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    This is the testimony of James Bernard Manuel of Cape Town, South Africa. And this is how he came to the understanding that the VINDICATION that THE END TIME MESSAGE of William Branham is true------IS FALSE.

    My introduction to the church

    My younger brother, Frank came to me one day in 1969. I was fourteen at the time. He lived with my grandmother in Salt River and attended Sunday School at a Docks Mission church nearby.

    I spent the weekend at my grandmother and this was his opportunity to take his big brother with him.

    “They give each child who brings someone new to Sunday School, a slab of chocolate. I’ll give you half if you go with me”. “Deal” I said.

    Sunday afternoon I was at Sunday school and my brother made sure we got that chocolate. And I made sure he gave me my half.

    Little did I know this was the beginning of a brand new life for me. I will never forget the very first scripture I was given to memorize. It was Romans 11:33 “O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out.”

    A short time later the Sunday School Superintendent, Sister Rachel Felix invited me to join them the following Saturday evening for a youth service. This was all new to me and for the first time in my life I was presented with the gospel. I listened intently to what was said and it made an immediate impression on me. To really understand this, one has to have some comprehension of my upbringing.

    The reality of my childhood

    I was the eldest of eight children. Both my father and mother were alcoholics. Because of decisions they made, we were forced to move into a two-roomed wood and iron dwelling. I mean two rooms. One room was the kitchen and part bedroom and the other room was the main bedroom. We only had two beds. A single bed and a double bed. We all slept on those two beds.

    Frank was offered a bed of his own by my granny in Salt River and with my parent’s permission he moved there. I used to collect wine bottles during the week for bus fare to get to Salt River over weekends.

    I could not wait to get back to the youth service on a Saturday. By this time, Sister Rachel decided I was too old and clever for the Sunday School. After only two weeks I became a full member of the youth.

    It was two months later when we were invited to sing at a Youth Service of the City Mission in Jarvis Street, Cape Town. This would be the first time for me to go to another church and I was very excited. As a young boy, I always had a lot of questions. Why are we so poor. Why do my parents drink. Why am I always sad. Some of the most pressing questions were answered in an indirect way at youth meetings and I developed a hunger to be happy like the other youth. But how do I do this?? Should I just pretend that I’m happy? Or should I speak with God? And how do I do this??

    I am confronted by the Gospel

    That night, the pastor preached a sermon. I cannot remember the title or even the scripture he used but at the end of his sermon he made an altar call. “If there is anyone in the audience who want to accept Jesus into their hearts and experience real happiness and joy, please come to the front”. With eyes filled with tears and a heart torn to pieces, I met my Savior that night. I remember the counselor said, “ pray after me”. I opened my heart and I do not know where the words came from, there was no need for this person to lead me to Jesus. I found Him on my knees that night. I poured my heart out to Him, and He listened as this young boy found “The More” he was searching for.

    When I got up from my knees, the whole church were in tears and a happy rejoicing followed. Jesus has been my Shepherd, my Guide, my Friend since that Saturday night.

    The end of school

    At age fifteen I was summoned to my dad’s work by his boss, Mr. O’Sullivan. Dad was so badly addicted to alcohol that he started drinking during his working hours. Mr. O’Sullivan knows me from a young child because I used to go to work with my dad when it was school holidays. I knew pretty well everything about his job because he was only a messenger, but a good one. I knew exactly what to do because I used to go on deliveries all by myself during the last school holidays.

    “Your dad is one of our best workers” he said, “ And I would not want to see him go, but after several warnings, he does not seem to be able to control his addiction to wine.”

    Still a young boy, I did not at first understand what the boss was saying to me. I looked suspiciously at him, and asked very innocently, “Sir, why do you tell me this”?

    “I know your family’s circumstances at home, and wanted to make sure that you all are taken care of.” Still I had no idea what he was saying to me. “ I can no longer keep your dad on the job” he continued, “ but I thought if you could come and work for me, the family would not suffer so much.”

    “But I am still at school, sir” I replied. “I know, James” he said, “but in order to lessen the hardship on your family, I thought I’ll do it this way.” He continued, “I’ll pay for you to go to night school. And I will pay you the same wage as your dad.”

    A million things raced through my young brain. What if I refuse? What if he just fire my dad. What will happen to my siblings. And my mother? “Yes”, I said, “Mr. O’Sullivan, I’ll take the job, and when do I start? “I’ll first discuss it with your dad. In the meantime, after the next holiday, don’t return to school.”

