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    NO COMPROMISE, SAY AND BELIEVE WHAT THE PROPHET SAID” a) “A woman that divorces and remarries forfeits her rights to God and heaven.” William Branham b) “One word off is eternal separation from God.” William Branham c) “A woman that cuts her hair… her husband has a right to divorce her.” William Branham d) “Organized religion is the mark of the beast.” William Branham e) “How would God let me tell something wrong, and stand up with my very message? These things are only to indicate a Divine, a vindication that my theology is right”. William Branham f) “In the Garden of Gethsemane, the anointing left Him, you know, He had to die as a sinner… taking your sins and mine…” William Branham g) “This is thirty years later, and here I am still, tonight, proclaiming that Message … I've never changed one iota in my Doctrine. The first thing I started with, I still believe the same thing tonight”. William Branham h) “If these things that I have said come to pass, then you believe God. If they do not come to pass, then I--I am a false prophet then”. William Branham Let me state that I am not picking apart Brother Branham, I am asking his follower (as I was for over 40 years) to believe him, to take him at his own words, to honestly study him and his teachings. I did, and, I did believe, but as I compared his own statements to his own statements and to the Bible, I could no longer believe that he is a “Word Prophet”, “The Spirit of Truth”, “The Open word”, “The divine interpreter of the Word”. Many Message believers have told me, “Jeff I was born and raised in the Message it would be too complicated to change now". I don’t think they hear what they are saying, I have Catholics tell me that too and they don’t know their Bible. I don't really point a finger at the congregation, but at the pulpit.It is the ministry that should know what he taught. THE MISTAKE: Seekers saw the signs and wonders, listened to the teachings to compare them with Scripture, this they did for the first year, two or three, then they never reexamined as they grew and matured. As you mature in Christ you should reexamine your beliefs. Refining concepts as we mature is a very, God-given, normal, human process. I read my Bible grasp a concept, then a year later read that same passage and see more light, life and grace in that passage. What possesses people to stop examining? Loyalty, fear, doubt? Many follow the teachings of WMB because “he is vindicated”, discernment, visions, interpreter of dreams. They stopped examining his sermons with Scripture a long time ago. Sadly most don’t know that he contradicted himself and taught false doctrine because they don’t know what he taught, Yes, most do not know what he taught. they got saved, looked at it for 3 years to see if it was Biblical and then never reexamined as they grew in Christ. Those that continue to studied the “Message" for many years,know that WMB changed his teachings many times (Ref: e and g) He was a Trinitarian, later, to become a modalist. He preached that the white horse rider was Jesus Christ, later the anti-Christ. He preached predestination based on foreknowledge, his later teaching he taught that Predestination was based solely on election and not knowing their future conversion. Marriage and Divorce, “body soul and spirit”, all teaching he changed and many, many more. He changed his views on how to receive the Holy Ghost 3 times over his lifetime. First teaching: Rom. 10 and Acts 2, believe and you shall receive. Second teaching: believe (Rom: 10) then go on to be Sanctified and then you get the Holy Ghost. Third teaching: Believing in Jesus, the cross, His Lordship and even being sanctified is not good enough, now you must follow me, believe the seals (Larken/Branham) and accept "Present day truth" then if you are sufficiantly sanctified and the Token in your home and dress-code you can get the Holy Ghost. 2 and 3 are not Scriptural, you don't wait to be sufficiently sanctified before you get the Holy Ghost. When you repent and accept Christ as Savior, you are both filled and washed, then you go on to grow in purity and sanctity. God does not fill pure, sanctified people, God raises the dead. Your were dead in sin and trespasses then God raises you from the dead. Eph. 2.., Three is very wrong! You don't need to be properly pure and then receive william branham's teachings. It is NOT the bleeding Word (code for WMB's teaching, open book) All we need is Jesus Christ, He is The Word made flesh. You need Jesus, the man that died and bled. "The Word, theology or revelation", does not bleed for you. Jesus died and bleed. Brother Branham revised his