Rise of a Woman in America

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    1933 Visions: SummaryFDRMussoliniHitlerIsmsEgg CarsDriverlessMoralityElectionWoman LeaderDestruction

    Kamala Harris being sworn in as the Vice President of the United States

    William Branham claimed he saw a series of seven ten prophetic visions in June 1933, which he also claimed to write down in an old book. In the seventh vision, a woman rose to great power in America. William Branham was not sure whether the "Woman" in this vision was a physical woman, or a religious power such as the Catholic Church.

    In 1955, William Branham told of a prophecy he made:

    “Before the end time comes, there’ll be a woman, that’ll be a great ruler in this nation. She will either be president or something on that order, some great woman. ...That was in 1932, or something like that.[1]

    Did William Branham prophesy the election of Kamala Harris?

    Pope Francis in his purple robe

    The first 10 minutes of Episode 65 of the Off The Shelf podcast addresses the Kamala Harris prophecy - click here to listen

    Many message followers are pointing to a statement by William Branham from 1960:

    And remember, THUS SAITH THE LORD there will be a woman rule before the end time. She’ll either be President, Vice President, or it’ll be the Catholic Church as a woman. I’ve seen her: A great woman, the nation bowed to her. It’ll be one before the end time. THUS SAITH THE LORD. Write it down and find out, you young people. See if it happens. If it isn’t, I’m a false prophet.[2]

    They also get quite excited about a quote from 1961:

    Now, I predicted, and have said, “I saw a great woman stand up, beautiful-looking, dressed in real highly royal-like purple.” And I got little parenthesis down here, “(She was a great ruler in the United States; perhaps the Catholic church.)” A woman, some woman; I don’t know it’ll be the Catholic church. I don’t know. I can’t say. Only thing I seen, I seen the woman, that was all.[3]

    On January 20, 2021, Kamala Harris was sworn-in as the Vice President of the United States of America. Was this the fulfillment of William Branham's prophecy?

    Classifying William Branham's prophecies

    William Branham made a number of predictions and prophecies. Based on our research, William Branham's "prophecies" can be classified into three categories:

    1. Those that are clearly False,
    2. Those that are so vague that they will almost certainly be fulfilled in some way, and
    3. Prophecies that are based on scripture, common scientific knowledge and/or common sense.

    In 1955, William Branham stated that a woman would become a great ruler in the US. She would either be president or something on that order.

    In 1956, he stated that a woman would be president before the US was annihilated. He stated that the prophecy was written down. He also said on various occasions that it might be the Catholic church. In 1963, he stated it was not actually a woman but a church.

    He mentioned this prophecy approximately 14 times in the 10 years prior to his death in 1965.

    In looking at this prophecy, we need to ask a couple of questions.

    Was this prophecy unique?

    Was William Branham the first person to prophecy that a woman would be president? Or a vice president?

    According to an article in The Atlantic dated November 1, 2016, predictions of a women president (or presidentess) started even before women had the vote. A 1910 headline in the Meade County News, a Kansas newspaper stated:

    Mere Man Faces Danger of a Woman Being President of the United States

    A newspaper advertisement in 1892 predicted that by 1992, a 100 years later, perhaps the first woman would be inaugurated as president. And in 1928, a Los Angeles Times article humorously predicted that by the year 1975, "there will doubtless be a lady President of the United Sates with a lady Cabinet and a lady Senate."

    When William Branham predicted that a woman would be president of the United States at some unknown time in the future, he was not the first to make such a prediction.

    After women were given the vote in the US. simple common sense would tell you that the prediction would come true at some time in the future, however distant that might be.

    Was this prophecy vague?

    Is this a prophecy that is sufficiently vague that it will almost certainly be fulfilled?

    The details of this prophecy seem intentionally ambiguous. The woman is a president or a vice president or a dictator or the Catholic church or any other thing that might be symbolically portrayed as a powerful woman.

    One could use the exact same prophecy to claim fulfillment of heavy Catholic influence or an actual woman in power. Predicting that a woman will someday be President of the United States carries with it the same inevitability as a massive earthquake along the San Andreas fault line, or cars that will one day drive themselves. That doesn't take a prophet and William Branham was not the first to predict any of these things.

