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=Video Summary=
=Where did William Branham say he got his revelation from?=
=Where did William Branham say he got his revelation from?=
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=Video Transcript=
William Branham’s revelation of the seven seals, in his opinion and those of his followers, was his most important revelation.  In 1965, two years after he preached the series on the Seven Seals, William Branham told his followers:
:''He spoke to me, and said, “The Seven Seals will be opened. The seven mysteries, sevenfold mystery of the Bible, that’s been closed up since the foundation of the world, will be revealed. (William Branham, 65-0418M - It Is The Rising Of The Sun, para. 12)
William Branham told his followers that his revelation came directly from God.  This is clear from a comment he made on March 18, 1963 in his sermon on the First Seal:
:''I would've had a horrible mistake on that if it hadn't been about twelve o'clock today when the Holy Spirit came in the room and corrected me on something that I was writing down to say. I was taking it from an old context. I had nothing on it. I don't know what the Second Seal is no more than nothing, but I'd got some old contexts of something that I'd spoke on several years ago and wrote it down, and I'd gathered this context — context…
:''And Dr. Smith, many great outstanding teachers that I—I'd gathered, and all of them believed that, so I'd wrote it down. And I was fixing to say, "Well, now I'll study it from that standpoint." And there about twelve o'clock in the day the Holy Spirit just swept right down into the room, and the whole thing just opened up to me, and there it was…?… of this—of this First Seal being opened. (63-0318 - The First Seal, Para.36)
William Branham admitted that he was widely read on the subject and he definitely gives the impression that there was no one prior to him who had the revelation God gave him… he got his revelations directly from God and they were different from everyone else.
Here is his revelation of the first seal…
:''The rider has no arrows for his bow.  (63-0318 - The First Seal, para. 290)
:''You want me to tell you who he is? He is the antichrist. (63-0318 - The First Seal, para. 294)
:''But three hundred years later, he become a pope… (63-0318 - The First Seal, para. 301)
:''Who is this rider, this horse rider? You know what it is? It's Satan's superman... (63-0318 - The First Seal, para. 371)
Did William Branham get this directly from God as he said?
From pictures of William Branham’s library published in Only Believe magazine, we know that William Branham had the books of Clarence Larkin. Here is a direct quote from Larkin’s book:
:''This “Rider” has a “bow,” no arrow is mentioned.
:''This White Horse Rider is the ANTICHRIST.
:''This “White Horse Rider” will be Satan’s “SUPERMAN.”  (Clarence Larkin, The Book of Revelation: A Study of the Last Prophetic Book of Holy Scripture (1919), p. 54)
We also know that William Branham was familiar with the works of Charles Taze Russel, the founder of the Jehovah’s Witnesses.  In his book, 1918 book, The Finished Mystery, Russell wrote:
:''And behold a white horse… And he that sat on him.
:''The Bishop of Rome, the embryo Pope, the personal representative of Satan.
What is clear is that William Branham did not have a special revelation of the first seal.  He stole it from Clarence Larkin and Charles Taze Russel and passed it off as though it was something brand new that he got directly from God…  a revelation that had been hidden from before the foundation of the world.
But this was clearly not true.
In Jeremiah 23:30, we see that God condemns self-proclaimed prophets who say they receive their inspiration from God, when in fact they stole it from someone else:
:''“Therefore,” says the LORD, “I am against these prophets who steal messages from each other and claim they are from me.
Why did William Branham say he received his revelation of the First Seal from God when, in fact, he stole it from Clarence Larkin and Charles Taze Russell?
Was he really fulfilling Jeremiah 23:30?
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