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    [[Failed Prophecies|Click here to see our video on this logical fallacy.]]
    [[Failed Prophecies|Click here to see our video on this logical fallacy.]]
    A red herring is an issue or fact that is introduced to deliberately mislead or distract a person from the actual concern that is being questioned. A red herring is a logical fallacy that leads people towards a false conclusion. A red herring might be intentionally used as part of a rhetorical strategy (i.e. there are no real arguments against the position being put forward), or it could be inadvertently used during argumentation as a result of poor logic.
    Voice of God Recordings explanation of why William Branham's failed prophecies are not important relies totally on red herring arguments:
    :''Are you going to forsake the entire Bible and your Christianity because you can’t make the Gospels logically agree? ...
    :''Do you trust what you read in the national media or worse, on private webpages, over what you hear from the prophet of God? If you do, then we would like to remind you of another story that spread throughout the country about the body of Jesus...
    :''This time in history is called the information age. Everything must be proven by worldly knowledge or it won’t be believed. A quick search on the internet will turn up hundreds of criticisms of the Bible, and some even question the very existence of Jesus Christ. The enemy uses the same tactics against Brother Branham by questioning everything from his commission by the Angel to the supernatural cloud, hoping something will stick.<ref>Voice of God Recordings, Catch the Vision update, 2012, Vol. 2</ref>
    In this case, attacks on the Bible are equated to attacks on William Branham and his message, even though they are entirely different.  The problem is that each issue, all of those related to the Bible and  each of those related to William Branham and his message, must be dealt with on their own merits.  As a result, the issues relating to William Branham - [[The Prophecies of William Branham|the accuracy of his prophecies]], his [[Credibility|credibility]] and [[List of Issues with the Message#Are William Branham's teachings in agreement with the Bible?|whether his teachings are in agreement with scripture]] - must be looked at independently and not confused or tied to the completely unrelated issue of Biblical accuracy.  We dealt with the [[Failed Prophecies|so-called "biblical inaccuracies" in another article]] and show that they are not what Voice of God Recordings stated that they were.
