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<div style="float:left;width:24%;padding:.3em 0;margin:2px 2px 0; background-color:#cedff2">[[The Cloud]] </div>
<div style="float:left;width:24%;padding:.3em 0;margin:2px 2px 0; background-color:#cedff2">[[Prophecy of the Cloud|The Prophecy]]</div>
<div style="float:left;width:24%;padding:.3em 0;margin:2px 2px 0; background-color:#cedff2">[[Rattlesnake Mesa]]</div>
<div style="float:left; width:25%;font-weight:bold; background-color:#cedff2; color:#000; padding:.3em 0; border:2px solid #B8C7D9; border-bottom:0; font-size:130%">[[Seven Seals|The Seven Seals]]</div>
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William Branham preached a series of sermons in March 1963 on the Seven Seals of the book of Revelation. He had told his congregation on December 23, 1962 of a [[Prophecy of the Cloud|major vision that was coming.]]  In his sermon on the [[Seventh Seal]], he tells the story of how this vision was fulfilled while hunting in Arizona, and how he received an angelic commission to preach about the Seven Seals. 

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=Why Are The Seven Seals Important?=
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William Branham preached a series of sermons in March 1963 on the Seven Seals of the book of Revelation.  This article contains a summary of these sermons as taught by William Branham, who taught that each seal identifies a religous disturbance.  Much of William Branham's teachings on the Seven Seals can also be found in the works of Clarence Larkin, a dispensational Baptist author. 

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William Branham and his followers say that he brought a brand new, unique, and never before revealed understanding of the seals. Branham explained this in his introductory sermon on the seven seals:
|''And I saw in the right hand of him that sat on the throne a book written within and on the backside, sealed with seven seals.''  (Revelation 5:1)

This page reviews Revelation Chapters 4 and 5, which come between the [[Seven Church Ages|message to the seven churches]] and the Seven Seals. These chapters set the stage for the characters that appear in the Seven Seals.
:''And now we’re going to see what the Book says about how It become open. And '''is not made known until the Lamb takes the Book, and breaks the Seals, and opens the Book'''. See? The Lamb has got to take the Book.  

:''It’s hid. Now remember, “No man in Heaven, no man in earth,” pope, bishop, cardinal, state presbyter, or whoever he is, “can break them Seals, or reveal the Book, but the Lamb.” And we have probed, and presumed, and stumbled, and wondered, and—and that’s the reason we’re all in such a confusion.

<div style="border-bottom:1px #B87333 solid; text-align:center; font-size:140%; padding:1px; margin:1px;">The Lamb</div>
:''But with the Divine promise that this Book of Redemption will be perfectly opened by the Lamb, and '''the Seals thereof will be loosed by the Lamb, in the last days in which we’re living now. And is not made known until the Lamb takes the Book and breaks the Seals.''' Because, remember, the Book was being holded in the hands of Him that sat upon the Throne. “And the Lamb comes to Him that sits upon the Throne, and takes the Book out of His right hand.” Takes the Book! Oh, that’s deep. '''We’ll try to solve it out if we can, by the help of the Holy Spirit. Now we’re depending on Him. And we will see, later, it is at the end time, “When time has run out.” No denominations has a right for interpretation of the Book. No man has a right to interpret It.''' It is the Lamb Who interprets It.''' And the Lamb is the One Who speaks It, and the Lamb makes the Word to be known, by vindicating and bringing the Word to Life. See? Exactly! Notice. And is not revealed until… '''This Book is not revealed until the church ages and denominational ages has run out''', “and there is time no more.” See it? It’s only revealed after church ages and denominational ages has run out..<ref>William Branham, 63-0317E - The Breach Between The Seven Church Ages And The Seven Seals, para. 51</ref>

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Not just while preaching the seals, but many other times William Branham stated that the revelation and understanding relating to the seals on the book of redemption could only be opened and understood at the end of time, and not within any denominational system:
|''And I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice, Who is worthy to open the book, and to loose the seals thereof? And no man in heaven, nor in earth, neither under the earth, was able to open the book, neither to look thereon. And I wept much, because no man was found worthy to open and to read the book, neither to look thereon. And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof.''

''And I beheld, and, lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth. And he came and took the book out of the right hand of him that sat upon the throne.'' (Revelation 5:2-7)
:''He spoke to me, and said, “The Seven Seals will be opened. The seven mysteries, sevenfold mystery of the Bible, '''that’s been closed up since the foundation of the world, will be revealed.'''” And we, yet a humble little group, compared with all the world, we’ve enjoyed these blessings, a hearing those mysteries.<ref>William Branham, 65-0418M - It Is The Rising Of The Sun, para. 12</ref>

William Branham taught that the Lion of the tribe of Judah, which is the Lamb of God, which is the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the only one worthy to open or look upon the book sealed with seven seals, and is the one who opens each of the seven seals.  
Followers of William Branham believe the revelation of the seals was never made known in any other age, and that William Branham’s ability to convey the true understanding of the seals are a key part of his role as an end time prophet and Laodicean Church Age messenger.

