimed prophet of God.
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    As a side note, what is interesting about this Scripture is that Branham, speaks to it directly here:
    As a side note, what is interesting about this Scripture is that Branham, speaks to it directly here:

    “And Mary said, “The Angel Gabriel met me and told me that I was going to bring forth a Son also. And I was to call His Name Jesus.” Well, just the time that she spoke Jesus, little John begin to leap and jump in his mother’s womb. Brother, the first time the Name of Jesus Christ was ever spoke, it brought life to a dead baby.” 50-0716 - Believest Thou This?
    :''“And Mary said, “The Angel Gabriel met me and told me that I was going to bring forth a Son also. And I was to call His Name Jesus.” Well, just the time that she spoke Jesus, little John begin to leap and jump in his mother’s womb. Brother, the first time the Name of Jesus Christ was ever spoke, it brought life to a dead baby.” 50-0716 - Believest Thou This?

    And here:
    And here:

    “Little John dead in his mother’s womb, and Elisabeth said, “Whence cometh the mother of my Lord to me?” Said, “For as soon as thy salutation come to my ears, my baby leaped in my wombs for joy.” What a baby (Hallelujah.), what a Name: “My baby leaped in my womb for joy when your salutation come to my ears.””  51-0729A - The Resurrection Of Lazarus
    :''“Little John dead in his mother’s womb, and Elisabeth said, “Whence cometh the mother of my Lord to me?” Said, “For as soon as thy salutation come to my ears, my baby leaped in my wombs for joy.” What a baby (Hallelujah.), what a Name: “My baby leaped in my womb for joy when your salutation come to my ears.””  51-0729A - The Resurrection Of Lazarus

    And here:
    And here:

    “And the first time that that Name Jesus was spoke through mortal lips, little dead John, laying in his mother’s wombs got the Holy Ghost, and begin to leap and jump for joy. That’s right, and if the Name of Jesus Christ will bring life to a dead baby what ought it to do to a borned again Church? Hallelujah. Amen. Yes, sir.” 53-0906A - Believest Thou This?
    :''“And the first time that that Name Jesus was spoke through mortal lips, little dead John, laying in his mother’s wombs got the Holy Ghost, and begin to leap and jump for joy. That’s right, and if the Name of Jesus Christ will bring life to a dead baby what ought it to do to a borned again Church? Hallelujah. Amen. Yes, sir.” 53-0906A - Believest Thou This?

    And here:
    And here:

    “And just as soon as he said—she said, “Jesus,” little John come to life, begin leap in her wombs for joy. Brethren, the first time that the Name of Jesus Christ was ever spoke by mortal lips, brought life to a dead baby.”  53-1122 - The Resurrection Of Lazarus
    :''“And just as soon as he said—she said, “Jesus,” little John come to life, begin leap in her wombs for joy. Brethren, the first time that the Name of Jesus Christ was ever spoke by mortal lips, brought life to a dead baby.”  53-1122 - The Resurrection Of Lazarus

    And here:
    And here:

    “Like I’ve often thought, when Mary being pregnant by the Holy Spirit who overshadowed and created this baby, told her about what was happening. She run up to see her cousin, Elisabeth, who was six months with—with John, the wife of Zacharias. And they were cousins. And when Mary told Elisabeth that she also was going to have a baby, knowing no man, that the Holy Ghost was going to bring it, and said, “They called His Name ‘Jesus.’” You know, little John, and he was six months in the mother’s womb, and he hadn’t ever moved yet. See, that’s subnormal; about two or three months and the baby moves. But, this was subnormal, little John was dead in his mother’s womb. And as soon as Mary’s salutation come to her ear, said, “I shall call His name, Jesus.” The first time Jesus Christ was ever spoke by human lips, it brought a little, dead baby to life, in its mother’s womb.”  63-0627 - Jesus Christ The Same Yesterday, Today, And Forever
    :''“Like I’ve often thought, when Mary being pregnant by the Holy Spirit who overshadowed and created this baby, told her about what was happening. She run up to see her cousin, Elisabeth, who was six months with—with John, the wife of Zacharias. And they were cousins. And when Mary told Elisabeth that she also was going to have a baby, knowing no man, that the Holy Ghost was going to bring it, and said, “They called His Name ‘Jesus.’” You know, little John, and he was six months in the mother’s womb, and he hadn’t ever moved yet. See, that’s subnormal; about two or three months and the baby moves. But, this was subnormal, little John was dead in his mother’s womb. And as soon as Mary’s salutation come to her ear, said, “I shall call His name, Jesus.” The first time Jesus Christ was ever spoke by human lips, it brought a little, dead baby to life, in its mother’s womb.”  63-0627 - Jesus Christ The Same Yesterday, Today, And Forever

