Questions and answers on the Godhead: Difference between revisions

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    ===Is the temple the only Old Testament comparison to man?===
    No. The prophet Ezekiel saw a visions of angels descending from heaven with the likeness of man (Ezekiel 1:5).  Beside each of these angels was a wheel in a wheel, (Ezekiel 1:16) and the spirit of the angels was found in the wheels (Ezekiel 1:20).  This vision may sound cryptic, but the angel had the likeness of a man: Body (angel), spirit (wheel), and soul (wheel in a wheel). 
    The purpose of the body is to perform the will of the spirit (James 2:26).  The purpose of the spirit is expression (I Corinthians 14:14, Isaiah 11:2).  The gate to the soul is faith, which is the ability to believe (Hebrews 10:39, Habakkuk 2:4).  Faith is what ties us to God or separates us from God.  No other creature on earth has this ability.