    This all happened in April 1971. I could not tell my dad of the discussion which took place between Mr. O’Sullivan and myself. I approached him the same evening before he was too drunk that I would not be able to talk with him. I said, : “Pa, I don’t want to go to school anymore. I want to go and work.” He looked at me and did not reply. The next evening he came home and said, “ I thought about what you told me last night and am not happy, but if that is what you want, I agree.” What a relief that was. I went into the office and told his boss that it would be OK.

    Starting to work

    To soften the blow to my dad, I went out looking for work and got another job in the meantime. Mr. Robert Katz of Katz Engineering gave me and my cousin, Ernest Knoop, a ride in his car, the very first time I rode in a Mercedes Benz. He wanted to know where we were going, and after telling him we were looking for a job, he took us to his factory and we started the same morning. I did it. My dad would never find out that I’m getting his job to take care of my family.

    My dad and Mr. O’Sullivan worked something out because at the end of June, 1971 my dad left South African Fish Canners Association a very happy man and I started working there on July 5, 1971.

    I worked at this office for 5 years and I thank God that I could be faithful in helping to provide for my family. I now lived permanently with my grandmother in Salt River for logistical reasons, but on a Thursday when I got paid, I took my wages home. The packet remained sealed until my mom opened it. She would thank me and give me R5 pocket money for the week. Most of the time I walked to work and eventually I was able to afford to buy a bicycle from the pocket money my mom gave me.

    My introduction to the message

    Our offices were on the ninth floor of an office block on the Foreshore of Cape Town. On this same floor, but for another company, worked a brother whom I came to know as Brother Steve. Steven Staines was a humble, married man who would always smile. He loved greeting and talking with people. One day, during one of those chats, he invited me to his store room on the fourth floor of the same building. It was lunch-time. “I always come here to pray” he said. “You are welcome to join me.” I agreed. And so we did every day.

    Brother Steve’s company was big. They occupied three floors of this building. One day in 1972 someone said to Brother Steve that he saw a man praying for his food before he ate. Brother Steve did an investigation and found this brother working for the same company as himself. His name was Joey Nair. Brother Steve invited Joey Nair to our prayer meeting. Later, more people came to know about our prayer meeting and the group grew into a full blown fellowship during lunch-time.

    One day, out of nowhere Joey Nair asked us, “How were baptized? And do you know God sent a prophet?” At first, we did not answer. Some of the other brothers told us this man is a Jesus only and we should get rid of him. We did not, so they all left. We found ourselves stuck together. Steven Staines, Joey Nair and myself.

    Brother Joey kept on with his questioning and eventually I got tired. “ If you can show me in the bible where people were baptized in the name of Jesus Christ I will do what you say.” Confidently, Brother Joey opened my bible and showed me.

    “Now what about this story about a prophet,” I retorted. Again, confidently he turned in my bible to Malachi 4:5-6. “You see, this scripture has a two-fold purpose. He said he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and the hearts of the children to the fathers.” “ Now when did this take place.” I said. He turned to Matthew 17:11. “ You see, Elijah must first come and restore ALL things. John the Baptist only foreran the first coming of Christ. But a prophet came with Thus Saith the Lord to restore us back to the Word that was lost through the apostolic ages.”

    “And who is this prophet,” I enquired. “ His name is William Marrion Branham from Jeffersonville, Indiana, in America” he replied. “Now how would I know you’re telling me the truth?” I asked. “ By taking every scripture back to the Word,” he hit back.

    “I will have to speak to my pastor about this,” I said. “ Well God only came for his elect. Denominations and Organizations have rejected this prophet, but he came only for his elected Bride. Revelations 3:20 shows clearly that the church put Jesus out. He is knocking to come in but they have rejected him through their creeds and dogmas and they’ve made the Word of God of none effect”

    I looked at Brother Joey, oh he was sincere, he was serious and he was very meticulous and convincing. I have never heard such things. “Brother Steve, what do you think?” I enquired from the more senior brother. “I don’t know James, I’ll have to pray over this matter. I will let you know tomorrow.”

    My pastor's reaction to the message

    That evening I went home and after supper, I went to my leader. “Brother Freddy Esau, I have something which bothers me.” “ What is it, James?” was his reply. “I have a brother at work who tells me God sent a prophet. He also says I’ve been baptized wrong and that we belong to the beast.” No reply from my leader. “ I came here tonight to get advice from you, what must I do?” Silence. Then I noticed my pastor’s eyes were full of tears.

