Contact information: Difference between revisions

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    We stand behind the information that we publish.
    We stand behind the information that we publish.

    The information on BelieveTheSign is based on over a decade of detailed research.  We do think we have a pretty good handle on the things you will find here.  We honestly believe that everything on this site is as accurate as possible.  We try not to express opinions on this site but merely to raise questions based on the factual information that we have discovered through our research.
    The information on BelieveTheSign is based on over a decade of detailed research.  We do think we have a pretty good handle on the things you will find here.  We honestly believe that everything on this site is as accurate as possible.  We try not to express opinions on this site (although on occasion we can't resist) but simply try to raise questions based on the factual information that we have discovered through our research.

    However, if there is anything on this website that you believe is not factual, please provide us with reliable evidence and we will change the website on a priority basis.
    However, if there is anything on this website that you believe is not factual, please provide us with reliable evidence and we will change the website on a priority basis.