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    :''And It places it right there that '''Jesus is not God'''. See? I’ll tell you: I believe calling Jesus ‘Deity’, which we’ve had people here do that, is an entire misunderstanding or no understanding of Seed: that God is the Father, the Progenitor, the Author, the All in all of a race of His Own children, genetically, legitimately, spiritually, physically, every single way. God is not our Creator; He is our Father; He is our Source; He is our Progenitor. Call it what you want. Out of the Great Fountain, God, came every one of His sons, and nothing else came from that Lifeline, because the Bible says, “In him was life.”  
    :''And It places it right there that '''Jesus is not God'''. See? I’ll tell you: I believe calling Jesus ‘Deity’, which we’ve had people here do that, is an entire misunderstanding or no understanding of Seed: that God is the Father, the Progenitor, the Author, the All in all of a race of His Own children, genetically, legitimately, spiritually, physically, every single way. God is not our Creator; He is our Father; He is our Source; He is our Progenitor. Call it what you want. Out of the Great Fountain, God, came every one of His sons, and nothing else came from that Lifeline, because the Bible says, “In him was life.”  
    =General vulgarity=
    Lee Vayle was often quite vulgar in his sermons:
    :''Let me tell you something: a woman seduced or raped has been taken regardless of how it was done. And I would sooner know that a woman was raped than seduced, because it shows she didn't put her mind to it. She was forced to it. Yes, let's get that flat, you women sitting here, and young people... And men had better rape than seduce, also. Yeah...
    :''People come from around the world. They come over here, and they say, "Vayle's got the worst spirit in the world. Terry Sproule's got the worst spirit in the world. Roger Smith's got the worst spirit in the world. Mike Hunt's got the worst spirit." Why? Because our foreheads are strong. We've not got whore foreheads. Whore foreheads; they can have their whore foreheads. I've got as strong a forehead as the whore any day of the week. Yes, sir. The same ones like the whore, they partake of their miserable, rotten intercourse. And It says, "She commits her intercourse; she charges money for it."
    :''"Join our church. Give so much. We'll pray... We'll pray and get you out of purgatory."
    :''All that kind of hogwash and nonsense. And that whore's forehead: you can't stop her from her adulteries, because it's a real easy, nice life, and she likes it. She's in a business. She's in a racket. A whore's forehead. And when she goes through the act, it's no more than eating a piece of bread and wiping her mouth.
    :''There's your rotten prostitutes of Rome and protestantism. I'm going to tell you what: It said, "Your forehead is going to be strong against their foreheads."
    :''And these guys say, "Oh, no, no, no. You mustn't be that way when they lie about you, and they seduce the Word..." everything else. You're supposed to stand back and say, "Pretty Jesus. Nice Jesus. I'm a nice fellow."
    :''Bro. Branham categorically said that those who leave the Word: "We don't fellowship with them." Get away. They talk about oneness with God. How do you get one with God, until first you're one with the Word?
    :''"Oh," they say, "I don't believe that."
    :''Then you don't believe Logos. Whore's forehead. Jesus set His face like a flint! How did William Branham feel, knowing he's going down that road that day to be killed in that wreck? You say, "It tore his guts up." You bet it tore his guts up.
    :''"Oh, but Jesus didn't have any guts."
    :''Didn't he? "Let this cup pass, but nevertheless let it be Thy will." And he sweat, as it were, drops of blood. He didn't have any whore's forehead. Why didn't he say, "Oh, great Caiaphas, I'll acquiesce. I'll accede the Word!"?
    :''"Oh, as long as we get together, it's all fine."
    :''"O generation of vipers!" said John, "who warned you to flee from the wrath to come?"
    Christ came on with the same story. Let them know they circumnavigated the whole globe with their dirty, rotten, filthy lies and tricks to make them more two-fold child of hell than themselves. Let me tell you: this age goes down with a seven-more-fold child of hell than the first age, because the cup of iniquity is full, you see. I'm not mad. I'm just telling you. I'm no judgment teacher. I'm just preaching the Word of God. You do what you want with it.ref>Lee Vayle, Rapture, September 25th, 1983</ref>

    =Current status of Vaylism=
    =Current status of Vaylism=

    Some churches that initially started off as followers of Lee Vayle have gone off on a separate tangent, such as the followers of Terry Sproule in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
    Some churches that initially started off as followers of Lee Vayle have gone off on a separate tangent, such as the followers of Terry Sproule in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.