    “Did I say something wrong, Brother Freddy?” Slowly my leader responded with these shocking words. “I have the same problem at work, I have a person working with me asking me the same questions and I am unable to answer.” “So, does this mean Brother Joey is right?” I asked excitedly. “No, let’s give him a test like Gideon did to find out if it was really the Lord.” He had a full beard. “I will shave half of my beard. You sleep here tonight. I’m asking the lord to cut the other half. If I wake up in the morning and the beard is shaven, we’ll know they are speaking the truth,, but if we wake up in the morning and the half beard is still on my face, we’ll know they are fake.

    After a serious prayer that evening we went to sleep. I was up early in the morning, excited to see the results. Brother Freddy woke up a bit later and when I looked in his face, I did not know how to react. The beard was still unshaven. “These brothers are from the devil. When you see Brother Joey, tell him I say he’s a devil and I’ll do the same with Brother Mintoor DeKock at my factory.” After a short prayer we left in our different directions.

    I told Brother Steve about my experience with Brother Freddy and he said the same. “We should stay out of Brother Joey’s way.” Lunch-time, the two of us went into the little storeroom to pray. There was a knock on the door. When Brother Steve opened, guess who it was? Yes, Brother Joey. He was friendly as always. We prayed and as he left he gave each one of us a spoken word book. Mine was The Seed is not Heir with the Shuck and Bother Steve’s was, God’s chosen Place of Worship. We greeted and parted company. We did not see Brother Joey for about a week. Then suddenly he came to the fourth floor.

    “Brothers” he said, “ I have resigned from this job and I’ll be finishing at the end of this month.” “ I have just this to ask of you, tell me, if the Word tells you to do something why would you not do it? It is difficult, I know, because of your denominations, but are you prepared to face a lost eternity just because your pastor told you not to do it? Who is more important, the Word of God or your denomination.” “ The Word “ we replied. So, then if Peter on the day of Pentecost stood there and said, Repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. This promise is unto you and your children and those who are afar off. Don’t you think that is what you ought to do?”

    I looked at Brother Steve and he looked at me and we both answered, “You are right Brother Joey.” “ Now what is stopping you. I’ll arrange the baptism” We agreed.

    This all happened during November 1972. I went Brother Freddy’s home to tell him of my decision. Instead of rebuking me, he said he decided to do the same.

    Starting out in the message

    From that time the brothers started having informal meetings at different brothers’ homes. We were invited. In those days they had the big eight track tape recorders and reel to reel tapes. One evening we sat till the wee hours of the morning listening to sermons of Brother William Branham. Then there was the healing and discernment portion of the message right near the end.

    I remember sitting and listening with my mouth open. It was awesome. It was holy. It was mind-boggling. I would sit glued to my seat and oh, what a sweet anointing would sweep into the room where we were sitting. It was literally impossible and unthinkable for a mere mortal man to know what someone else was thinking or what their ailments were. I was convinced that bible days were here again. At the end of the service when Brother Branham sang Only Believe, Only Believe, All things are possible, Only Believe, we would join in and sing from the depths of our hearts. Yes, It was truly possible if we could only believe. We met some more message believers and they were too happy to welcome us into the fold.

    Early 1973 Brother Steve and myself were baptized in the name of Jesus Christ according to Acts 2:38. An old veteran, whom I respected and loved, Brother John Hopley, did the honors at Princess Vlei on the Cape Flats. We were now baptized according to the Word. But we went back to our denominations. Brother Steve was Pentecostal and I was Docks Mission which is similar to the Baptist Church.

    Leaving denominations behind

    The brethren came to see us and explained, “Now that you are baptized and you accept Brother William Marrion Branham as the end-time prophet you cannot stay in a denomination, because the bible says you must come from out amongst them”. It took a few more months before I finally broke loose and came into the message 100%.

    I learn of the vindication of the message

    It was at this time that I was told by the brothers about all the wonderful signs that followed our prophet. They were now able to take me deeper into the mysteries. I was shown the halo photo and a complete explanation was given. “ You see, that is why we know this is the truth. God vindicated his messenger by taking a photo with him. Not only that, they sent it to scientific laboratories and when the scientist George J Lacy gave his findings he said it was the only supernatural being ever photographed.” Wow!! As a young boy, I was impressed. Am I that important that God chose me to be a witness of this? I was happy and rejoiced.