teachings and reinvented himself all the way to his demise. If it is the "Bleeding Word" then the "Blood-word" is not pure, because WMB changed and revised all the way to his end in 65. Jesus! on the Cross paid for your sin, not a man that constantly changed his views, theology and reinvented himself. Those that have studied the message know that many of his prophecies did not come to pass. He never traveled in a tent to fulfill “The Tent Vision”, so we spiritualize that one to have a spiritual application or that he “Must return to fulfill The Tent”. and in 65 WMB as still looking for a physical tent. 65-0711 ASHAMED_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ « 16 † And now I want to find out, through the elders. I feel led. I've never had such a hunger in my heart for God, in all my life, than I have now, see. For... And I--I want to get my own tent and my--my stuff, like the Lord gave me a vision to, and I believe the time is just now at hand. And I want to see while I'm here, why we can't get the tent. The Tent vision was not spiritual! 7 months before his death he was still looking to fulfill the vision. And your going to call his ministry "The bleeding word", "The genuine atonement"? If so, then, the blood-word is not pure as teh Tent and many other visions did not came to be. Br. Branham was given gifts, praise God! but you are wrong not to reexamine the right and wrong of a mere gifted mortal. Concerning his theology on 1977 he was wrong; his teachings did change over the years. (g) His vision of returning to Africa did not come to pass. (b,e,g) He never shot the Brown bear. That vision did not come to pass. Take Br. Branham at his own word, he said “All visions have been fulfilled…” You know that is not true. He said “I never changed my doctrine”. And you know that isn’t true. (Ref. b. ) “One word off is eternal separation from God”. That was his own test of a true believer. Br. Branham was more than “One word off”, by his own measure of a believer that would be eternal separation. The authority can't pass his own test. As one mortal to another, I don't care that a man can be off on his teachings and then God teach and correct us, Br. Jeff as a mortal, needing the grace of God, doesn't damn William Branham, but WMB damns all that don't pass his test. It is William Branham that said “a prophet can’t miss one time, two times, three times concerning prophesy”. It is William Branham that said “a vindicated prophet won’t be off on his doctrine”. e,f,g,h (h) it is WMB that said “If they do not come to pass I am a false prophet”. I have never called him a false prophet, it is William Branham that impeaches himself. Message followers believe (a) and (b) and (c) and (d) and will not compromise on hair and remarriage and the mark of the beast. But will you, as a follower believe Br. Branham, when he says “A prophecy must come to pass or the person has an evil spirit on them and they need to repent” you over look that, you compromise. Or if it doesn’t come to pass “I am a false Prophet”? Are you willing to compromise on (e), (g) and (h)? By the way concerning (f) if the spirit of God left Jesus in the garden how did he replace the ear that was cut off? “Jeff you are being picky, perhaps God left him as he left the garden or somewhere along the Via Della Rosa”. Jesus told Pilate he could still summon thousands of angels to deliver Him, so God was still with Jesus in Pilot’s hall, on the cross he spoke, “I thirst, that the Scriptures might be fulfilled” … Jesus prophesied about Johns future and Mary’s “John behold they mother, mother behold thy son”. My point isn’t to be silly or pig-headed; it is to ask you to think… where in the BIBLE does it say God ever left Jesus in the garden or in Pilate’s hall? Jesus, on the Cross felt forsaken by God on the cross, it is God that said, “He would never leave Jesus and it is Jesus that said, “God will not leave me”. JOHN 8:28 » 28 † Then said Jesus unto them, When ye have lifted up the Son of man, then shall ye know that I am he, and that I do nothing of myself; but as my Father hath taught me, I speak these things. JOHN 8:29 » 29 † And he that sent me is with me: the Father hath not left me alone; for I do always those things that please him. JOHN 8:30 » 30 † As he spake these words, many believed on him. William Branham was both a great blessing and my biggest test, I thank God for the gift of healing and many good sermons, but I believed him enough, and the Bible to “Take every word back to the Bible”, in doing so, he became my biggest test, would I follow him or the Bible, would I have two men in order to be atoned for and raptured, or would I only need one Prophet, priest and King?