    Women obtained the legal right to vote nationally in the US in 1920. William Branham stated he received this prophecy in 1933. Given the way history was moving it was not hard to believe in 1933 that a woman would eventually be president or vice president. If the prophecies were actually made in 1933… and there is some doubt about that… then to see a woman as vice president some 87 years later is not an astounding prophecy.

    As a result, it is reasonable to conclude that this prophecy qualifies as being sufficiently fuzzy as to almost certainly be fulfilled at some time in the future.

    Is this a prophecy which William Branham takes from scripture?

    What about the fact that Kamala Harris was wearing purple? Isn’t this a clear indication of a non-vague prophecy?

    In a sermon which on December 7, 1960, William Branham quotes revelation 17:4… “And the woman was arrayed in purple…” and then he says “The beast was scarlet, but the woman was arrayed in purple.”

    So, if he thought that the woman in his vision was the Catholic church and the Bible says she was wearing purple, then it is not surprising for William Branham to say that in his vision the woman was wearing purple. What is surprising is that he never referred to the powerful woman wearing purple at any time prior to 1960. It was only later, after he quoted Revelation 17:4 in a sermon, that he mentions her wearing purple.

    This is an example of the third category of prophecies that William Branham made. It is a prophecy which he takes from scripture.

    I think it is important to note that message followers are desperate to find a valid prophecy that William Branham made. Our highest traffic in the past 5 years was in early November 2016 when Hillary Clinton vied against Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election.

    Psychologists have proved that where prophecies made by revered religious leaders fail, their followers become more fervent in their beliefs and will go on to believe things that normal people shake their heads at.

    This is very hard for people outside the message to understand but this is what is happening in the message. The followers of William Branham are sadly becoming more and more like a cult.

    What if this was a valid prophecy?

    Say that this is a valid prophecy, does it negate the others prophecies that clearly failed?

    God tells us in Deuteronomy 18:20-22 that

    "A prophet who presumes to speak in my name anything I have not commanded, or a prophet who speaks in the name of other gods, is to be put to death.” You may say to yourselves, “How can we know when a message has not been spoken by the Lord?” If what a prophet proclaims in the name of the Lord does not take place or come true, that is a message the Lord has not spoken. That prophet has spoken presumptuously, so do not be alarmed.[4]

    This is a “one strike and you’re out test” which William Branham applied to himself. If we can find one failed prophecy, we don’t have to look any farther.

    There are a number of visions which William Branham made which failed. The municipal bridge vision failed, as did the Brown Bear vision, and the vision of the meetings in South Africa. As a result, we can state without hesitation that you should not pay attention to William Branham.

    The important question is this - does Kamala Harris being elected as vice president AND wearing purple at her inauguration mean that William Branham is everything that message followers say he is?

    The answer is No, it does not.

    We are still left with the myriad failed visions and after the fact prophecies. We are faced with sermons that William Branham says he received from God but were clearly plagiarized. We are confronted with an astounding lack of credibility. None of that has changed.

    We are certainly willing to admit that William Branham stated in a 87 year old prophecy that a woman might be vice president. He got it right. But that is not an astounding prophecy. That she would wear purple is a bit better but it appears he was merely trying to make reference to Revelation 17:4.

    We could prophecy today that a woman in the future will be president and that this future president will wear scarlet at some time. That prophecy will come true… at some time in the future. But that does not make the writer of this article a prophet. We simply understand that some things are inevitable.

    However, message followers will point to this and will believe the message more fervently, just as the psychologists predicted. That is sad but not something that can be discussed rationally with message followers.

    Message preachers will continue to fill their congregations with fear… Something that the Bible says is the opposite of a real relationship with God. Again, this is regretful. We understand from Romans 8:15 that we did not receive a spirit that makes us fear. NO! We received God’s Spirit when he adopted us as his own children. Now we call him, “Abba, Father.” For his Spirit joins with our spirit to affirm that we are God’s children.