    Sunset mountain is explained to me

    Next item was the Cloud. What is this? This cloud has the face of Jesus. He came down to visit his prophet while he was hunting on Sunset Mountain on February 28, 1963. Have a good look brother. Do you see His eyes? Look there, can you see His nose, and look here, there is his mouth. Can you see, brother?

    Yes, I can see, but when was this? The prophet was hunting with two of his friends, when there was a blast on the mountain and suddenly out of nowhere, seven angels appeared to Brother Branham. They told him that he must go back to Jeffersonville because he will open the seven seals of Revelation. This is the only message where Jesus came himself to visit his prophet with a special message for the bride.

    That cloud remained sunlit for 28 minutes typing the half hour silence during the seventh seal. To think brother, God let Jesus visit the prophet on the mountain and then allowed the scientists to take a photo showing the world that Brother Branham was telling the truth. This is the only true message.

    Early experiences in the message

    One Tuesday evening I went to a communion service. It was at Brother Roy Swarts’ home in Wetton, Cape Town. There were not many message believers at this time, so it was easy to fit into someone’s lounge. The speaker that evening was the late Brother Theo Erasmus, who still lived in Johannesburg at the time. This was before he became pastor of the church in Somerset West, Cape Town. His subject, 30 requirements before you can take communion.

    Service started at 8.00 o’clock and ended 1.00 o’clock the next morning. It was long but it was holy. I remember how old men came to be prayed for and how people confessed their sins. I remember how wonderful this experience was and then to cap it all, in a demonstration of humility, we started washing one another’s feet. This is so wonderful, I thought. And then as they ended the service we all sang, Only Believe, Only Believe, all things are possible, Only Believe. It was heaven on earth.

    The message is challenged

    It was two weeks later when Brother Steven Staines church elders invited him to an open debate. Sister Shirley Staines went to her church council to complain about her, husband, Brother Steven Staines. They invited me to join them.

    When we got there I felt completely out of place. I was the only boy amongst these great men of God. Brother Steve was the nervous type and he could not really explain why he had himself re-baptized or why he was following a false prophet, as they put it. I waited patiently for my turn and when it came, I was like a raving wolve. I am blessed with a good memory so, it was easy for me to just speak what I heard and now believe. Those Elders sat in quiet amazement and listened to me attentatively. No one interrupted. When I was done, the elder named Brother Michaels nodded and said he was happy to know that God has done something for us. He told Brother Steve’s wife to go with him because they did not want division. This was my very first experience in testifying about the message of William Branham.

    I am confronted with a question

    Fast forward to 2007. A sister comes to me with a question. “Brother James can you tell me where to find a direct scripture in the bible and a direct quotation where Brother Branham says the Seven Thunders of Revelations 10:4 were opened and revealed.”

    This question stunned me. I could not give her a scripture or a quotation but yet I believed and preached it. I went to my pastor, instead of answering me, he treated it as a threat and warned his church board not to let me preach because I don’t believe the Thunders. I knew, after I heard this that there is something not quite right with this message. I realized there were more than meet the eye. I would not rest until I get to the bottom of this.

    My study begins

    At this time, I was completely computer illiterate. I did not own a computer and I was not interested. I was from the old message school. Civilization is from the devil. So, I bought the Table message computer search program and I took all my spoken Words and whatever reading material I could get and started researching. I listened on a MP3 player day and night. I listened when I was at home, when I went with the family or we went shopping. I read as much as I could.

    In August 2008, my wife and I moved to the U.S. to spend time with her parents. I took all my material with me and it was a lot easier to get hold of any material over there. The vision of Brother Branham on December 22, 1962 drew my attention, but the sermon I noticed was The Seed is not Heir with the Shuck. If you can recall, this was also the first message I read when I came into the message. I noticed when he preached it at a different location a short while later, the sermon was completely different.

    This led me to check messages and their locations. So, when I came across the vision of Brother Branham I studied it very carefully and noticed there was a difference between the first and second re-telling. Interestingly, while I thought about this, it led me to check whether this vision was ever fulfilled.

    My research moves online

    In 2011, I finally bought a laptop and it took me another six months to be able to browse the net. I went to many message church sites and listened. I was suspicious but I still trusted the prophet. His voice was a comfort to me. When I heard that voice, all my doubts just vanished. It was the only thing that made sense to me. I did not want to hear other preachers because they were responsible for my dilemma.

    I am confronted with reality

    One Sunday morning during one of those days when I was so hungry and desperate, I decided to listen to a message. I thought I typed in Voice of God but for some unknown reason, I landed on a site where I saw the book Legend of the Fall, written by Peter Duyzer. I started reading and stopped. Did I just see this man saying William Branham was not telling the truth when he said he was hunting when the cloud appeared? How rude, how dare this man say such nasty things.

