A response to Tim Pruitt's Defense of William Branham: Difference between revisions

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    =Responding to Tim Pruitt's article=
    By way of introduction, we as editors must state our bias upfront.  We interacted with Tim Pruitt when we were in the message as he visited our assembly occasionally.  We also interacted with him directly when the leadership of our church (3 associate ministers, all of the trustees and 10 out of 11 of the deacons) asked for the resignation of our pastor as the result of a discovery that he had covered up the sexual abuse of a minor and had been dishonest in his communications with the board of the church.
    Tim Pruitt's reaction was simply to defend the pastor.  He did no work to ascertain the facts nor why we, as the leadership of the church, had asked for the pastor's resignation.  We wrote to Tim Pruitt on several occasions in this regard but he never responsed.
    As a result, we have little respect for Tim Pruitt and do not view him as a man of integrity.
    However, with our biases on the table, we will attempt to address Tim Pruitt's defense of William Branham.
    ==Belief in the Bible is not compatible without an accompanying belief in the message==