    That is what being a Christ follower is about

    Message followers now believe that the destruction of the United States will happen shortly. As a result, some message followers will sell their houses and spend their life savings, just as happened prior to 1977.

    The Multiple Versions of the Prophecy

    William Branham said that the prophecy was written down, so each retelling of it should have been consistent. However, William Branham's statement that a woman would rise to the American Presidency later changed to women voting in a Catholic president. The great woman became beautiful and cruel, and William Branham claimed this was fulfilled with the election of JFK. Later, the woman was dressed in purple. In one sermon this was to be followed immediately by the destruction of America. William Branham omitted JFK from the fulfillment of this prophecy after the President was assassinated in November 1963.

    Rosie the Riviter

    Here is a recap of what William Branham said (see full quotes at the bottom of this page):

    • 1955: A woman will rise to power in America as a president.
    • 1956: A woman will be president before the US is annihilated.
    • 1957: A great powerful woman will take over the whole nation.
    • 1958:
      • A woman would rule this nation.
      • A great woman will rise up, and be President or something
      • There’ll be a great, powerful woman raise up, either be President, or dictator, or some great powerful woman in this United States.
    • 1960:
      • There will be a woman rule before the end time. She’ll either be President, Vice President, or it’ll be the Catholic Church as a woman.
      • Women will vote in the wrong person (Kennedy), and a great woman beautiful and great would rise in the U.S. (perhaps the Catholic Church).
      • The coming of the control of a woman in the United States to take over, maybe a church to take over to rule.
      • Women would elect the wrong person. Then a great woman, a church, a power or something, would take over this United States, to rule. Then I seen it just like ashes,
      • A great woman wold stand up in the United States, beautiful, but cruel in heart, perhaps the Catholic church. And women being permitted to vote would help elect the wrong person... And that’s what they done. Exactly.
      • Women will be permitted to vote, and they’ll elect the wrong person (which happened in 1960) During that time, there’ll be a great woman rise up in the United States, she’ll be beautifully dressed (perhaps the Catholic church) that’ll take rulership over the power, overpower the others in the United States. She’ll be beautiful to look at, but she’ll be cruel-hearted as she can be. Then the United States just blowed to pieces.
      • A vision of the great powerful woman
    • 1961:
      • A powerful woman will stand up to the United States. She’s on her road now. And she took over. And then I seen the United States was blown up.
      • I seen a great woman rise up, beautiful to look at, but a cruel wicked heart. And that will be a church. And she’s on her road now.
      • I saw a great woman stand up, beautiful-looking, dressed in real highly royal-like purple. She was a great ruler in the United States; perhaps the Catholic church. I don’t know it’ll be the Catholic church. I don’t know. I can’t say. Only thing I seen, I seen the woman, that was all.
    • 1963: They would permit women to vote, and, in doing so, they would elect the wrong President. And in this would be a woman stand up that would govern the United States; not actually a woman, but a church.
    • 1964: a woman ruling this nation, which, perhaps, is the church. And then the end come.
    • Church Age Book: There arose up in America a most beautiful, but cruel woman. She held the people in her complete power. I believed that this was the rise of the Roman Catholic Church, though I knew it could possibly be a vision of some woman rising in great power in America due to a popular vote by women.

    William Branham also mentions that Leo Mercer would be revising this prophecy, when he said, "By the way, Mr. Mercier and many of them are going to take some of these old prophecies, and dig them out, and revise them a little, or bring them up to date, and put them in papers. [5]

    Thus saith the Lord - the women’s vote elected the wrong man

    The 1960 U.S. Presidential Election was held on November 8, 1960. Five days after the election, on November 13, 1960, William Branham mentioned a prophecy on tape for the very first time. He blamed John F. Kennedy’s election on the women’s vote:

