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    And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal,... lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon--and the moon became as blood;
    And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal,... lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon--and the moon became as blood;
    Blackness, darkness: Egypt--blackness, darkness, God delivering Jesus at the cross, just 'fore He brought Him up from the resurrection...  
    Blackness, darkness: Egypt--blackness, darkness, God delivering Jesus at the cross, just 'fore He brought Him up from the resurrection...  
    In Isaiah, let's take this. Isaiah the prophet seen this Sixth Seal open and spoke of it...  Let's just... I like this--this of Isaiah. Let's go back here to Isaiah, the 13th chapter of Isaiah. I like...

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    Such physical phenomena and changes have happened before. We must not forget the “GREAT DARKNESS” that for 3 days overspread '''Egypt''' in the days before the Exodus (Ex. 10:21–23), nor the “DARKNESS” that settled over Jerusalem and Calvary on the day of the Crucifixion of Christ. '''Matt. 27:45'''.
    Such physical phenomena and changes have happened before. We must not forget the “GREAT DARKNESS” that for 3 days overspread '''Egypt''' in the days before the Exodus (Ex. 10:21–23), nor the “DARKNESS” that settled over Jerusalem and Calvary on the day of the Crucifixion of Christ. '''Matt. 27:45'''.

    The Prophet Zachariah speaks of a day that shall not be “clear” or “dark,” and he associates it with an earthquake at the time of the return of the Lord. Zech. 14:1–7. On May 19, 1780, there was in New England what is called in history the “Dark Day.” It was not an eclipse of the sun, and yet it was dark enough to make the stars visible, and the chickens went to roost. The cause of that darkness has never been explained. In the prophecy of Joel we read—“I will shew wonders in the heavens, and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke. The sun shall be TURNED INTO DARKNESS, and the moon into BLOOD, before THE GREAT AND TERRIBLE DAY OF THE LORD COME.” Joel 2:30–31. In Isa. 13:9–10, we read—“Behold the ‘DAY OF THE LORD’ cometh, cruel both with wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate, and He shall destroy the sinners thereof out of it. For the stars of heaven and the constellations thereof shall NOT GIVE THEIR LIGHT, the sun shall be DARKENED in his going forth, and the moon shall not CAUSE HER LIGHT TO SHINE.” In Isa. 34:4 we read—“All the host of heaven (the stars) shall be dissolved and the heavens shall be rolled together as a scroll: and all their host shall fall down, as the leaf falleth from the vine, and as falling fig from the figtree.” This corresponds to the “stars of heaven” of this “SEAL,” and probably refers not to the constellations and heavenly bodies (stars), they are too far away to be affected by judgments on the earth, but to our own atmosphere, and to “meteors” and “shooting stars,” similar to the “shooting stars” of November 13th, 1833, when they fell for 3 hours during the evening, and so terrified the people that they thought the end of the world had come. These physical convulsions will be the earth’s “TRAVAIL PAINS” as she labors to bring forth the NEW CREATION of the Millennial Age. Christ refers to this period in Matt. 24:29, where He says—“In those days shall the SUN BE DARKENED (that is, its light obscured), and the MOON SHALL NOT GIVE HER LIGHT, and the STARS SHALL FALL FROM HEAVEN, and the POWERS OF THE HEAVENS (the Principalities and Powers of the Heavenly Places (Eph. 6:12), not the Powers and Kingdoms of the Earth), SHALL BE SHAKEN.” All these startling physical changes and convulsions will cause a great fear to fall upon all classes and conditions of men (7 classes are named), who will no longer attribute such changes merely to natural law, but will see the “HAND OF THE ALMIGHTY” in it all. To them the “DAY OF JUDGMENT” will become a reality, and in their fear and terror they will hide themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains, and say to them—“FALL ON US, AND HIDE US FROM THE FACE OF HIM THAT SITTETH ON THE THRONE, AND FROM THE ‘WRATH OF THE LAMB,’ FOR THE GREAT DAY OF HIS WRATH IS COME, AND WHO SHALL BE ABLE TO STAND?” What a prayer? Instead of repenting and crying for Salvation, they will call on the mountains and rocks to bury them from the sight of the Almighty.
    In '''Isa. 13:9–10''', we read—“Behold the ‘DAY OF THE LORD’ cometh, cruel both with wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate, and He shall destroy the sinners thereof out of it. For the stars of heaven and the constellations thereof shall NOT GIVE THEIR LIGHT, the sun shall be DARKENED in his going forth, and the moon shall not CAUSE HER LIGHT TO SHINE.”  

    Clarence Larkin, The Book of Revelation: A Study of the Last Prophetic Book of Holy Scripture, 60-61 (Philadelphia, PA: Rev. Clarence Larkin Estate, 1919).
    Clarence Larkin, The Book of Revelation: A Study of the Last Prophetic Book of Holy Scripture, 60-61 (Philadelphia, PA: Rev. Clarence Larkin Estate, 1919).
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    |Now, oh, my. Now, the forfeited '''title deed''' is now in the hands of the original Owner, Almighty God. The title deed to the earth and to Eternal Life, when Adam forfeited it, then Satan's dirty hands could not take it; so it went back to its original Owner, God Himself. We're going to find it in just a minute; there He sets on the throne with it in His hand: the title deed. Oh, that makes me feel religious, friends. The title deed to Eternal Life, abstract title deed to Eternal Life, when Adam forfeited it for wisdom and instead of faith, it went back to the hands of the Owner: Almighty God. What a great thing.
    All right, waiting... What's it doing? In the hands of God, waiting for redemption claims. He made a way of redemption. He made a way back, and someday the Redeemer is to take it back. You see where we're getting to now? We'll watch this Fellow setting upon the throne. All right.
    |What was this “LITTLE BOOK”? Some claim that it was the “SEVEN SEALED BOOK,” now open, and therefore the “TITLE DEED” to the Earth...
    Clarence Larkin, The Book of Revelation: A Study of the Last Prophetic Book of Holy Scripture, 81 (Philadelphia, PA: Rev. Clarence Larkin Estate, 1919).

