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    :''Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you...<ref>The Holy Bible: King James Version, Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version. (Bellingham, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc., 2009), 2 Co 6:17.</ref>
    :''Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you...<ref>The Holy Bible: King James Version, Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version. (Bellingham, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc., 2009), 2 Co 6:17.</ref>
    =Quotes of William Branham=
    224 He don’t care what your organization is. It’s nonsense. It’s connected with Catholicism and gone back in it, and stayed in it, and you receive that same mark that she is. Didn’t the angel say, “Come out of her, My people, and be not partakers of her sins, and I’ll receive you”? “Touch not her unclean things, and I’ll receive you,” the Holy Spirit speaking. 225 “And whosoever takes the mark of the beast, or the letter of his name.” Wish we had time to go into that; my time is up. What’s the letter of his name? Protestantism. “Let us make an image likened unto it. Let us make an organization. Our church is just as big as the Catholic church.” They took all these things. “They had the big churches, and we do, too. We got just as much of the class of the city, in our church, as they have in theirs. Let us make an image unto the beast.” And what’d the Bible said, she is a “WHORE,” and that’s a “HARLOT,” through organization.
      54-0513 - The Mark Of The Beast
    151 So keep out of them isms! Congregate yourself with somebody who believes, associate yourselves. The Bible said, “Yoke yourself not up among unbelievers.” “Be ye separated,” saith God. Come out! The Bible said, “Come out from among them, and be…touch not their unclean things, and I will receive you. I’m the Lord Who stands in the midst of the church.” That’s right. Come out! Don’t associate with such! 152 But let…get yourself among some church, some good church. Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Campbellite, whoever it may be, it don’t make…Where real true believers are in there, they don’t care what the church creed says, they go there to meet with their brothers and sisters and worship God, together. All right.
      54-0515 - Questions And Answers
    25 Notice, when Abraham and Lot separated, and God had to destroy Sodom, get rid of Lot, as long as Lot hung around, they had trouble. God told him, “Get thee out from amongst thy kindred, and from amongst thy people, and I’ll bless you.” And I’m telling you, you can’t… God calls for a separation. The world wants mixers, but God wants separators. He wants the people to separate themselves from sin and from the world. “Come out from among them, be ye separated, saith God, touch not their unclean things.” God calls for separation.
      54-0814 - The Unconditional Covenant That God Made With The People
      Rev. William Marrion Branham
    20 God calls every man to separation, not one exception. Every man that comes to Christ must separate himself from the things of the world. To have faith in God, you can’t walk around where people are, and be in people, and associate with people that’s in the wrong thing and expect to have faith. You can’t get around where Thomases is at and—and all of his children, and where they say, “Oh, the days of miracles is past, and there is no such thing as that.” The first thing you know, that spirit will get on you. Come out from among them the Bible says. Separate yourself; be separated. “Touch not their unclean things and I will receive you, saith the Lord.”
      56-0613 - Jehovah-Jireh
    201 But God’s chosen Ones are commanded to come out from among them. “Be ye separated,” saith God, “and I will receive you. Touch not their worldly things, and I’ll be a Father to you, or God, and you’ll be My sons and daughters. Yoke yourself not up with unbelievers, but come out of it!” God wants separation from the world. He wants to be unionized with you, Himself. And no man-made scheme of organization, denomination, or any man-made theories will ever stand.
      62-0211 - Oneness
    216 What did this angel say? “Come out of her!” Yes, sir. This angel came to the earth, and he come to bring the Light, and he shined the Light around the world. He was a mighty angel. And he come to proclaim the Message of “Come out of Babylon! Touch not her unclean things!”
    217 Got a whole cage full of them. Said, “She’s the cage of every hateful bird.” Yeah, she got a cage full of them now, the World Council of Churches, or lodges. She’s got the whole bunch caged up now, they’re all coming together.
    223 And when you join up with a citizen…a system, and become a citizen of that system, you are showing what you are. And in this last days, God is calling the people out of it. The Bible said so, “Come out of her, that you be not partakers with her, and I will receive you. Touch not her unclean things, see, and I will receive you. And you’ll be sons and daughters to Me, and I’ll be God to you.” See?
      62-1111E - Why I'm Against Organized Religion
    246 And, remember, this election, is coming now, is just not going to another nation, it’s going to Glory, where their names are wrote on the Lamb’s Book of Life. Not under the natural, little animal lamb that brought Israel out, that they could backslide from there and go back. But, this can’t. This is under the Blood of the Lamb of God that was slain before the foundation of the world. And their names were put on the Lamb’s Book of Life before the foundation of the world. And they’re in there, elected. And when that Light flashes over them, like that, them denominational walls drop away from them, and here they come. “Come out from among them,” said the Holy Spirit in these last days. “Touch not their unclean things. I’ll be God to you; you be sons and daughters to Me.” Now, watch.
      63-0630M - The Third Exodus
    What was he? Manifestation of the Word, Light. Same God that spoke in Genesis; that spoke this, and here come the Light. As He said, “Let there be light, for the sun,” the sun come in existence; say He said there’d be “a voice of one crying in the wilderness,” here it come forth. It was the Light of the hour. 203 He also said, in the last days! Amen! It’s the Light of the hour, crying in the wilderness of Babylon, “Come out of her, My people, that you be not partakers of her sins. Touch not her unclean thing! Get away from it! Flee from the wrath that is to come!”
      63-1229M - There Is A Man Here That Can Turn On The Light
    210 Losing your hold on the Word, and accepting creeds and self-exaltation by man’s exhortation, we have seen them lose their hold with the great Holy Spirit. We’ve seen the Pentecostals do the same thing. And you see it. When they organize, they die. There is no way back; there never has been, and there never will be. God is against the thing. It’s really sin. Said, in the last days He’d say, “Come out from among them, My people, that you touch not their unclean things; and I’ll receive you.”
      64-0315 - Influence
    186 Sometime ago, in the South, a little story. There was a king…or, a buyer. They sold slaves. That was in time of—of segregation, and they had slaves in the South. They was a…They’d go by and buy them, just like you would a used car, off of a lot. 187 Now, '''I am an integrationist, absolutely…I mean a segregationalist. I am a segregationalist.''' Because, I don’t care how much they argue, you cannot be a Christian and be an integrationist. That’s exactly right. God even separates His nations. He separates His people. “Come out from among them!” He’s a…He is a segregationalist. “Don’t even…Touch not their unclean things!” He pulled Israel, that Jewish race, out of every, all the races in the world. He is a segregationalist.
      65-0206 - Doors In Door
    111 Cannot do it! Now it’s Seed time, or Bride time. The shucks are dead. The shucks are dried up. The virgin Word time, not touched. It’s a virgin, remember, a virgin Word time. If you’d put It in the hands of a denomination, It sure won’t be virgin; It’ll be man-handled, time you get to It. But God’s Church is not touched by denomination. Hallelujah! It’s a virgin-born Word of God made manifest, Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever. Hallelujah! How, how wonderful! I love It. I believe It. I know that It’s the Truth. It’ll not be touched. There’ll be no denominational man-handling in the virgin Birth of the Bride. No, sir! She is—she is commanded by God to come out of such. “Touch not their unclean things, become vultures.”
      65-0218 - The Seed Is Not Heir With The Shuck
    53 The Church Itself, the word church means “called-out one, come out,” those who have come out. “Come out of her, My people! Be ye separated, saith the Lord, and I will receive you unto Myself. Touch not their unclean things.” The Church of God is called out of the world, out of the chaos of the world. You’re no more of the world.
      65-0427 - Does God Change His Mind?

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