The Misogyny of William Branham: Difference between revisions

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    ''You talk about juvenile delinquency, I say it's parent delinquency. You talk about the ignorance of the Kentucky people, some of them old mammies out there... Let their daughters come home of a morning with lipstick all over their face, and hair all twisted up, and clothes half off of them, half...?... with a cigarette in their hand, '''they'd take a barrel slat, or one of them hickory saplings out there''', and she'd know when she went out the next time. Then you say illiterate. They can teach this bunch of hoodlums how to raise children. That's... '''Oh, maybe I oughtn't to have said that. Well, no. I don't take it back. I said that when the Holy Spirit was anointing me.''' That's right, exactly right. Yes, sir. Today, huh... Oh, my.<ref>62-0714 THE.UNCERTAIN.SOUND_ SPOKANE.WA</ref>
    ''You talk about juvenile delinquency, I say it's parent delinquency. You talk about the ignorance of the Kentucky people, some of them old mammies out there... Let their daughters come home of a morning with lipstick all over their face, and hair all twisted up, and clothes half off of them, half...?... with a cigarette in their hand, '''they'd take a barrel slat, or one of them hickory saplings out there''', and she'd know when she went out the next time. Then you say illiterate. They can teach this bunch of hoodlums how to raise children. That's... '''Oh, maybe I oughtn't to have said that. Well, no. I don't take it back. I said that when the Holy Spirit was anointing me.''' That's right, exactly right. Yes, sir. Today, huh... Oh, my.<ref>62-0714 THE.UNCERTAIN.SOUND_ SPOKANE.WA</ref>

    ==Publicly disrespectful of women==

    ''Women, there was only one woman in the Bible that ever painted her face, and that was Jezebel. And God fed her to the dogs. '''So if you see a woman wearing that, you can say, "How do you do, Miss Dogmeat?"''' That's exactly what God called her. He fed her to the dogs. Exactly right.<ref>62-0720, A Testimony On The Sea</ref>
    ''Women, there was only one woman in the Bible that ever painted her face, and that was Jezebel. And God fed her to the dogs. '''So if you see a woman wearing that, you can say, "How do you do, Miss Dogmeat?"''' That's exactly what God called her. He fed her to the dogs. Exactly right.<ref>62-0720, A Testimony On The Sea</ref>

    ==Women should never have been allowed to drive==

    ''I said, "'''They oughtn't never let a woman behind a wheel.'''" Boy, if I was there, she wouldn't do it, if I had anything to say about it...  
    ''Well, the other day some crazy woman driver drove right in front of me, come pretty near killing two of my children. I said, "Lady." She said, "Now, you shut your mouth; I'm the one that's driving." And before I got back, twenty-six women driver's almost caused us to be killed. We kept count of it. '''They made a mistake when they give her a driver's license. They put her out here to voting.''' They put her out here to these public works. And during the time of the war, right in New York City, more illegitimate children was born in the city of New York, of prostitute women, and their husbands overseas, than there was soldiers killed in the four years of war.<ref>William Branham, 56-0715 - The Mark Of The Beast, para. 132</ref>
    ''Go down the street, back out like that of riding the highway… We counted… I want to tell you something. And you women drivers… Listen. Billy Paul and I on this last campaign around the nation (six months), I kept a count of how many scruples on the road. And out of three hundred mishaps on the road, guess how many of them was women drivers? There was only lacking nineteen of them were men, and two hundred and eighty, or I believe two hundred eighty-one of them would be women drivers: '''women drivers'''. Now, I'm not saying there ain't good women drivers. '''But she'll turn any way, and you just try to get back at her.''' Let her be kind of nice-looking and stand there, pushing that hair up when a cop comes up. "Why," he'd say, "sure you're in the wrong." We ain't got no law. They proved that the other day in the tax suit I'm just coming through. We ain't got no laws. If there are… 130  No wonder that great Lords of England said, "Democracy was all sails, no anchor." That's right, stand on a soapbox electioneering. The democracy's rotten, and so's dictators and all the rest of them. The whole thing is rotten. There ain't but one thing for God to do: is to destroy the whole thing as He said He would do, and start anew.<ref>William Branham, 58-0928E - The Serpent's Seed</ref>
    ''I said, "'''They oughtn't never let a woman behind a wheel.'''" Boy, if I was there, she wouldn't do it, if I had anything to say about it. They say the women is the most safest drivers. I'm an international traveler. Me and my son, crossing this nation, put a book up in the—in the car. And every time a boo-boo was called, pulled on the road, we marked it down, "man" or "woman." And out of three hundred, there were two hundred and eight-one of them caused by women; nineteen of them by men. That's exact. Yet, she's set there and push her hair up. And she turn out like this, and make a left's right, and everything. But, oh, course, the police ain't going to say that. They got them on a police force. What a disgrace!  When a woman gets from behind the table in the kitchen, in the house, taking care of her own little ministry God give her, her babies, she's out of the will of God.<ref>William Branham, 63-0412M - The World Is Falling Apart, para. 211</ref>
    ==Some women should be shot==
    ''But I can remember when my father's still up there running, I had to be out there with water and stuff, see young ladies that wasn't over seventeen, eighteen years old, up there with men my age now, drunk. And they'd have to sober them up and give them black coffee, to get home to cook their husband's supper. Oh, something like that, I said, "I…" This was my remark then, "They're not worth a good clean bullet to kill them with it." That's right. And I hated women. That's right. And I just have to watch every move now, to keep from still thinking the same thing.<ref>William Branham,  59-0419A - My Life Story, para. 87</ref>
    ''When I was a little, bitty, ol' boy, up there, I'd see them women come up there on the road, and their… know their husband was out working, them up there with some guy, drunk; on the side of the road, and they'd walk them up and down the road, sober them up enough to get them home, cook their husband's supper. I said they ain't worth a clean bullet to go through them. That's right. I said they're lower than animals, would do a thing like that. And I… When I was seventeen, eighteen years old, I'd see a—a girl coming down the street, I'd cross over on the other side, I said, "That stinking viper." See? And I would have been a real hater, but when I received God in my heart, God let me know that He's got some jewels out there, He's got some real ladies. They'll not all defile themselves like that; thank God for that.ref>William Branham,  60-1209 - The Sardisean Church Age, para. 1537</ref>
    ==Women belong in the kitchen==

    ''When a woman gets from behind the table in the kitchen, in the house, taking care of her own little ministry God give her, her babies, she's out of the will of God. Put her in a pulpit, she's out of the will of God. There's no Scripture for a woman preacher. I want some man to stand and tell me that, look me in the face. There's no such a thing. That, Pentecost is the grassroots of that stuff. Never was! Adam was first formed, and then Eve. Adam was not deceived. But, yet, you do it. And you see where you got yourself? Way out here on a limb, that, you can't come back on now. But there you go. That's it. That's the world. That's what you want. That's what you want. That's what you got. See?"<ref>Branham, 63-0412M - The World Is Falling Apart</ref>
    ''When a woman gets from behind the table in the kitchen, in the house, taking care of her own little ministry God give her, her babies, she's out of the will of God. Put her in a pulpit, she's out of the will of God. There's no Scripture for a woman preacher. I want some man to stand and tell me that, look me in the face. There's no such a thing. That, Pentecost is the grassroots of that stuff. Never was! Adam was first formed, and then Eve. Adam was not deceived. But, yet, you do it. And you see where you got yourself? Way out here on a limb, that, you can't come back on now. But there you go. That's it. That's the world. That's what you want. That's what you want. That's what you got. See?"<ref>Branham, 63-0412M - The World Is Falling Apart</ref>