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Is the message a distortion of the true Gospel?
Is the message a distortion of the true Gospel?

=William Branham acknowledged the message was something extra=
==William Branham acknowledged the message was something extra==

William Branham stated:
William Branham stated:
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William Branham recognized that in order to follow him a person has to believe the Bible '''AND''' the present  message of the day.  This is only necessary if the message is an add-on to the Bible.
William Branham recognized that in order to follow him a person has to believe the Bible '''AND''' the present  message of the day.  This is only necessary if the message is an add-on to the Bible.

==William Branham taught that it was his mesage=
==William Branham brought Old Testament law into the New Testament==

William Branham said:

:''The old Bible is always in effect, and every Word that God says is in effect.  Yes, sir. Only thing it does from the new Bible to the old Bible, it just magnified.<ref>William Branham,  64-0823E - Questions And Answers #2, para. 170</ref>
:'''''God ever says anything, He can never change it. He always magnifies it, not change it. The law was magnified, not changed.''' Magnified!  "'Whosoever commits adultery shall be guilty of death,' but whosoever," now magnified, "looketh upon a woman to lust after her!" He never changed the commandment. He magnified it.''<ref>63-0728, Christ Is The Mystery Of God Revealed</ref>
But that is not what the Bible says:
:''Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets. I have not come to abolish these things but to '''fulfill''' them.<ref>Biblical Studies Press, The NET Bible First Edition; Bible. English. NET Bible.; The NET Bible (Biblical Studies Press, 2005), Mt 5:17.</ref>
What does this mean?  Jesus came to fulfill all of the requirements of the law '''on our behalf''' so that the way to God is now opened!
Paul stated that Jesus came ''"having wiped out the handwriting of requirements that was against us, which was contrary to us. And He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross..."'' (Col 2:14)
What is the handwriting of requirements that Paul is talking about?  Again, '''he is talking about the law.'''
:''Jesus condemned sin in the flesh, in order that '''the righteous requirement of the law might be fully met in us''', who do not live according to the flesh but according to the Spirit.'' (Ro 8:3–4)
:''God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh: '''That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us''', who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. (Ro 8:3–5).
Jesus did not sweep the the law under the carpet.  He did not do away with it.
He came and fulfilled every requirement of the law perfectly on our behalf.  So by Jesus, the law has been fulfilled.
Jesus did not redeem us from the curse of sin.  Read your Bible:
:''Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us...'' (Ga 3:13)
:''To be sure, sin was in the world before the law was given, but sin is not charged against anyone’s account where there is no law.'' (Ro 5:13)
Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law (and not from the curse of sin) because where there is no law there is no sin.  Even the ten commandments are referred to as producing death.
:''But if the ministry that produced death — carved in letters on stone tablets — came with glory, so that the Israelites could not keep their eyes fixed on the face of Moses because of the glory of his face (a glory which was made ineffective), how much more glorious will the ministry of the Spirit be?''  (2 Co 3:7–8 NET)
Paul called the ten commandments the ministry that produced death.
Did you know that the ten commandments were received by Israel on the day of Pentecost.  It was forty days after the Jewish passover when Moses went up on Mt. Sinai and received the Law. On that day they received the Law, three thousand people died (Ex 32:28).  But what happened on the day that the church was born, the day of Penecost?  Three thousand people came to life (Acts 2:41).  The law produced death in 3,000 people on its first day, grace produced life in 3,000 people on the day the church was born!

=Quotes of William Branham=
=Quotes of William Branham=

''He will give you your heart's desire. Line up, you with the prayer cards. Come right over on this side and them line up. He's good. I seen Him bring a plane down out of the air, hold me there all night, and all day the next day to—for the faith of a colored woman for her dying boy. Sure. Do you believe? Do you believe the message? '''If you can't believe the message, well, you'll never believe the messenger''', I'm sure. But if it is the message, God will vindicate it.<ref>William Branham,  62-1123 - The Way Back, para. 107</ref
''He will give you your heart's desire. Line up, you with the prayer cards. Come right over on this side and them line up. He's good. I seen Him bring a plane down out of the air, hold me there all night, and all day the next day to—for the faith of a colored woman for her dying boy. Sure. Do you believe? Do you believe the message? '''If you can't believe the message, well, you'll never believe the messenger''', I'm sure. But if it is the message, God will vindicate it.<ref>William Branham,  62-1123 - The Way Back, para. 107</ref>

''Eliezer sweated it out, until he found character. That's right. Who would he get? And he trusted God. Character for what? Character for Isaac, the bride, which the Church is type of. You know that. That was the natural seed of Abraham; this is the royal Seed of Abraham. Well, if Eliezer, the messenger hunting the bride and trying to find character, if that man is come, a messenger of the last day, trying to find the Bride for Christ, he will not look for a denominational membership. He will look for character that's willing.  Watch! Good character first, then to get her ready to meet Isaac. After he found the character, then get her stand still long enough to listen to his message of Isaac.  That's the messenger of the last days, the evening Light, is first find that Church (where will they believe the Message?), hunt it.<ref>William Branham,  63-0116 - The Evening Messenger, para. 243-245</ref>
''Eliezer sweated it out, until he found character. That's right. Who would he get? And he trusted God. Character for what? Character for Isaac, the bride, which the Church is type of. You know that. That was the natural seed of Abraham; this is the royal Seed of Abraham. Well, if Eliezer, the messenger hunting the bride and trying to find character, if that man is come, a messenger of the last day, trying to find the Bride for Christ, he will not look for a denominational membership. He will look for character that's willing.  Watch! Good character first, then to get her ready to meet Isaac. After he found the character, then get her stand still long enough to listen to his message of Isaac.  That's the messenger of the last days, the evening Light, is first find that Church (where will they believe the Message?), hunt it.<ref>William Branham,  63-0116 - The Evening Messenger, para. 243-245</ref>
''[Question:] Brother Branham, when Isaiah spoke to the daughters of Zion (or spoke to, I mean, she—I guess they meant "spoke of") the daughters of Zion about the crisping pins, curling hair, and instead of a well set hair, baldness; instead of a… Will that apply to today or is the old Bible of no effect as some say?
:'''''The old Bible is always in effect, and every Word that God says is in effect.''' Yes, sir. Only thing it does from the new Bible to the old Bible, '''it just magnified.''' Jesus said, "You have heard them say, 'Thou shalt not commit adultery' (you had to be in the act); but I say unto you, whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her has committed adultery with her already in his heart." What great outstanding things these are.<ref>William Branham,  64-0823E - Questions And Answers #2, para. 170</ref>