=How did William Branham say he received the revelation of the seals?=

<div style="border-bottom:1px #B87333 solid; text-align:center; font-size:140%; padding:1px; margin:1px;">The Four Beasts</div>
As William Branham preached his sermons on the seals he repeatedly explained that he received the revelation of the seals through visions or angelic visitations that occurred each day before he preached the seals while he studied and prayed in his room:

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:''If I could just stand here at the platform and reveal It to you, '''the way It’s revealed to me in the room''', my, it would be marvelous.<ref>William Branham, 63-0318 - The First Seal, para. 10</ref>
|''And before the throne there was a sea of glass like unto crystal: and in the midst of the throne, and round about the throne, were four beasts full of eyes before and behind. And the first beast was like a lion, and the second beast like a calf, and the third beast had a face as a man, and the fourth beast was like a flying eagle.''

''And the four beasts had each of them six wings about him; and they were full of eyes within: and they rest not day and night, saying, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come. And when those beasts give glory and honour and thanks to him that sat on the throne, who liveth for ever and ever, '' (Revelation 4:6-9)
:''And now, tonight, we are studying this Second Seal. And for the first four Seals there is four horse riders. And I tell you, '''today something happened again'''. And, I—I, something that I…I go and get the old script that I had, that I talked on, long ago, and just set down there. And I thought, “Well, I—I did the very best I could.” And many writers and things, and I thought, “Well, I’ll read a little while, and look over and see this and that.” And the first thing you know, '''something just happens, and it’s altogether different. It just comes in different. Then I grab me a pencil right quick, and start writing down just as fast as I can, while He’s there.'''<ref>William Branham, 63-0319 - The Second Seal, para. 11</ref>

William Branham taught that the four beasts are four [[Angel|angels]] around the throne of GodThese angels appear in each of the first four seals, revealing God's presence within each of these Seals. Like the Bible itself, it is the Lord Jesus Christ who is the topic of the book sealed with Seven Seals, even though much of the seals discuss his adversary, the Devil.
:''And I want to say this. That, each time, even till this morning, about…Oh, I get up real, real early and go to prayer before things stir, and just keep on praying through the day. '''But this morning, early, the Holy Spirit came to where I was. And just as plain as anything, I—I seen this other Seal open up now, just exactly.''' Now—now—now, He hears me, I know. And I’m very grateful.<ref>William Branham, 63-0320 - The Third Seal, para. 20</ref>
:''Ever since last Sunday, '''I just sit right in a room, just praying, that’s all, and under the anointing'''. And I know This is right. If you believe God, I know you do, you just watch at the end of the week.<ref>William Branham, 63-0321 - The Fourth Seal, para. 220</ref>
:''Now, '''here is where I’m going to get some real disagreeings'''. But you just watch just a minute. And just…See? I thought that, too, but it didn’t come that way. We have… '''I have always thought that these souls under the altar were the—the—the martyrs of the early Church. And I’m sure that, well, Dr. Uriah Smith, and every one of them, says it is.''' See? But, I thought so, myself. But when '''the Holy Spirit showed the vision to it''', it wasn’t; it isn’t the souls.<ref>William Branham, 63-0322 - The Fifth Seal, para. 215</ref>
:''Something happened today, and I seen something come up. I—I just… '''I couldn’t get my breath anymore, see. There He was, standing there, that little Light standing right there. And here It was. I know it’s the Truth. I thought, “O God, I couldn’t say that. I—I can’t say that. I can’t.”''' I just walked out of the room, went out, walked up-and-down. Brother, I thought, “My! What can I do? Oh!” <ref>William Branham, 63-0323 - The Sixth Seal, para. 418</ref>

:''That much, we have an understanding of It, today, because the rest of It is all unfolded; but this is not unfolded. '''But sitting in my room, and I heard this…or, not heard it, rather, but seen It unfold to this Seven Thunders'''.<ref>William Branham, 63-0324E - The Seventh Seal, para. 395</ref>

<div style="border-bottom:1px #B87333 solid; text-align:center; font-size:140%; padding:1px; margin:1px;">The Seventh Seal</div>
William Branham repeatedly explained that the seals were revealed to him through supernatural experiences.

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=The Facts=
|''And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour. '' (Revelation 8:1)

In Matthew 24, Jesus was asked three questions:
William Branham claimed the revelation of the seals had never been known before he preached them and that he received the revelation supernaturally during March 1963.

#''When shall these things be?'' (the complete destruction of the temple)
:''Now I want to make this real clear. Every time, every time that these Seals has come to the place; '''everything''' that I ever believed on Them, '''and has read of other people''', has been '''contrary''' to what come to me in the room.''<ref>William Branham, 63-0324E - The Seventh Seal, para. 29</ref>
#''What shall be the sign of thy coming'', and
#What shall be the sign ''of the end of the world?''

William Branham taught that Jesus responds by talking about the first six seals, but omits any discussion of the seventh seal.  
Repeatedly and explicitly, '''William Branham claimed every aspect of the seals was given to him supernaturally''' and was contrary to everything that he had ever heard or read before. He claimed that his 1963 revelation of the seals was essentially different from anything that had came before. It logically follows that, if that is true, we should not be able to find anyone who had the same essential interpretation of the seals as William Branham before 1963. If someone else had any correct understanding of even one of the seals before 1963, then William Branham’s claim is false.