    I'd like to read some things that I'd like for you to--to... This one first. I'd like to read something to you.
    1932: (Listen to this.) As I was on my way... Or as I was getting ready to go on my way to church this morning, it came to pass that I fell into a vision. Our services is being held on Meigs Avenue at the old orphans' home, where Charlie Kern lives in part of the building." (He lives just across the street now, you know.)
    And it came to pass that while I was in this vision I seen some dreadful things take place. I speak this in the Name of the Lord.
    It shall--also has been an evil thing done in this country; they have permitted women to vote. This is a woman's nation, and she will pollute this nation as Eve did Eden. Now, you see why I'm hammering the way I do. I got, THUS SAITH THE LORD. In her voting she will elect the wrong person. …Women, given the right to vote, elected President-elect Kennedy--with the woman's vote, the wrong man, which will finally be to full control of the Catholic church in the United States; then the bomb comes that explodes her.[6]

    But he was wrong. According to Gallup, during the 1960 election 51% of women voted for Nixon and 49% voted for Kennedy.[7] So, this is a false THUS SAITH THE LORD prophecy that was first spoken after it had been 'fulfilled'. Read more on Women's Suffrage.

    And why did William Branham first "read" this prophecy publicly only after he thought that it had been fulfilled?

    Preach against those you don’t like

    William Branham did not respect Franklin D. Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, voting women, Jacqueline Kennedy, or the Catholic Church. It is no surprise that these people made their way from his sermons into his prophecies. In the United States, women were given a right to vote in 1920. William Branham called this an “evil thing”, which he claimed he had the right to do because he had “Thus Saith The Lord”.

    Message Believers and Women Politicians

    Message Believers watch women in politics very closely, and have many conspiracy theories about them. Some (like Pearry Green) have claimed that Hillary Clinton will be the fulfillment of this prophecy and run for President. Yet others supported Sarah Palin in her candidacy as she was Republican "and not evil". So in our experience the fulfillment of this prophecy seems to be interpreted by the political leanings of the individual Message Believer.

    Quotes of William Branham

    Wrote twenty-three years ago. “Before the end time comes, there’ll be a woman, that’ll be a great ruler in this nation. She will either be president or something on that order, some great woman. And at that time, automobiles, just before the coming of the Lord, will be in the shape of an egg.” Now, remember that; keep it in mind. See? That was in 1932, or something like that.[8]

    But just remember this. I predict this: that a woman will be president before we’re annihilated. That’s right. I said that in 1933 by a vision.[9]

    Women are taking over. Course, that’s just the trend and the prophecy of the day, that this nation is a woman’s nation. It’ll be run by a woman. And remember, thir-… 1933, I saw that come in a vision, a great powerful woman will take over the whole nation, some day, that’s exactly right, before the end time, ’fore total annihilation.[10]

    And you remember, I’ve already predicted in 1933, a woman would rule this nation before the chaos, by the annihilation. See her face on the money; she’s everything; she’s a goddess; she’s… Hollywood’s done it. The reason that takes place, is because you stayed home on Wednesday night from the prayer meeting to watch some old dirty play of “We Love Sucy,” or something like that.[11]

    And then there will be a great woman rise up, ’cause America is a woman’s nation. And it’ll …A great woman will rise up, and be President or something like that, in the nation. And then there will come a total annihilation. The entire nation will be wiped out. And, that, I predict…Now this is not the Lord saying this. (The other, about the woman, it is, is the Lord.) But I predicted, in 1933, that the world would meet total annihilation before ’77.[12]

    And I said, “Remember, in that day, before the end time comes, before the end time comes, that a woman… Now, you all keep this wrote down. There’ll be a great, powerful woman raise up, either be President, or dictator, or some great powerful woman in this United States. And she’ll sink, under the influence of women. Now, you remember, that’s THUS SAITH THE LORD.” See?[13]

    And remember, THUS SAITH THE LORD there will be a woman rule before the end time. She’ll either be President, Vice President, or it’ll be the Catholic Church as a woman. I’ve seen her: A great woman, the nation bowed to her. It’ll be one before the end time. THUS SAITH THE LORD. Write it down and find out, you young people. See if it happens. If it isn’t, I’m a false prophet.[14]