    I knew from almost 40 years ago, how those brothers explained what happened. I saw the face of Jesus. He was there, on a hunting trip when this all happened. The brothers showed it to me. I saw the eyes, nose and mouth. I saw the wig, like the English Judges. I saw that mighty angel with the swept back wings. Who is this man and how dare he open his mouth against my prophet.

    I went from chapter to chapter. I could not get away from this website. I was fighting inwardly but I could not get away. Slowly the reality sunk in. I was conned. I was lied to. This made me very angry and depressed. I could not pray or read my bible for weeks. I wanted to have nothing to do with religion. Yet, I still held on.

    The truth hits home

    One day I came across a site with some writings of John Kennah. The one single item that attracted my attention again was the cloud. I noticed Mr. Kennah saying that Rebekah Branham-Smith and Pearry Green changed the history of the message to hide the facts from their followers.

    I did some research and discovered what Mr. Kennah said, was correct. That was the end of the road for me.

    In February 2012, we returned to South Africa. I laid low for two months because I was so weak and vulnerable that I did not want to come into contact with any believers. Actually, I was seriously considering just turning my back on religion completely, but God just would not let me.

    I came across a site that pushed me over the edge. It was a site managed by believers in Tuscon, Arizona. And what I saw made me realize that this message is just fraud and corruption, lies and deception and that nobody is prepared to tell the truth.

    No message believer even tried to answer my questions

    I phoned Pastor Stephen Delo and told him what I learned and he promised to get back to me so that we could talk about it. To this day, I’m still waiting for the call. I then phoned Pastor Harold Beckett and spoke with him. He was not willing at all to talk about this and told me it’s an individual matter. It is every man for him self. I eventually got some confession out of him that he knew about the discrepancy with the date of the cloud since 1992. He was not prepared to say more.

    I phoned Brother Keith Hearn of Voice of God Recordings in Cape Town, South Africa. He said to me, Brother James, do not listen to anybody. Put on your tape and listen to the prophet. That is the only voice that matters.

    I wrote letters to Pastor Stephen Delo, Pastor Harold Beckett, Brother Keith Hearn, Bother Joseph Branham, Pastor Ron Millevo and various other Pastors and a few webmasters.

    The South African Pastors have not bothered to reply or return any phone calls.

    My problem with the cloud

    I went back and checked every sermon where Brother Branham spoke about the cloud and every story is different.

    What everyone, including the message people know is that William Branham was not in the State of Arizona when the cloud appeared in the evening sky.

    He was not there when the cloud appeared. He was not aware that such a cloud would appear. Even with all the scientific research going on and the chance that people in Tuscon could have seen this mysterious cloud, no one knew anything about it.

    Dr. James McDonald is actually the hero of this story. He was aware of it. He knew it was not normal and he said so. He researched it and when he discovered there was nothing supernatural about it he lost interest in it.

    Yet, when Gene Norman showed the magazine article to brother Branham he did what he do so well. He sowed a seed of discrepancy in the mind of Gene Norman. “ Have you noticed the shape of the pyramid?” That is enough to know that this is something big.

    On June 1,1983 William Branham mentioned the cloud photo to his audience and left them in limbo. “This happened, same, about a day or two before or a day or two after, we were there.” This is enough to make you understand this has something to do with us. Why did he not just say: “No, we were not there at that time?”

    On June 23, 1963, William Branham becomes more daring. He says: “I was standing right under the cloud when they took the photo.” Really, did so much change in 23 days?

    I could still live with that but two years later the cloud took on a new role. It had the face of Jesus.

    How did this happen. Well from the limited confession we have it appears that Pearry Green sent the original cloud photo to Shirley Abbott Studios in Beaumont Texas to have it reproduced. What he does not say is whether he sent the original or whether he sent the “doctored” photocopy to the studio.

    When the reproduced photo came back, they put one in a frame and presented it to Brother Branham. He in turn takes it to church with him and on April 18,1965 he declared that something told him to turn the picture to the right and when he did, he saw the face of Jesus. Look at his eyes, his nose, his mouth, he says.


    This is the vindication and proof that the message is true. That is - the face in the cloud is the vindication.

    Yet, there is no face in the cloud on the original cloud photo. There was never a face in the cloud until human intervention caused a face in the cloud.