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William Branham owned copies of the books and teachings which he based his sermons on, and even during his sermons on the seals he explained that he had been studying their books. In truth, there is very little that is new or unique about William Branham’s revelation of the seven seals.  The essential elements of his sermons on the seals were copied from The Book of Revelation by Clarence Larkin and The Finished Mystery by Charles Taze Russel.  
|''''And the chief priests accused him of many things: but he answered nothing.'' (Mark 15:3)

In 2012, this website [[Plagiarism|published information which showed that men before William Branham had already preached the revelation of the seals in a manner that was essentially the same as William Branham]].

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Upon [[First Seal|'''close examination''']], it is clear that William Branham’s interpretation of the seals was not new or unique. His “Revelation of the Seven Seals” was entirely an adaptation of the teachings of earlier preachers, and he purposefully misled his audiences to think he was preaching something new.  
!Matthew 24
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|First Seal
|v. 4 & 5
|And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.
|And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see. And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.  
|Second Seal
|v. 6
|And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
|And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see. And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.
|Third Seal
|v. 7
|For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows.
|And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.
|Fourth Seal
|v. 9 - 13
|Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake. And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.
|And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see. And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.
|Fifth Seal
|v. 21 - 24
|For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened. Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not. For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
|And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held: And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth? And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellowservants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled.
|Sixth Seal
|v. 29 - 30
|Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
|And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind. And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?

Examine the evidence from [[First Seal|William Branham's sermon on the First Seal]].

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==The Loose Ends==
|'''Sermons by William Branham on the Book Sealed with Seven Seals'''
William Branham refers to a few special topics repeatedly during the Seals that he calls “loose ends” that his ministry "tied up" in preparation for the coming rapture:
[ The First Seal], [ The Second Seal],  [ The Third Seal], [ The Fourth Seal], [ The Fifth Seal], [ The Sixth Seal], [ The Seventh Seal]

#[[Water Baptism]]
#[[The Godhead]]
#The progression of [[Justification, Sanctification, and the Holy Spirit]] and the security of the Believer.
#[[The Serpent's Seed]]
#[[Mystery Babylon|The identity of the Catholic Church]] and the ministry of the antichrist 
#[[Amos 3:3|Amos 3:3 and separation from Denominations]]
#[[The End Of Mercy|The end of mercy]].

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==Other Doctrines Repeated Constantly in the Seven Seals Series==
Other topics of continuity between the seals include:
#[[Amos 3:7]], "Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets."
#[[Enoch and Noah|Were Noah and Enoch on the earth at the same time?]]
#[[The Prophet and The Eagle|Are Prophets Eagles?]]
#Romans 11:29, how the gifts and callings of God are without repentance, and mentions that speaking in tongues is as spiritual as witchcraft.
#[[The Importance of a Seven-Lettered Name|Branham ends in “HAM”]] vs Pope’s number of “666”.
#References to the [[Seven Church Ages]] and Daniel’s Seventy Weeks.
#The four beasts – the Lion, Ox, Man and Eagle – are angels that give an anointing to each seal-age.  William Branham taught that these beasts are just as much a part of the first four seals as the horse riders.
==The Elijah Ministry==
William Branham spent a significant part of the Seven Seals teaching on his own ministry as Elijah:
#[[Revelation 10:7]]
#[[The Fulfillment of Malachi 4:5]]
#Revelation 22:9 which says that the angel is a man (KJV only).
#[[Prophets that ministered at the same time|No two prophets on earth at the same time.]]
#Acts 2 says that Jesus was approved of God by miracles.
#John 6:63 says, “The words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.”  William Branham taught that God gave certain men (such as Moses and himself) a creative word as a spiritual sign. 
#John 10:27 says, “My sheep hear my voice.”  A Voice is a spiritual sign.
#How Christ had to be a man (a kinsman redeemer).
#Elijah is the Spirit of Christ (“When the supernatural comes in, that’s the mind of Christ.”)
#[[The Houston Photograph]] as proof of his ministry
#[[Was William Branham's discernment ministry genuine?|The gift of discernment shows who the messiah is.]]  The woman at the well knew this.
#[[Prophecy|William Branham has no false prophecies]]
#Elijah’s fifth-time ministry.  Malachi 4 & the restoration ministry.
#God opened the seals to Elijah when he told him that 700 had not bowed their knees to Baal.
#People did not recognize John the Baptist.
#If you reject Elijah, you will end up like Jezebel, eaten by the wild beasts. 
===The Christ Branham Movement===
These doctrines culminated in a few radical statements that have created the “Christ Branham” movement. 
Fred Sothmann, who hunted with William Branham when he said he received his commission to preach the Seals, also believed that William Branham was greater than Jesus Christ.  Fred listened closely to William Branham’s Seventh Seal, and understood that since only God the Father knew the contents of this Seal (remember that even Jesus did not know the hour or day) then William Branham must be God the Father because he alone knew the contents of the [[Seventh Seal]].
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