    “It shall also…has been an evil thing done in this country, they have permitted women to vote. This is a woman’s nation, and she will pollute this nation as Eve did Eden.” Now you see why I’m hammering the way I do? I got THUS SAITH THE LORD. “In her voting, she will elect the wrong person." “The Americans will take a great beating at a place that Germany will build, which will be a great wall built of concrete,” the Maginot Line, eleven years before it was ever built, “but finally they will be victors. “Then when these women help elect the wrong person, then I seen a great woman rise up in the United States, well-dressed and beautiful, but cruel in heart. She will either guide or lead this nation to ruination.” I got, in parenthesis, “(Perhaps, Catholic church).[15]

    I was quoting last night a prophecy that was given me back in 1933 of seven things would take place: Germany, the Sieg—Siegfried Line, and the president election, and all these other things. Five of them has already taken place, two left: the coming of the control of a woman in the United States to take over, maybe a church to take over to rule. Watch. It’s THUS SAITH THE LORD.[16]

    Look at the prophecy the Lord give me in ’33, how it would happen, “They’d permit women to vote. In voting, they’d elect the wrong person.” Seven things was give, and five of them has already happened. The next thing was a great woman, a church, a power or something, would take over this United States, to rule. Then I seen it just like ashes, laying, where it come to the end. It was the end time.[17]

    Now, and it said in there, “At that time, there’d be a great woman stand up in the United States.” And she was dressed and beautiful, but she was cruel in heart. And I got in parenthesis on the vision, even yellow paper, said, “perhaps the Catholic church.” And the women being permitted to vote would help elect the wrong person for this nation. And that’s what they done. Exactly. Now, said, “That would be the beginning.”[18]

    Now, just one minute, let’s stop here just a second, by the way. And let’s—us turn now to Revelation, 17th chapter, just a minute. Just turned right straight to it... Now, the seven heads are the seven “mountains” on which the city sets. And this woman is the city, we know. And the woman was arrayed in purple… “The woman.” The beast was scarlet, but the woman was arrayed in purple.[19]

    Now, so then I said, “There will be in that time, during that time the women will be permitted to vote, and they’ll elect the wrong person.” They did it on this last election. That’s right. “Which will start the stronghold. During that time it’ll come to pass that—that there’ll be a great woman rise up in the United States, she’ll be beautifully dressed,” and I got in parenthesis: “(perhaps the Catholic church).” See? “That’ll take rulership over the power, overpower the others in the United States. She’ll be beautiful to look at, but she’ll be cruel-hearted as she can be.” I said, “Then I looked again, and I saw the United States just blowed to pieces. There wasn’t nothing left on it.” 200 And I predicted then. “Now this, that was THUS SAITH THE LORD.”[20]

    But the Lord showed me a vision of the great powerful woman, in ’33, 1933, it’s on paper. Of how that “Roosevelt would cause…he helped cause the world to go to war.” How that “Mussolini would make his first invasion to Ethiopia and he would take it, but he would come to a disgraceful end.” And how that “Then the three ism: Nazism, Fascism, and Communism, would all wind up in Communism.” And how many in here remembers me just keep…have you stand, and say it over, I’d tell you, “Watch Russia! Watch Russia, the king of the North! Watch Russia, king of the North! Watch Russia, king of the North!”? How many has heard me just say, just wave that over, over? The old-timers, you see, back in the early part of the church. Just stand there and wave it over and over, “Watch Russia, the king of the North! See, what he would do, for all those isms will heap up into Russia.”[21]

    A few days ago we… Now, I’m not Democrat nor Republican; I’m a Christian; so I don’t mention these things. But I picked up an old book there that the—the Lord had gave me a vision in 1933 when I just first become a minister, going down to the Baptist Tabernacle. And He gave me a vision that morning, and I seen the first one I remember of an international affair. And I seen that President Roosevelt that was in then, and seen that we’d go to a world war. Then I seen also that—that was eleven years before the Maginot line was built, I seen Germany fortify themselves in this big concrete place. I also seen they permitted women to vote, which was wrong. And said they would—they would someday elect the wrong man; they just did it. And then… So then I seen the time of—of the end coming, and five things that the Lord let… Seven things I saw, five of them has already come to pass. I seen a powerful woman stand up to the United States. You can write this down if you do so—it’s going to happen. I don’t know… She’s on her road now. Exactly. And she took over. And then I seen the United States just like something had burnt it over hit it, and just something, blowed up rocks and things.[22]

