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==No one could judge him==
==No one could judge him==

:''Gifts and callings are without repentance. There is spirits that's in the Church. That's true, such as gifts of prophecy, healing, and so forth. But they're in the entire body. They may fall upon one person tonight, a prophecy, and It might not never fall on that person again; It might be somewhere else in the body. And those spirits are supposed to be judged. "Let one speak and two or three judge," said Paul.
:''Now, those are the spirits of the gifts that's in the Church. But the only person that has a right to say, THUS SAITH THE LORD, is an a vindicated prophet. You never seen anybody judging Isaiah, or Jeremiah, or those people. They were prophets, foreordained and borned in the world to be prophets. And they foresaw the thing by a vision, and then said, "THUS SAITH THE LORD," for the Lord had already said it.

:''Now, those are the nine spiritual gifts that's in the body now. They work through the body. But then there is gifts and callings without repentance. That's an a vindicated prophet sent from God, from... You don't receive that. That's a gift sent from God, that's born in your birth, come down through, and been set you down through. And that... A prophet, not a gift of prophecy...
Who ever stood to judge Isaiah, to see whether his prophecy was right or not? They knowed from his time through that he was a prophet. Who stood to say to Jeremiah, when God told him He made him a prophet before he was born from his mother's womb. And all those who lived right, they knowed he was a prophet.
:''He said, "Now, you... I have appeared (in other words) from God to tell you that your peculiar birth (Which I had, there sets my mother can tell you.) and peculiar life (That's right. No one never understood me.) has been to indicate that you're to take a gift of Divine healing to the peoples of the world." Seventh grade education, poor, how could I ever feed the world, local little Baptist preacher there in the city? He said, "If you'll be sincere when you pray..."
:''Now, remember. The gift was borned here. I had nothing to do with it coming. No one--no one, friends. Don't never let anyone deceive you. Gifts are sent from God alone. God alone, it's the foreknowledge...
:''Now, there's nine spiritual gifts in the church. They might be on--like on this man tonight, and on that one over there, so forth like that. But prophecy of that type, and so forth, has to have two or three witnesses to a--look over it, and judge it, and see if it's right or not.
:''But you never see them stand before Isaiah or Jeremiah, or any of them to judge them. They had THUS SAITH THE LORD from their birth. And everybody knowed that what they said come to pass. They had the Word of the Lord. And in div--in old times, divers places God... At sundry times, God spoke to us by the prophets, but in this last days has spoke to us through Jesus Christ.
:''...There's where we get trouble. One might prophesy and tell the truth. That doesn't make you a prophet. It might never come to you again.  A prophet is a vindicated person from birth, coming down with the Word of the Lord. A prophet...
:''There's a difference in a prophet and a gift of prophecy. And if you'll notice in the Bible, healing is in plural, gifts, g-i-f-t-s, gifts of healings. But a p-r-o-p-h-e-t is a prophet. And there's a gift of prophecy, which is in the church. It's to be judged by two or three judges when It's been given. Is that true?
:''For a when a gift of prophecy come to a man, they declared him to be a prophet. Now, that's wrong. There's quite a difference between a gift of prophecy and prophet.  A gift of prophecy is in the church. But a prophet is borned a prophet. See? That's the difference. So as any man at... This man might prophesy tonight; he might never prophesy no more. It might be on that woman over there the next night, and this man back here the next night, and that one over there. See?
:''But when the gift of prophecy is operating, it cannot be received unless two or three judge it, to see whether it's right or not. But a prophet, singular, p-r-o-p-h-e-t is borned a prophet, comes up a prophet. Everything he says in the Name of the Lord is absolutely truth, if he's prophesying.
Now, you say, "That was for the Old Testament." Oh, no. They had prophets in the New Testament. Agabus and many of them were prophets in the New Testament.

==He believed that God would not allow him to make an error==
==He believed that God would not allow him to make an error==