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Question 2 (BM2) - Was William Branham a prophet?: Difference between revisions

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Brother BM2
Brother BM2

=Response by BTS 2=
Thanks for the reply.  Although you didn’t address the issue, and you provided another very wide shot of issues to deal with, I will focus you back on the issue at hand.
You have said in your response that you needed reply to because it can’t be proven.  But in fact it can.
Let’s review what William Branham said:
William Branham told of a vision he had as a boy of the construction of a bridge and of its supernatural fulfillment. This story was used to bolster his claim to be a prophet.
:''“I was playing marbles out with my little brothers, out in the front yard. And all at once I had a strange feeling come on me. And I stopped and set down aside of a tree. And we were right up on the bank from the Ohio River. And I looked down towards Jeffersonville, and I seen a bridge rise up and go across that, the river, span the river. And I seen sixteen men (I counted them) that dropped off of there and lost their lives on that bridge. I run in real quick and told my mother, and she thought I went to sleep. But they kept it in mind, and twenty-two years from then the Municipal Bridge now (that many of you cross when you cross there) crossed the river at the same place, and sixteen men lost their life building that bridge across the river.” It's never failed to be perfectly true. (My Life Story, Los Angeles, April 19, 1959)
From his various retellings of the vision, we can draw the following conclusions about the vision and its fulfillment:
The vision occurred while playing marbles with one or more of his younger brothers when William Branham was a young boy.
William Branham saw the Municipal Bridge being built across the Ohio River between Jeffersonville and Louisville. He clearly identifies it was this specific bridge.
William Branham counted 16 men falling to their deaths from the bridge. He indicated they all drowned.
He saw a sign or heard someone say 22 years.
He told his mother about it and she wrote it down.
Twenty-two years later the municipal bridge was erected and 16 men fell to their deaths and drowned during the construction process just exactly as the Lord had shown William Branham in his vision.
And here is the basic truth… WE CAN PROVE IT DIDN’T HAPPEN!
Let’s address how a prophet in the bible speaks and of that which they speak.  Ture prophets in the Bible speak about three time periods. 1) They speak about the first coming of the Messiah… Branham was clearly too late for that.  2)  They speak about the second coming of Christ.  3)  They speak about things which are “contemporaneous”, that is to say things which will occur or have occurred in their life time.
These three time periods about which prophets speak do indeed account for a lot of prophecies which have yet to come to pass.
The bridge vision which William Branham spoke was of the third category.  He stated in his vision that 16 men fell to their death in the river while the river was being built.  A well-known minister, Pearry Green, was with Branham near the river at Green gives testimony on video which tells of Branham pointing to the very section of the bridge was collapsed, and where the men were killed (the link to this video is attached here:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpHiDzvnRHk ).  Some have called into question after Green’s death his motives and credibility.  Branham himself speaks very highly of Green here:
:''“Brother Green preaches the same thing and Message that I believe in. He's left his home; he's left his people; he's left his church. He was, I believe, he was a district superintendent or something of one of the organizations, and give the whole thing up when he heard This. He left everything that was dear to him also to come to the desert, just to support what God is giving to us now.”  What house will you build me. Tucson, Arizona, November 21, 1965.
I am assuming that when Branham whom you consider to be highly credible praises Green in this manner that you don’t dispute his reputation or credibility.  Further to this point, the founders of the Believe the Sign web site and Facebook forum spoke to Green prior to his death in 2012.  Green confirmed all of the material facts of the story as represented in his video testimony personally.
Branham spoke of this vision happening a total of 13 times in addition to the quote which was provided here.
In the quote, Branham speaks about the vision coming to him 22 years prior to the Municipal Bridge being built:
:''“… But they kept it in mind, and twenty-two years from then the Municipal Bridge now (that many of you cross when you cross there) crossed the river at the same place, and sixteen men lost their life building that bridge across the river.”  My Life Story, Los Angeles, April 19, 1959
According to the official record, President Herbert Hoover dedicated the bridge and it was opened on October 31, 1929.  Now, I’m not a Rocket Scientist, but I have a calculator.  Branham tells us he had the vision 22 years prior to the bridge opening.  That puts his vision in 1907.  Branham is clear in each of his recounting of the event that he was playing outside with his younger brothers, and that he went inside to tell his mother.  No matter which birthdate you give credence to which Branham used on various documents and which he told at various times, Branham wasn’t born yet, or was just he was 7 months old.  So, how can Branham have had the vision 22 years before the bridge was completed?
But let’s ignore the obvious problem with the math.  I have attached the official report from the engineers to the contracting authority which paid for the bridge for your review.  You will find in this report no mention of such an event.  There WERE two men who died in the building of this bridge:
On Wednesday, June 19, 1929, Richard Pilton died after being hit in the temple with an iron crank. He did not drown.
On September 10, 1929. Lloyd McEwen lost his footing and fell, landing on a barge below the bridge. He did not drown, but rather, died from the injuries caused from his fall.
So, let’s take a look at what we have to “prove” that the vision didn’t not occur as Branham stated, under the anointing and retold under the Authority of God
No mention of the drowning in the official report.
Two men DID die at two different times, and their deaths were well documented in the newspaper articles of the day.  This demonstrates that if 16 men HAD drowned as Branham claims, their deaths would certainly be reported in both official records and in the journalistic records of the moment.
Pearry Green confirms to us while giving video testimony that he personally was standing near the bridge which Branham identified definitively as “THE BRIDGE” about which the vision took place, and confirms that Branham told him personally which span of the bridge had collapsed and from which the men fell to their deaths.
Most importantly, the vision which Branham claims under the Authority of God to have had concerning these deaths took place prior to Bramham’s’ birth, or when he was 7 months old, depending on the birthdate which you prefer to give credence to regarding Branham’s birth.
We look at these things and can say definitively that the Municipal Bridge vision which William Branham spoke of 14 times in his recorded sermons never took place, and certainly never came to pass.
Branham in this instance says that he spoke as a prophet of God, under God’s Authority and that he had this vision, just as he outlined it in the multiple sermons in which it was discussed.  I have very clearly demonstrated that this could not possibly have come to pass.  Branham spoke of a contemporaneous matter, as true prophets of God do from time to time, and this prophecy, this vision, failed.
If your assertion is that Branham spoke about that which is going to come to pass in the future, then clearly both Branham and Pearry Green are confused about which bridge and which span of the bridge collapsed resulting in the deaths of the 16 men.
Can you please shed some light on this for me?  Did Branham speak with God’s Authority about a contemporaneous event which came to pass while Branham was alive when he spoke of the Municipal Bridge?  Did this vision come to pass, or did it fail?
We must start there in order to establish Branham’s credibility.  If you aren’t willing to address this issue, this failing of Branham’s spoken vision which Branham tells us was anointed by God and retold under God’s Authority, then how can we discuss any other issues which we can prove demonstrably which Branham spoke which similarly are not true and did not come to pass?
I anxiously await your explanation.

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