    And I said, “Then I seen some great powerful woman rise in the United States.” ’Cause this is a woman’s nation: woman’s picture on the money; everything is woman here. That’s right. She’s a goddess. Not you Christian women. I’m talking about… Let a little flapper come down the street here with all these shorts, and things. She can do more harm to the church of the living God, among men, than all the bootleg joints there is through the nation. That’s right. This is a… America is a woman’s nation. Got her pictures, Her number’s thirteen, thirteen colonies, thirteen stripes, thirteen stars, thirteen so… Everything is thirteen, thirteen, thirteen and a woman. See? And I seen a great woman rise up, beautiful to look at, but a cruel wicked heart. And that will be a church. And she’s on her road now.[23]   Now, I predicted, and have said, “I saw a great woman stand up, beautiful-looking, dressed in real highly royal-like purple.” And I got little parenthesis down here, “(She was a great ruler in the United States; perhaps the Catholic church.)” A woman, some woman; I don’t know it’ll be the Catholic church. I don’t know. I can’t say. Only thing I seen, I seen the woman, that was all.[24]

    1933, the Holy Spirit came one morning and told me seven things that would take place before this nation was destroyed. One of them is that. It’s on old paper there at the church, many has looked at it. How that we would go to war with Hitler and they’d… How Germany would fortify and build a Maginot Line, or the Siegfried Line, I believe it was, eleven years before it was ever thought of. And how that automobiles would constantly shape like eggs. And how that they would permit women to vote, and, in doing so, they would elect the wrong President. And in this would be a woman stand up that would govern the United States; not actually a woman, but a church. Then I seen her with nothing but ashes. It’s going to happen.[25]

    And all these other things, like machines and automobiles, and—and how everything has come right down exactly what He said, until a woman ruling this nation, which, perhaps, is the church. And then the end come.[26]

    God showed me that women began to be out of their place with the granting of the vote… Then in the sixth vision there arose up in America a most beautiful, but cruel woman. She held the people in her complete power. I believed that this was the rise of the Roman Catholic Church, though I knew it could possibly be a vision of some woman rising in great power in America due to a popular vote by women. [27]

    3 Isms
    Driverless Cars


    1. William Branham, 55-0501E - The Faith That Was Once Delivered To The Saints, para. 17
    2. William Branham, 60-0716 - From That Time, para. 213
    3. William Branham, 61-0806 - The Seventieth Week Of Daniel, para. 207
    4. The New International Version (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2011), Dt 18:20-22
    7. Election poll results for the 1960 Presidential election
    8. William Branham, 55-0501E - The Faith That Was Once Delivered To The Saints, para. 17
    9. William Branham, 56-0428 - God's Covenant With Abraham, para. 44
    10. William Branham, 57-0602 - Life, para. 33
    11. William Branham, 58-0512 - Life, para. 31
    12. William Branham, 58-0720M - By Faith, Moses, para. 9-10
    13. William Branham, 58-0927 - Why Are We Not A Denomination?, para. 136
    14. William Branham, 60-0716 - From That Time, para. 213
    15. William Branham, 60-1113 - Condemnation By Representation, para. 36-38
    16. William Branham, 60-1126 - Why?, para. 92
    17. William Branham, 60-1204M - The Revelation Of Jesus Christ, para. 390
    18. William Branham, 60-1205 - The Ephesian Church Age, para. 48
    19. William Branham, 60-1207 - The Pergamean Church Age, para. 164, 176-177
    20. William Branham, 60-1208 - The Thyatirean Church Age, para. 198
    21. William Branham, 60-1211E - The Laodicean Church Age, para. 44
    22. William Branham, 61-0128 - Why?, para. 93
    23. William Branham, 61-0312 - Jehovah-Jireh, para. 77
    24. William Branham, 61-0806 - The Seventieth Week Of Daniel, para. 207
    25. William Branham, 63-1117 - Once More, para. 124
    26. William Branham, 64-0112 - Shalom, para. 74
    27. William Branham, Church Age Book, Chapter 9