    In these instances, Branham tells us that John the Baptist was dead.  He would not move.  While we appreciate that the Name of Jesus is All Capable of raising the dead, we find no Scriptural evidence to support the assertion by William Branham that John the Baptist was dead inside of his mother’s womb.  We aren’t suggesting spiritual death, Branham explicitly tells us that the situation was “subnormal” because John “hadn’t ever moved yet”, and he tells us that the Name of Jesus brought a “dead baby to life”.
    In these instances, Branham tells us that John the Baptist was dead.  He would not move.  While we appreciate that the Name of Jesus is All Capable of raising the dead, we find no Scriptural evidence to support the assertion by William Branham that John the Baptist was dead inside of his mother’s womb.  We aren’t suggesting spiritual death, Branham explicitly tells us that the situation was “subnormal” because John “hadn’t ever moved yet”, and he tells us that the Name of Jesus brought a “dead baby to life”.
    Line 626: Line 626:
    There are denominations in the message, one of which believes that what was “prophesied” by William Branham prior to publishing his book called “The Exposition of the Seven Church Ages”, first published in January 1965 are not divinely inspired, but are Branham’s opinions and suggestions.  Two issues arise from this thought process.  The first is that Branham spoke using his self-proclaimed Scriptural authority of “THUS SAITH THE LORD” many many times in his sermons prior to the publishing of this series of sermons and the book.  How is it that Branham proclaims himself as a prophet of God, even speaks about his commissioning as a healer, and as God’s “messenger”, prior to this book being published and yet what he proclaimed prior to this book is not valid?  There is no Scriptural basis for this thought process at all.  And, second, Branham’s book was published originally in January 1965 as an EDITED compilation of sermons which were preached by William Branham.  Now, if Branham was INFALLIBLE as he stated in the book, if what he spoke was absolutely truth, then why were the edits necessary?
    There are denominations in the message, one of which believes that what was “prophesied” by William Branham prior to publishing his book called “The Exposition of the Seven Church Ages”, first published in January 1965 are not divinely inspired, but are Branham’s opinions and suggestions.  Two issues arise from this thought process.  The first is that Branham spoke using his self-proclaimed Scriptural authority of “THUS SAITH THE LORD” many many times in his sermons prior to the publishing of this series of sermons and the book.  How is it that Branham proclaims himself as a prophet of God, even speaks about his commissioning as a healer, and as God’s “messenger”, prior to this book being published and yet what he proclaimed prior to this book is not valid?  There is no Scriptural basis for this thought process at all.  And, second, Branham’s book was published originally in January 1965 as an EDITED compilation of sermons which were preached by William Branham.  Now, if Branham was INFALLIBLE as he stated in the book, if what he spoke was absolutely truth, then why were the edits necessary?

    “BUT I DENY UPON THE INFALLIBLE EVIDENCE OF THE WORD THAT THERE IS MORE THAN ONE MAJOR PROPHET-MESSENGER WHO WILL REVEAL THE MYSTERIES AS CONTAINED IN THE WORD, AND WHO HAS THE MINISTRY TO TURN THE HEARTS OF THE CHILDREN TO THE FATHERS. "Thus saith the Lord" by His unfailing Word stands, and shall stand and be vindicated. There is one prophet-messenger to this age. On the basis of human behavior alone, anyone knows that where there are many people there is even divided opinion on lesser points of a major doctrine which they all hold together. Who then will have the power of infallibility which is to be restored in this last age, for this last age is going to go back to manifesting the Pure Word Bride? That means we will have the Word once again as it was perfectly given, and perfectly understood in the days of Paul. I will tell you who will have it. It will be a prophet as thoroughly vindicated, or even more thoroughly vindicated than was any prophet in all the ages from Enoch to this day, because this man will of necessity have the capstone prophetic ministry, and God will shew him forth. He won't need to speak for himself, God will speak for him by the voice of the sign. Amen.”  An Exposition Of The Seven Church Ages - Chapter Nine - The Laodicean Church Age
    :''“BUT I DENY UPON THE INFALLIBLE EVIDENCE OF THE WORD THAT THERE IS MORE THAN ONE MAJOR PROPHET-MESSENGER WHO WILL REVEAL THE MYSTERIES AS CONTAINED IN THE WORD, AND WHO HAS THE MINISTRY TO TURN THE HEARTS OF THE CHILDREN TO THE FATHERS. "Thus saith the Lord" by His unfailing Word stands, and shall stand and be vindicated. There is one prophet-messenger to this age. On the basis of human behavior alone, anyone knows that where there are many people there is even divided opinion on lesser points of a major doctrine which they all hold together. Who then will have the power of infallibility which is to be restored in this last age, for this last age is going to go back to manifesting the Pure Word Bride? That means we will have the Word once again as it was perfectly given, and perfectly understood in the days of Paul. I will tell you who will have it. It will be a prophet as thoroughly vindicated, or even more thoroughly vindicated than was any prophet in all the ages from Enoch to this day, because this man will of necessity have the capstone prophetic ministry, and God will shew him forth. He won't need to speak for himself, God will speak for him by the voice of the sign. Amen.”  An Exposition Of The Seven Church Ages - Chapter Nine - The Laodicean Church Age

    What is even more important than the edits or the fact that a denomination of the message of William Branham believing that sermons prior to the publication of this book are marginally important is that this book is a near mirror image, some would even say in many cases a “word for word plagiarism” of books before it was published.  This is important because this doctrine of the seven church “AGES” is credited to Branham as his most critical and important revelation from God.   
    What is even more important than the edits or the fact that a denomination of the message of William Branham believing that sermons prior to the publication of this book are marginally important is that this book is a near mirror image, some would even say in many cases a “word for word plagiarism” of books before it was published.  This is important because this doctrine of the seven church “AGES” is credited to Branham as his most critical and important revelation from God.