Question 2 (BM2) - Was William Branham a prophet?: Difference between revisions

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    Post Script:  You should also be aware that we are in possession of the financial statements represented by the Branham family after the death of William Branham concerning his ministry.  Branham passed millions of dollars to his family and his ministry after his death.  We also have the documentation which shows quite clearly that during his life Branham received many material gifts.  Branham was by no measure of wealth a poor man.  And his family in the main has not suffered for financial support because of the wealth and resources accumulated by William Branham during his life time.  We would not wish you to be under the misapprehension that Branham did not take offerings or gifts during his life time.  While there is nothing wrong with the accumulation of wealth, it is important that we don’t operate with incorrect information, and it would be imprudent for us to ignore the facts.
    Post Script:  You should also be aware that we are in possession of the financial statements represented by the Branham family after the death of William Branham concerning his ministry.  Branham passed millions of dollars to his family and his ministry after his death.  We also have the documentation which shows quite clearly that during his life Branham received many material gifts.  Branham was by no measure of wealth a poor man.  And his family in the main has not suffered for financial support because of the wealth and resources accumulated by William Branham during his life time.  We would not wish you to be under the misapprehension that Branham did not take offerings or gifts during his life time.  While there is nothing wrong with the accumulation of wealth, it is important that we don’t operate with incorrect information, and it would be imprudent for us to ignore the facts.
    ==BM2 reply==
    You said >>>>So it is Branham himself that tells us that HE is responsible for healing.
    I say......Your conclusion is only partly true. If GOD sends a preacher...or any GOD sent man for any purpose....the people are to hear him. Scripture is plain....that if anyone receives whom GOD sends....they are receiving GOD. The man sent..... certainly would/should expect the people to believe/receive him...or they couldn't act on his message...NOW COULD THEY????
    If GOD sends any gift...the man isn't the one who makes it fulfill...but GOD confirms the message/Gift.... through the man!
    You said >>>> I wanted to make sure I gave you some information about which you appear to have a misapprehension.  We don’t have a group.  The administrators of this page come from many countries, many walks of life, no particular assembly or gathering, and we have no commonality in any way, except that we have all been in the message of William Branham in the past, and discovered that reading the Bible and comparing William Branham’s words to the Bible shows that he is not a prophet of God.  We all got to this point from different places, but we all got here to this same place.  We aren’t a group, we are just a bunch of people who are dedicated to knowing Christ and helping others to know Him better as well.  We all go to different assemblies as we are led in our local areas, and we all worship in different places and in different ways.  In the various assemblies and churches in which we worship separately, there are Gifts of the Holy Spirit frequently exhibited.  But we don’t collect them into a group event as we aren’t a group.  We just worship in different places around the world.
    I say......I am beginning to wonder what kind of mixed up mess....that I am communicating with. Your WEB PAGE..... against the ministry of William Branham isn't a group...but  a bunch.....all belonging to a specific internet PAGE.....with nothing in common with each other etc! Yet every one of you are in some sort of united effort to destroy...with nothing in common??????
    Your bunch....are working fervently to kill/destroy the effects of a ministry....that has won millions to Christ.....gave nearly all his time and effort to pray for the sick and destitute....went off of the field for quite some time...because the sponsors couldn't meet the expenses and because he refused to ask for personal spite of what you have said. He had angelic visitations .....witnessed by living witnesses today being in the room and also foretold scores of events...while riding in an automobile with their own testimony by them..... in my hearing.
    You and your BUNCH..... compass the whole earth and find 5 or 6 incidents...which can't be proven either way.....then add your opinion without knowing the facts surrounding them and use your manufactured conclusion an attempt to destroy. I see a Scriptural pattern here....exactly as was done to the LORD JESUS in His day....a BUNCH of Pharisees sent out a BUNCH of a concerted effort.... to trap the LORD in his words.  No differently than your BUNCH has done..... in this time. They may be sincere...that.... no one but that individual knows...but I would venture to say....that if they had the recorded life of Moses...early on in his life...they would attempt to assassinate his ministry as being a false prophet...since it is obvious that he used murder early accomplish his purpose.  Paul was also guilty of murder early on and taught the doctrines of the Pharisees...until he met the LORD on the road to Damascus. Even after his conversion...along with all the errors of his early teaching...he commanded his followers to do his prediction of the time of the Coming.
    1Corinthians 7:29 But this I say, brethren, the time is short: it remaineth, that both they that have wives be as though they had none;
    Brother Branham never hurt anyone physically and gave his life early on.... to the service of the LORD. Why don't you and your BUNCH Paul a false prophet...since he erred in his prediction. That was nearly 2000 years ago and what he predicted at/for that time.....hasn't happened yet!
    I believe BUNCHES like yours...are the perfect fulfillment of this Scripture below....for today. In all honesty...I see a BUNCH of spiritual anarchists...out to destroy a ministry..... that they haven't the ability to understand anything about how GOD works.
    As it is written......Matthew 13: 9 Who hath ears to hear, let him hear. 10 And the disciples came, and said unto him, Why speakest thou unto them in parables? 11 He answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given. 12 For whosoever hath, to him shall be given, and he shall have more abundance: but whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken away even that he hath. 13Therefore speak I to them in parables: because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand. 14 And in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Esaias, which saith, By hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand; and seeing ye shall see, and shall not perceive:
    This is my honest conclusion .....of our exchanges so far.
    =BTS 2 reply=

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