Question 2 (BM2) - Was William Branham a prophet?: Difference between revisions

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    BTS 2
    BTS 2

    =BM2 Response=
    Brother BTS 2,
    You said >>>> I can appreciate the fact that this is frustrating for you to see in Branham’s own words.  But, it's not us you should be frustrated with, Mr. MacGraw.  We aren’t the problem.
    And still you have no response to the original question concerning another of Branham’s prophecies or visions which failed to come to pass, the Municipal Bridge vision which Branham spoke of several times as well and about which I have now asked you multiple times.
    I say......I have no reason to be frustrated in reading what Brother Branham said.....being as it is....that I have the ability to read ALL that is said ....on any given subject. I then take the latest information to Scripture and see if it is there in content.....then I teach the subject matter directly from the Bible. Just because you can't see it...doesn't keep it from being there.
    I did respond to your bridge issue previously.... in just a few words and I still say the same thing. "It is an issue that can't be proven pro nor con"....since all the witnesses are dead and the "REST OF THE STORY" is buried with them. Your total dependence on what you can find in politically run newspaper reported the construction of the I see no more completely credible or accurate...than your search was for/in the records of Brother Branham's fathers birth.....with different dates. Of course..... you could be of the opinion...... that Government run projects are purely transparent and above reporting everything negative. It promotes re-election ....right?
    I did talk last week..... to the only living the Angel coming into the motel room..... when Brother Billy was around 12. He straightened out the very thing....that your BUNCH tried to make Brother Branham a liar for. It puts your BUNCH into the category..... of being false accusers.....uuuhhhh LIARS. Again....perhaps you should have talked with the living witness...before jumping gleefully onto the destroy William Branham band wagon.
    On another issue....I have on my desk...a copy of the testimony of Brother Branham's King George V1 another witness. He testifies that he saw the files in Brother Branham's office...concerning all the exchanges between King George's secretary...stamped with the royal seals and that it was stated (my wording) "that the symptoms of losing the ability to walk over a short time....reflected the symptoms of MS". Brother Branham had no reason to get a doctor and send him to England... to be sure it was the disease...that he was told by someone else.  Again....unprovable pro or con. Personally..... I think the Scripture verse of our LORD's words...."Strain at a gnat and swallow a camel"...perfectly fits your ilks differently than in JESUS' time.
    Matthew 23:24....Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel.
    You said >>>>If we aren’t going to address the issues concerning William Branham’s qualifications as a prophet of God, then how can we in any confidence at all discuss anything else related to his life or his ministry?  That’s why I asked initially what the qualifications of a prophet of God are in your view.  You have told us of great works, signs, and wonders.  We have shown you scripturally where Jesus and the Apostles warn of false prophets who will come with great signs, wonders, and works.  You have told us of his power to discern.  We have shown you instances where his discernment had failed and was seriously called into question.
    I say.......That is rather a contradictory statement isn't it? You spend a lot of effort trying to prove him not to be a Prophet..... by what you call false prophecies.....which are outcroppings of a Prophet's identification. Not only that....but the things/events that you bring as your biased evidence...are directly related to his life and ministry!
    His teaching...which is the Scripturally PROVABLE the most important part of his ministry. Prophecies.....of themselves.....can be self interpreted by the reader by opinion. Prophecy can have a far reaching future event/events and by my personal dedicated research over many years....I well understand that much of Bible Prophecy hasn't happened as yet. One Scholar put it at 90%...yet to be FULFILLED. That doesn't in any way make the Prophet false....that prophesies of a future event either to literally happen then or later as shown by a symbolic representation.... as is shown quite often by/in Scripture.
    To the point of questionable haven't PROVED anything...being as it is also well understood by those of us familiar with his ministry.....that Brother Branham's GIFTS...worked in various ways. He was a seer Prophet. Sometimes he would see the situation by Vision in symbolism... as in Name representation and other times it was spelled out and he had to say/pronounce it..... as best as he could. If his strength (VIRTUE) was waning...he many times would use the sign in his I witnessed many times....during his meetings.
    I remember well..... a pretty well nationally renowned evangelist....who was about to commit suicide and was called out by Vision. Brother Branham mispronounced the man's Name in the 1st Letter of his last Name. I know that...because I knew the man personally. The man didn't complain..... because all the other things said after the mis-pronunciation of one letter.... identified him to a T. He was healed immediately. Your BUNCH.... would have jumped on this event as identification of a false prophet...straining at a gnat as Scripture calls it and totally bypass the miracle..... that saved the man's life and his following winning of many souls to Salvation.
    It does frustrate me in that particular area....that people could be so blind with a veiled agenda of hate....that they condemn .....without a full understanding of the facts. In my opinion....they actually condemn themselves. In part.... since they have ABSOLUTELY NO CONFIRMATION FROM GOD..... to back their own opinionated accusations and also because they cry for an open borders grace for themselves and others of their spite of their own false teachings....except of course for William Branham.
    So far..... I see nothing in your overall presentation...... except unprovable and incomplete...half truth opinions...based on bias and disguised hate. As I see it.....that kind of deception is a current religious counterpart of Liberalism...headed up like fake news CNN in the current natural comparison. They all have arguing points and to the ignorant....they sound so convincing...but to the nothing more than twisted/slanted opinion.....driven by hate. It most certainly isn't Biblical love.... in/by any stretch of the word.
    I am told by a Brother in the midwest...that is acquainted with some of the people of your persuasion....that upon leaving the Message....the Women he knew of....cut their hair.....painted their faces...... put on britches and began wearing flashy jewelry etc. Do you advocate that..... as being set free?????
    Brother BM2