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    =Where did William Branham say he got his revelation from?=
    William Branham said this about the source of his understanding of the fifth seal:
    :''And now coming especially on these lessons where we’re just waiting; '''if He would not reveal It to me, I could not give It to you. I’m not trying to use any of my own thoughts or anything; just as He will give It.''' That’s right. And I—I’m sure, '''if I don’t use my own thoughts, and It comes in the way It has. And all through life It’s never been wrong. It won’t be wrong this time.'''
    :''And I want to say this, and I want to give thanks to Him Who is omnipresent. And, that, '''today, not knowing one thing about that Fifth Seal, It came in that same mysterious way, this morning, just about an hour before daybreak, when I was out in prayer.''' And today…  I have just set these last five or six days, just in a little room, don’t see no one. Just go out and eat my meals with a—with a friend, with some of my friends here. And, course, you know who that friend is, it’s Brother and Sister Wood. Yeah. And—and you know, and I went over there and—and stay with them, and everybody has been nice. And there hasn’t been anything, just simply…  I’m trying to stay right with that Message of these Seals. Its important. I believe it’s—it’s the hour of Its revealing time, of revelation of It.
    :''But I’m just taking It from the inspiration, which completely changed my view of It. See?<ref>William Branham, 63-0322 - The Fifth Seal, para. 5, 26-28, 40</ref>
    =William Branham's Interpretation of the Fifth Seal=
    =William Branham's Interpretation of the Fifth Seal=