    I ask you today. In view of these undeniable facts, when a prophet cannot even discern that the photo he held was not the original. When he could not discern that the very people who presented him the photo were dishonest. When he claims that something told him to turn the photo, yet that is not possible because God does not work with dishonesty.

    How is it possible for you to hold on to a message where the vindication proves that it is nothing but dishonest people fooling someone who so desperately need to be recognized as an old testament prophet??

    I am absolutely amazed that the same mysterious cloud is supposed to prove the message true, is the same cloud which proves the message is FALSE.

    My decision to leave the message

    I made a final decision to leave the message in 2012 after I came across the Seek the Truth (STT) website. I could not believe my eyes when I saw how people all over the world were discovering the same lies and deception. Finding this website was like cool water in the middle of the desert Suddenly I did not feel alone any longer. It was not only me and there was nothing wrong with me.

    I also noticed that nothing happened to them for speaking out against the lies and deception. John Collins became like a real brother to me. We could share each other’s pain and encourage one another.

    Not long after I came across the STT website, I met some friends from the Believe the Sign website. They just left the message and it was no surprise that it was all for the same reason. It is not possible to look at blatant lies, misinterpretation, twisting of scripture and honestly believe it. To do that there must be something very wrong with you. How can one continue to believe it to be true when you did your checking and re-checking and you come to the same conclusion.

    I have since learned the words to describe this: Cognitive Dissonance. When two opposing views are presented the recipient will dig his/her heels into the sand and believe his/her view more.

    Where I am at now

    I have spent 40 years of my life in the message. I believed it, I lived it, I preached it. The message is all my wife knew, it is all my children knew, it is all I knew.

    Since leaving the message, I have embarked on a mission to expose the lies, deception, fraud and corruption in the message wherever and whenever I get an opportunity. I have challenged pastors all over the world. I have been active on many websites and I make my voice known wherever I go. Thus far, not one pastor in the message can explain why they believe the Municipal Bridge vision after Brother Branham said he saw it as a young child. And later in his sermons he said that it happened 22 years later exactly as he saw it. A section of the bridge collapsed while they were building it, and 16 men fell into the water and drowned.

    Did it happen like that?? NO. What do you say when you listen to the prophet saying: “It did??” What do you do when the pastors make all kind of excuses and you can see they are lying, but you still believe??? What is wrong with you??? You don’t need a revelation to see when someone is lying!!!

    My challenge to you

    I challenge any pastor, deacon, elder, trustee, treasurer, usher, believer of the End-Time Message of William Branham to disprove what I said. I am willing to publicly repent, recant and return to the message if you can convince me with hard evidence that my claims are false. Likewise, if you fail to disprove what I claim, are you willing to turn your back on the message and follow the Lord Jesus Christ.

    The past few months have been challenging. I have had a few threats on my life because of my stand against the message. I receive constant messages in my inbox warning me of imminent danger. I have never taken these threats seriously. I believe that God is in control of my life and I want to do whatever His will is for my life.

    However, a few days ago, I received a serious death threat on my telephone at home. The person did not identify himself (I could hear by the voice it was a male). The message was brief, “ we know your movements, we know where you live, we know where you go to church, we are making plans to take you out. Stop spreading the lies about our prophet”

    I ask you, dear message believer. Is this even Christian to threaten someone who believes different than you?? Is it even common decency to threaten someone with his life just because he is highlighting severe problems of what you believe??

    I have decided after much prayer and advise from my friends, to go public. I want you all to see what is really happening around you. If the message is 100% correct and 100% in line with the Word why is it so difficult to give answers to simple questions?? It is time that you check what you believe against the Word of God the bible.

    Message leaders throw the Bible under the bus

    Atheists and Muslims claim there are contradictions in the bible. Message believers from the headquarters at Voice of God to the pastors and preachers to the laity are now agreeing with these people and try and point to what they perceive as discrepancies, as justification that the lies and deception of William Branham is acceptable.

    I humbly ask, have you got a tape recording of the voice of Jesus? Or a tape recording of the voice of Paul?? But I have almost 1200 taped messages of Brother Branham. So, it is easy to verify what he said. It is either the truth or it is not. The stories are all beautiful and touching but on close examination after you compare the stories, it is not hard to tell that it was only stories.

    My Prayer

    My prayer for you, dear reader is that your eyes may be opened. Run to the Christ of Calvary. That is our only hope and our only salvation.

    May God bless you.

    My name is James Bernard Manuel and I am from Cape Town, South Africa.