Christians that were required to believe Satanic doctrine: Difference between revisions

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    Revision as of 02:21, 23 March 2013

    William Branham taught that each church age had its own messenger to that age.

    He also taught that in order to be saved, you have to believe the messenger’s message for that age.

    Orthodox Christians believe that all of the church age messengers listed by William Branham accepted and held as truth, the doctrine of the Trinity. While message believers would not agree with that statement, they would certainly could not argue that at least several of the "church age messengers" believed and taught the classical doctrine of the Trinity.

    William Branham clearly taught that the doctrine of the Trinity was Satanic. Message believers are required to accept this because he said it was “Thus saith the Lord”.

    Conclusion: In the prior six "church ages", a true Christian was required to believe a doctrine of the devil (the Trinity) to be saved. If they rejected the message that the messenger brought (which included the doctrine of the Trinity), they were lost.

    Each church age had a messenger


    And you'll see in a few minutes; I want to get to it, let the Bible just speak what it was. It was the seven ministers, one minister to each age of these Seven Church Ages, come out, hold them in His right hand. Amen. There He is. There was seven angels, seven messengers, one to each church. Get it?


    An angel for each church age... They had the same ministry, exactly the same all down through the age in that little church.

    If you believed the messenger you were saved


    That's exactly what took place in the days of Noah; that's what took place in the days of Lot; that's what took place in the other days, the days of Moses; that's what taken place in the days of Jesus Christ. For they despised the message and perished, and those who believed the message was lost... or was saved.
    Now, now, then comes the church dispensation in. We lived back in Noah's time, the antediluvian; we come into the dispensation of law; then in the dispensation of grace, the church. And now the church dispensation is ending. We all know that.
    Now, if God did thus-and-thus in that dispensation, in those other two dispensations, He has to remain the same and do the same in this dispensation, 'cause He said He would do it. I'll prove it in a few minutes, by the Word, that He said He would do it. Now, He cannot change His program, He's God. Notice what He did in them dispensations.

    PROVING.HIS.WORD JEFF.IN V-9 N-6 64-0816

    He did in that age just as He did in all ages, and like He will do, just as He promised to do. God promises anything, then He comes down and proves His Word to be right. All that believe, all that believe the Message of that age, come in and was saved. So will it be in any age. All who did not believe the Message and the messenger, perished.

    The Doctrine of the Trinity is Satanic


    Now, my precious brother, I know this is a tape also. Now, don't get excited. Let me say this with godly love. The hour has approached where I can't hold still on these things no more: too close to the coming. See? "Trinitarianism is of the devil." I say that THUS SAITH THE LORD.


    I said, "Then you have to refuse Jesus Christ, for He is the revelation of God, God revealed in human flesh." Unless you see it, you're lost.
    Jesus said, "Except you believe that I am He, you will die in your sins." He is the revelation of God, the Spirit of God revealed in human form. If you can't believe that, you're lost. You put Him a third person, second person, or any other person besides God, you're lost.


    The polytheistic religion of the enemy began with the trinitarian doctrine. It was way back there in antiquity that the "one God in three persons" idea came into existence. How strange that our modern theologians have not spotted this; but evidently just as duped by Satan as their forebears were, they still believe in three persons in the Godhead. Let us be shown just one place in Scripture where there is any authority for that doctrine. Is it not strange that while the descendants of Ham went on their way in Satanic worship which involved a basic concept of three gods that there is not one trace of the descendants of Shem believing such a thing or having any ceremonial worship that involved even a type of it? It is not strange that the Hebrews believed, "Hear, O Israel, the Lord thy God is ONE God", if there were three persons in the Godhead? Abraham, the descendant of Shem, in Genesis 18 saw only ONE God with two angels.
    Now that is what modern theologians try to tell us when they talk about a trinity. Just remember this one thing from now on: these records are facts and this is a fact--Satan is a liar and the father of lies, and whenever he comes with any light it is still a lie. He is a murderer. And his doctrine of the trinity has destroyed the multitudes and will destroy until Jesus comes.